5 years, 4 months & 2 days ago
13th Sep 2019 13:29 Goals Baspinar's Castle: You need to vote in the weekly election
Biala Mountain: Buy a lottery ticket at the Lottery Game in Biala
Cnadyland: You need buy any item directly from the Bakery
City Sewers: You need to play a game of Sewer Struggle
City of MaradaYou need to check a pet into the Hotel for 28 days
Dukka CavesYou need to buy an item from the Restaurant
Eleka's Castle: You need to own any Voodoo coloured pet
Enipha: You need to use Plastic Surgery to get a new nose
Foxfire Forest: You need to play a game of Pixie Dice
Gigantic Paradise: You need to donate an item to the Pot of Gold
Jenoa: You need buy any item directly from the Armour shop
Kamilah Desert: You need to buy any item from the Candle Shop
Lowlyhood: You need to enter the Beauty Contest
Lush Lake: You need buy any item directly from the Lipstick shop
Minipet Island: You need to visit the War Redemption Shop
Nimbus: You need buy any item directly from the Toiletries Shop
Puchalla Village: You need buy any item directly from the Fruit Shop
Simeria: You need to use the Simerian Statue
Slater ParkUndying WoodsVortex ParkZiranek