Costumes/Pets For Goals
7 years, 10 months & 16 days ago
8th Feb 2017 14:41 Goal:
Eleka's Castle: own Eleka colored pet
Enpiah: own enpiah colored pet
Gigantic Paradise: own leprechaun colored pet
Jenoa: own underwater colored pet
Minipet Island: own baby colored leg
Puchala Village: own cheese colored pet
Simeria: own simerian colored pet
Undying Woods: own zombie colored pet
Baspinar Goals: own any armoured pet
Marada Goals Special Thanks
8 years, 5 months & 2 days ago
25th Jul 2016 18:19 Just wanted to thank
Bopig for lending me items/pets to complete levels of the Marada goals! It means a lot and I truly appreciate it.