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  1. Missing Toys
    4th Sep 2021 06:45
    3 years, 6 months & 23 days ago
  2. Quest Completion Summary
    25th May 2020 08:31
    4 years, 10 months & 3 days ago
  3. Quest Progress
    25th May 2020 07:54
    4 years, 10 months & 3 days ago
Missing Toys
3 years, 6 months & 23 days ago
4th Sep 2021 06:45

Advent Equilor Plushie
Advent Feliz Plushie
Advent Gonk Plushie
Advent Vixen Plushie
Advent Wallop Plushie
Advent Xoi Plushie
Advent Zoink Plushie
Arcade Zetlian Plushie
Astronaut Plushie
Blitzen Vixen Plushie
Bootleg Gobble Plushie
Breeze Kidlet Plushie
Breeze Zola Plushie
British Arinya Plushie
British Gobble Plushie
Calico Arinya Plushie
Candy Gobble Plushie
Checkered Astro Plushie
Checkered Basil Plushie
Checkered Crikey Plushie
Checkered Decadal Plushie
Checkered Gizmo Plushie
Checkered Gobble Plushie
Checkered Huthiq Plushie
Checkered Ike Plushie
Checkered Phanty Plushie
Checkered Pucu Plushie
Checkered Troit Plushie
Checkered Viotto Plushie
Checkered Zoosh Plushie
Cheese Arinya Plushie
Christmas Tree Vixen Plushie
Dalmatian Crikey Plushie
Dark Renat Plushie
Dark Zetlian Plushie
Daylight Zola Plushie
Decadal Figurine
Devil Phanty Plushie
Digital Arinya Plushie
Digital Astro Plushie
Digital Azul Plushie
Digital Basil Plushie
Digital Bolimo Plushie
Digital Crikey Plushie
Digital Daisy Plushie
Digital Decadal Plushie
Digital Echlin Plushie
Digital Ercuw Plushie
Digital Fasoro Plushie
Digital Feliz Plushie
Digital Gizmo Plushie
Digital Gonk Plushie
Digital Grint Plushie
Digital Hump Plushie
Digital Ideus Plushie
Digital Ike Plushie
Digital Jessup Plushie
Digital Kaala Plushie
Digital Lorius Plushie
Digital Mordo Plushie
Digital Nino Plushie
Digital Oglue Plushie
Digital Osafo Plushie
Digital Phanty Plushie
Digital Poera Plushie
Digital Pucu Plushie
Digital Quell Plushie
Digital Raulf Plushie
Digital Snookle Plushie
Digital Sybri Plushie
Digital Tantua Plushie
Digital Troit Plushie
Digital Ushunda Plushie
Digital Viotto Plushie
Digital Xoi Plushie
Digital Zetlian Plushie
Digital Zoink Plushie
Digital Zoosh Plushie
Doll Kaala Plushie
Dragon Quell Plushie
Dumpling Plushie
Easter Equilor Plushie
Easter Osafo Plushie
Eau de Roche
Eau de Stick
Eleka Snookle Plushie
Enpiah Azul Plushie
Enpiah Crindol Plushie
Enpiah Murfin Plushie
Enpiah Tantua Plushie
Evil Clown Doyle Plushie
Evil Clown Reese Plushie
Evil Clown Speiro Plushie
Evil Clown Xoi Plushie
Eyru Figurine
Fade Crikey Plushie
Fade Lati Plushie
Fade Limax Plushie
Fade Phanty Plushie
Fade Poera Plushie
Fade Vlad Plushie
Fade Zoink Plushie
Fade Zola Plushie
Fairy Decadal Plushie
Fairy Eyru Plushie
Fairy Gobble Plushie
Fairy Lorius Plushie
Fairy Poera Plushie
Fairy Pucu Plushie
Fairy Rofling Plushie
Fairy Zola Plushie
Fire Fairy Gonk Plushie
Fire Fairy Ideus Plushie
Fire Fairy Poera Plushie
Fire Fairy Raulf Plushie
Fire Fairy Wallop Plushie
Fire Snookle Plushie
Fire Tasi Plushie
Firework Sindi Plushie
Floral Gobble Plushie
Frozen Advent Wreath
Goblin Addow Plushie
Goblin Equilor Plushie
Goblin Newth Plushie
Goblin Xoi Plushie
Goblin Zetlian Plushie
Halloween Bolimo Plushie
Halloween Doyle Plushie
Halloween Equilor Plushie
Halloween Feliz Plushie
Halloween Jessup Plushie
Halloween Kidlet Plushie
Halloween Osafo Plushie
Halloween Reese Plushie
Halloween Tantua Plushie
Halloween Walee Plushie
Halloween Yakubi Plushie
Hand Made White Bunny Plushie
Ice Fairy Addow Plushie
Ice Fairy Dakota Plushie
Ice Fairy Fasoro Plushie
Ice Fairy Phanty Plushie
Ice Fairy Poera Plushie
Ice Fairy Quell Plushie
Journal Rofling Plushie
Kwazikujo Plushie
Leopard Basil Plushie
Leopard Eyru Plushie
Leopard Ike Plushie
Leopard Oglue Plushie
Light Addow Plushie
Light Jessup Plushie
Light Kronk Plushie
Light Leido Plushie
Light Yuni Plushie
London Bus
Love Decadal Plushie
Love Gobble Plushie
Love Ike Plushie
Love Kronk Plushie
Love Lorius Plushie
Love Phanty Plushie
Love Yuni Plushie
Love Zola Plushie
Marasite Fasoro Plushie
Millionaire Gobble Plushie
Millionaire Wallop Plushie
Moonlight Zola Plushie
Mummy Sybri Plushie
Mummy Vixen Plushie
Mummy Vlad Plushie
Murfin in a Stocking
Musical Paffuto Plushie
Mutant Gonk Plushie
Mutant Murfin Plushie
Mutant Newth Plushie
Mutant Paffuto Plushie
Newth Backpack
Nightmare Chibs Plushie
Nightmare Sindi Plushie
Nightmare Wallop Plushie
Nightmare Xoi Plushie
Old Knutt Plushie
Old Leido Plushie
Old Osafo Plushie
Old Tantua Plushie
Old Xoi Plushie
One Hundred Balloon
Origami Bolimo Plushie
Origami Doyle Plushie
Origami Feliz Plushie
Origami Knutt Plushie
Origami Leido Plushie
Origami Xoi Plushie
Orlando Bloom
Pastel Arinya Plushie
Phantom Fasoro Plushie
Phantom Feliz Plushie
Phantom Gonk Plushie
Phantom Ike Plushie
Phantom Straya Plushie
Phantom Vixen Plushie
Phantom Wallop Plushie
Plushie Renat Plushie
Plushie Xoi Plushie
Poera Figurine
Poison Azul Plushie
Poison Crindol Plushie
Poison Ideus Plushie
Poison Leido Plushie
Poison Quell Plushie
Poison Walee Plushie
Polar Bear Plushie
Prison Gonk Plushie
Punk Kaala Plushie
Punk Tantua Plushie
Queen Eleka Mask
Queen Eleka Plushie
Radioactive Ike Plushie
Radioactive Phanty Plushie
Radioactive Zoink Plushie
Rainbow Doyle Plushie
Rainbow Equilor Plushie
Rainbow Fasoro Plushie
Rainbow Grint Plushie
Rainbow Ike Plushie
Rainbow Jessup Plushie
Rainbow Kaala Plushie
Rainbow Kidlet Plushie
Rainbow Murfin Plushie
Rainbow Paffuto Plushie
Rainbow Poera Plushie
Rainbow Reese Plushie
Rainbow Renat Plushie
Rainbow Tantua Plushie
Rainbow Xoi Plushie
Rainbow Yakubi Plushie
Rainbow Zoink Plushie
Rainbow Zola Plushie
Rainy Crikey Plushie
Rainy Feliz Plushie
Rainy Gobble Plushie
Rainy Poera Plushie
Sad Ercuw Plushie
Sad Mordo Plushie
Sad Quell Plushie
Sewage Balloon
Simerian Gonk Plushie
Simerian Speiro Plushie
Simerian Zoink Plushie
Skater Ercuw Plushie
Sleepy Quell Plushie
Snookle Figurine
Snow Gobble Plushie
Snow Huthiq Plushie
Snow Ike Plushie
Snow Kronk Plushie
Snow Oglue Plushie
Snow Viotto Plushie
Space Fairy Snookle Plushie
Spam Fairy Game
Splatter Zola Plushie
Steampunk Addow Plushie
Steampunk Ike Plushie
Steampunk Osafo Plushie
Steampunk Phanty Plushie
Steampunk Poera Plushie
Steampunk Snookle Plushie
Steampunk Wallop Plushie
Steampunk Xoi Plushie
Steampunk Zoink Plushie
Stone Age Dakota Plushie
Strobe Zola Plushie
Super Hero Murfin Plushie
Super Hero Newth Plushie
Swamp Murfin Plushie
Swamp Xoi Plushie
Swamp Yakubi Plushie
Swamp Zetlian Plushie
Sybri Figurine
Teal Sybri Plushie
Tiger Gizmo Plushie
Tiger Huthiq Plushie
Tiger Jessup Plushie
Tiger Kronk Plushie
Tiger Phanty Plushie
Tiger Zoink Plushie
Tundra Equilor Plushie
Tundra Fasoro Plushie
Tundra Ideus Plushie
Underwater Feliz Plushie
Underwater Ike Plushie
Underwater Nino Plushie
Underwater Poera Plushie
Underwater Xoi Plushie
Underwater Zoink Plushie
Uploads Sindi Plushie
Valentine Azul Plushie
Valentine Snookle Plushie
Valentine Xoi Plushie
Valentine Zetlian Plushie
Vampire Azul Plushie
Vampire Crindol Plushie
Vampire Ideus Plushie
Vampire Paffuto Plushie
Vampire Quell Plushie
Vampire Sindi Plushie
Villain Vlad Plushie
Witch Feliz Plushie
Witch Kidlet Plushie
Witch Zoink Plushie
Zombie Gobble Plushie

Quest Completion Summary
4 years, 10 months & 3 days ago
25th May 2020 08:31

Aquarium - 150 COMPLETE!
Borak's Brew - 200 COMPLETE!
Candy Tree - 500 COMPLETE!
Carpenter - 300 COMPLETE!
Computer Repair - 500 COMPLETE!
Cosmonaut - 400 COMPLETE!
Desert Spy - 400 COMPLETE!
Drew - 200 COMPLETE!
Eleka Prison - 100 COMPLETE!
Farming - 1000
Garage - 500 COMPLETE!
Haunted House - 650 COMPLETE!
Hump Racing - 250 COMPLETE!
Kamilah Traveller - 300 COMPLETE!
Knutt House - 150 COMPLETE!
Knutt Knight - 500COMPLETE!
Leprechaun - 500 COMPLETE!
Microwave - 250 COMPLETE!
Personal Trainer - 50 COMPLETE!
Puchalla Inn - 500 COMPLETE!
Queen Bee - 300 COMPLETE!
Robot Repair - 100 COMPLETE!
Santa Claws - 400 COMPLETE!
Secret Santa - 200 COMPLETE!
Sewer Monster - 450 COMPLETE!
Shusan - 250 COMPLETE!
Simerian Excavator - 250 COMPLETE!
Simerian Explorer - 200 COMPLETE!
Slater Stalker - 1000 COMPLETE!
Snowman - 500 COMPLETE!
Sumo Sally - 2500 COMPLETE!
Talon - 2500 COMPLETE!
Travis Truck - 300 COMPLETE!

Quest Progress
4 years, 10 months & 3 days ago
25th May 2020 07:54

1 - Jenoa Goal 6, Aquarium Avatar
50 - Jenoa Goal 34
100 - Jenoa Goal 38, Feed Me Avatar, Fish Lover Avatar
150 - Jenoa Goal 42

Borak's Brew
10 - Nimbus Goal 6
20 - Nimbus Goal 12
30 - Nimbus Goal 17
50 - Nimbus Goal 25
100 - Nimbus Goal 31, Borak Avatar
150 - Nimbus Goal 40
200 - Nimbus Goal 47

Candy Tree
25 - Candyland Goal 8
50 - Candyland Goal 12
75 - Candyland Goal 15, Candy Tree Avatar
100 - Candyland Goal 19
125 - Candyland Goal 22
175 - Candyland Goal 26
225 - Candyland Goal 29
300 - Candyland Goal 32
400 - Candyland Goal 36
500 - Candyland Goal 44

10 - Foxfire Forest Goal 7
25 - Foxfire Forest Goal 12
50 - Foxfire Forest Goal 18
100 - Foxfire Forest Goal 24, Carpenter Avatar
125 - Foxfire Forest Goal 27
150 - Foxfire Forest Goal 33
200 - Foxfire Forest Goal 41
250 - Foxfire Forest Goal 47
300 - Foxfire Forest Goal 50

Computer Repair
10 - Ziranek Goal 2
25 - Ziranek Goal 6
50 - Ziranek Goal 12
75 - Ziranek Goal 16
100 - Ziranek Goal 20
150 - Ziranek Goal 25
200 - Ziranek Goal 28, Computer Repair Avatar
250 - Ziranek Goal 31
300 - Ziranek Goal 35
350 - Ziranek Goal 40
400 - Ziranek Goal 43
500 - Ziranek Goal 48

50 - Cosmonaut Avatar
100 - Enpiah Goal 35
200 - Enpiah Goal 40
300 - Enpiah Goal 43
400 - Enpiah Goal 45

Desert Spy
100 - Kamilah Goal 19
200 - Kamilah Goal 26
300 - Kamilah Goal 30, Desert Spy Avatar
400 - Kamilah Goal 37

10 - Lowlyhood Goal 13
25 - Lowlyhood Goal 19
50 - Lowlyhood Goal 23, Drew Avatar
75 - Lowlyhood Goal 28
100 - Lowlyhood Goal 32
125 - Lowlyhood Goal 37
150 - Lowlyhood Goal 43
175 - Lowlyhood Goal 47
200 - Lowlyhood Goal 50

Eleka Prison
1 - Eleka Goal 12, Eleka Fountain Avatar
20 - Eleka Goal 32
40 - Eleka Goal 37
60 - Eleka Goal 42
80 - Eleka Goal 45
100 - Eleka Goal 49, Mini Minder Avatar

25 - Gigantic Paradise Goal 3
75 - Gigantic Paradise Goal 13
100 - Gigantic Paradise Goal 17
125 - Gigantic Paradise Goal 22
150 - Gigantic Paradise Goal 27
200 - Gigantic Paradise Goal 33
250 - Gigantic Paradise Goal 39
300 - Gigantic Paradise Goal 44
400 - Gigantic Paradise Goal 48

1000 - Farm Avatar

10 - City of Marada Goal 1
25 - City of Marada Goal 6
50 - City of Marada Goal 14
100 - City of Marada Goal 24
150 - City of Marada Goal 29, Garage Avatar
200 - City of Marada Goal 33
250 - City of Marada Goal 37
300 - City of Marada Goal 39, Mechanic Avatar
400 - City of Marada Goal 43
500 - City of Marada Goal 48

Haunted House
25 - Undying Woods Goal 5
50 - Undying Woods Goal 10
100 - Undying Woods Goal 15
150 - Undying Woods Goal 21
250 - Undying Woods Goal 25
350 - Undying Woods Goal 28
400 - Undying Woods Goal 31
450 - Undying Woods Goal 34
550 - Undying Woods Goal 40
650 - Undying Woods Goal 47

Hump Racing
10 - Kamilah Goal 4
25 - Kamilah Goal 9
50 - Kamilah Goal 15
100 - Kamilah Goal 22, Hump Racing Avatar
125 - Kamilah Goal 27
150 - Kamilah Goal 32
200 - Kamilah Goal 38
250 - Kamilah Goal 48

Kamilah Traveller
50 - Kamilah Goal 14
100 - Kamilah Goal 20
150 - Kamilah Goal 28
200 - Kamilah Goal 34
250 - Kamilah Goal 39
300 - Kamilah Goal 44

Knutt House
1 - Knutt House Avatar
25 - Vortex Park Goal 14
50 - Vortex Park Goal 30
75 - Vortex Park Goal 41
100 - Vortex Park Goal 45, Knutty Avatar
150 - Vortex Park Goal 50

Knutt Knight
25 - Baspinar Goal 5
45 - Baspinar Goal 8
65 - Baspinar Goal 10
85 - Baspinar Goal 13
105 - Baspinar Goal 15
125 - Baspinar Goal 18
150 - Baspinar Goal 21
200 - Baspinar Goal 24
300 - Baspinar Goal 28
400 - Baspinar Goal 44
500 - Baspinar Goal 48, Knutt Knight Avatar

50 - Gigantic Paradise Goal 8
100 - Gigantic Paradise Goal 15
125 - Gigantic Paradise Goal 19
150 - Gigantic Paradise Goal 24
200 - Gigantic Paradise Goal 30, Leprechaun Avatar
300 - Gigantic Paradise Goal 35
400 - Gigantic Paradise Goal 41
500 - Gigantic Paradise Goal 46

10 - Microwave Avatar
100 - Ziranek Goal 38
250 - Ziranek Goal 47

Personal Trainer
1 - Lush Lake Goal 12
3 - Lush Lake Goal 17
5 - Lush Lake Goal 22
10 - Lush Lake Goal 28
25 - Lush Lake Goal 38
50 - Lush Lake Goal 45

Puchalla Inn
25 - Puchalla Village Goal 7
50 - Puchalla Village Goal 12
75 - Puchalla Village Goal 16
100 - Puchalla Village Goal 19
125 - Puchalla Village Goal 24
150 - Puchalla Village Goal 29
200 - Puchalla Village Goal 32
250 - Puchalla Village Goal 35
300 - Puchalla Village Goal 40
400 - Puchalla Village Goal 44, Puchalla Inn Avatar
500 - Puchalla Village Goal 48

Queen Bee
10 - Foxfire Forest Goal 2
25 - Foxfire Forest Goal 9
50 - Foxfire Forest Goal 14
75 - Foxfire Forest Goal 20
100 - Foxfire Forest Goal 25
125 - Foxfire Forest Goal 29
150 - Foxfire Forest Goal 36
200 - Foxfire Forest Goal 39
250 - Foxfire Forest Goal 44, Queen Bee Avatar
300 - Foxfire Forest Goal 49

Robot Repair
1 - Robot Repair Avatar
100 - Robot Rescuer Avatar

Santa Claws
35 - Biala Goal 5
65 - Biala Goal 10
100 - Biala Goal 15
140 - Santa Claws Avatar
200 - Biala Goal 25
300 - Biala Goal 28
350 - Biala Goal 35
400 - Biala Goal 46

Secret Santa
200 - Secret Santa Avatar

Sewer Monster
25 - City Sewers Goal 2
50 - City Sewers Goal 7, Sewer Monster Avatar
75 - City Sewers Goal 11
100 - City Sewers Goal 14
125 - City Sewers Goal 17
150 - City Sewers Goal 20
175 - City Sewers Goal 22
200 - City Sewers Goal 25
250 - City Sewers Goal 31
300 - City Sewers Goal 37
400 - City Sewers Goal 43
450 - City Sewers Goal 49

25 - Vortex Park Goal 3
50 - Vortex Park Goal 8
75 - Vortex Park Goal 18
100 - Vortex Park Goal 24
150 - Vortex Park Goal 31
200 - Vortex Park Goal 37, Shusan Avatar
250 - Vortex Park Goal 43

Simerian Excavator
10 - Simeria Goal 3
25 - Simeria Goal 10
50 - Simeria Goal 15
75 - Simeria Goal 22
100 - Simeria Goal 34
150 - Simeria Goal 39
200 - Simeria Goal 43, Simerian Excavator Avatar
250 - Simeria Goal 47

Simerian Explorer
25 - Simeria Goal 20
35 - Simerian Explorer Avatar
50 - Simeria Goal 25
75 - Simeria Goal 37
100 - Simeria Goal 41
150 - Simeria Goal 45
200 - Simeria Goal 49

Slater Stalker
25 - Slater Park Goal 33
50 - Slater Park Goal 37
100 - Slater Park Goal 41
150 - Slater Park Goal 46
200 - Slater Park Goal 49
1000 - Slater Stalker Avatar

25 - Biala Goal 3
50 - Biala Goal 9, Snowman Avatar
75 - Biala Goal 14
125 - Biala Goal 21
250 - Biala Goal 26
350 - Biala Goal 29
400 - Biala Goal 39
450 - Biala Goal 44
500 - Biala Goal 49

Sumo Sally
50 - Candyland Goal 42
100 - Candyland Goal 46
250 - Candyland Goal 48
1000 - Sumo Champion Avatar
2500 - Sumo Sally Avatar

100 - Kamilah Goal 8, Talon Avatar
250 - Kamilah Goal 18
500 - Kamilah Goal 25
750 - Kamilah Goal 33
1000 - Kamilah Goal 42
2500 - Kamilah Goal 49

Travis Truck
25 - Vortex Park Goal 5
50 - Vortex Park Goal 10
75 - Vortex Park Goal 15
90 - Travis Truck Avatar
100 - Vortex Park Goal 20
125 - Vortex Park Goal 26
150 - Vortex Park Goal 29
200 - Vortex Park Goal 34
250 - Vortex Park Goal 40
300 - Vortex Park Goal 46

  1. Missing Toys
    4th Sep 2021 06:45
    3 years, 6 months & 23 days ago
  2. Quest Completion Summary
    25th May 2020 08:31
    4 years, 10 months & 3 days ago
  3. Quest Progress
    25th May 2020 07:54
    4 years, 10 months & 3 days ago