Temple of Tableaus
12 years, 4 months & 4 days ago
22nd Aug 2012 13:54 1. Blue Fropa....Mummy Wrap
2. Flub.........10,000 MP
3. Purple Fropa....Sundial Ring
4. Orange Fee.....12,500 MP
5. Pink Flow......Nude Plushie
6. Red Flicker....25,000 MP
7. Flow.........CocoAyla has gained a level stat!
8. Purple Fropa.....Ancient Pot
9. Foh..........37,500 MP
10.Snailbot.......CocoAyla has gained 1 coordination stat!
11.Cockroach.....CocoAyla has gained 1 strength stat!
12.Flix & Red Flix......50,000 MP
13.Flub & Mosquito......CocoAyla has gained 3 charisma stats!
14................. Simerian History Vol 7
15.Yellow Fee & Red Fumb.......55,000 MP
16.Blue Frex & Earwig ........62,500 MP
17.Snailbot & Orange Frex.......CocoAyla has gained 2 speed stats!
18.Yellow Flow & Yellow Flow......Mythological Melodies
19.Foh & Blue Fropa.......125,000MP
20.Blue Flow & Flub.......Nude
21.Fly & Yellow Flub......CocoAyla has gained 4 magic stats!
22.Purple Flow, Red Frex & Blue Fropa.......Spartacus
23.Red Foh, Blue Frex & Green Flow.......CocoAyla has gained 3 health stats!
24.Yellow Foh, Purple Flix & Foh......CocoAyla has gained 5 Language stats!
25.Red Frex, Flow & Blue Flicker......250,000 MP
26.Yellow Fee, Green Fropa & Fishbot......Medusa Trading Card
27.Flow, Foh & Purple Flix.......Medusa Stamp
28.Pink Flow, Green Frex & Bulb.......375,000 MP
29...............1 AU Credit
30.Red Flow, Yellow Flow & Yellow Foh.............Congratulations! You found the 'Tableaus' Hidden Avatar!
CocoAyla uses the Minipets knowledge and....
Congratulations!! You have made your way through the Temple of Tableaus!!!
You can now choose a Hidden Avatar of your choice to be added to your collection......Fawlt Avatar
1.Fee...........Mummy Wrap
2.Flow..............10,000 MP
3.Yellow Flix........Sundial Ring
4.Foh.......12,500 MP
5.Blue Flicker.........Nude Plushie
6.Fee...............25,000 MP
7.Ant.............CocoAyla has gained a level stat!
8.Flicker............Ancient Pot
9.Purple Flix...........37,500 MP
10.Foh.......CocoAyla has gained 1 coordination stat!
11.Red Frex......CocoAyla has gained 1 strength stat!
12.Beebot & Blue Faye........50,000 MP
13.Pink Foh & Yellow Frex.......CocoAyla has gained 3 charisma stats!
14.Blue Flicker & Flub......Simerian History Vol 7
15.Orange Frex & Green Flub......55,000MP
16.Red Fee & Flea.........62,500 MP
17.Green Fropa & Fumb.......CocoAyla has gained 2 speed stats!
18.Fly & Wheelee.....Mythological Melodies
19.Fee & red Fee........125,000 MP
20.Orange Foh & Purple Flix.....Nude
21.Yellow Flow & Fumb........CocoAyla has gained 4 magic stats!
22.Flix, Green Flow & Fropa........Spartacus
23.Green Flub, Pink Fee & Slavebot
............CocoAyla has gained 3 health stats!
24.Fly, Fly & Purple Foh......CocoAyla has gained 5 Language stats!
25.Flicker, Purple Faye & Red Fumb
..........250,000 MP
26.Green Frex, Destroyer & Cyborg
..........Medusa Trading Card
27.Green Fropa, Red Fropa & Green Flub.......Medusa Stamp
28.Yellow Foh, Red Flub & Spyda...
....375,000 MP
29.Lovebot, Earwig & Pink Frex...
....??1 Account Upgrade Credit
30.Yellow Frex, Green Faye & Green Flub........
Congratulations!! You have made your way through the Temple of Tableaus!!!
You can now choose a Hidden Avatar of your choice to be added to your collection.......Error Hidden Avatar has been added to your collection
1.Purple Fropa
3.Red Frex
4.Orange Fumb
6.Red Fumb
7.Green Fumb
8.Green Flow
9.Blue Flicker
11.Orange Fumb
12.Green Fropa & Purple Fumb
13. Fly & Fropa
14.Red Fee & Green Fee
15.Slavebot & Yellow Flicker
16.Yellow Fee & Pink Foh
17.Blue Faye & Green Flub
18.Purple Faye & Cockroach
19.Yellow Frex & Mosquito
23.Yellow Fumb, Slavebot & Red Flix
24.Purple Flix, Beebot & Orange Foh
25.Snailbot, Fropa & Mosquito
26.Yellow Flix, Beebot & Orange Fumb
27.Green Fropa, Purple Flix & Orange Frex
28.Slavebot, Spydar & Yellow Flix
29.Green Flow, Purple Fropa & Green Flow
30.Red Flub, Green Faye & Snailbot
Undying Hidden Avatar has been added to your collection.
1.Green Flub
8.Red Flicker
12.Purple Flow & Green Flow
13.Orange Fee & Fly
14.Cyborg & Red Fee
15.Yellow Flub & Cyborg
16.Yellow Flicker & Bugged
17.Green Flub & Mosquito
18.Purple Foh & Pink Flow
19.Blue Foh & Yellow Flicker
20.Lovebot & Cockroach *Nude Avatar
21.Red Flix & Yellow Flix
22.Blue Fumb, Yellow Foh & Orange Frex
3.Flow, Fly & Yellow Faye
24.Green Fumb, Yellow Flix & Yellow Flicker
25.Green Fee, Red Flix & Ballee
26.Green Fee, Flix & Yellow Flub
27.Slavebot, Red Flix & Bulb
28.Foh, Spydar & Yellow Flicker
29.Orange Fee, Orange Fee & Frex
30.Frex, Green Fropa & Green Flub
Advent Hidden Avatar has been added to your collection.
2.Yellow Frex
4.Blue Fumb
5.Green Fropa
6.Yellow Flub
7.Purple Flix
9.Pink Flow
10.Red Fee
11.Orange Frex
12.Bugged & Yellow Fee
13.Purple Fropa & Purple Flix
14.Flix & Earwig
15.Yellow Frex & Fee
16.Orange Frex & Flicker
17.Orange Fee & Yellow Fee
18.Fumb & Yellow Faye
19.Pink Fee & Red Fropa
20.Blue Fropa & Purple Foh
21.Pink Foh & Red Flix
22.Blue Foh, Lovebot & Bugged
23.Purple Flix, Purple Fumb & Ant
24.Yellow Fee, Flicker & Red Fee
25.Pink Frex, Red Fropa & Purple Foh
26.Red Fee, Red Flow & Orange Fumb
27.Pink Foh, Blue Fropa & Red Flub
28.Wheelee, Green Flub & Yellow Foh
29.Foh, Pink Flow & Green Flix
30.Bulb, Yellow Foh & Yellow Flub
Christmas Eve Hidden Avatar has been added to your collection.
4.Purple Flicker
6.Green Fropa
9.Orange Foh
10.Purple Foh
11.Purple Flix
12.Flow & Orange Fee
13.Red Flix & Bulb
14.Faye & Green Flix
Gazillionaire Hidden Avatar has been added to your collection.