Ariana's story about my doll
7 years, 7 months & 14 days ago
14th May 2017 06:41 Where else would your doll be then at Ziranek. Theirs video games and Dvd's and Cd's. Everyone who lives in Ziranek knows everybody because it's a small community and your doll likes it that way. Your doll is the one who created Video Game night. Every Friday night you invite the whole town to play some video games and to spend time with each other. During your dolls free time, she heads on over to the robot repair and helps repair robots. When she's satisfied with a robot she uses them in the robot battle that is held every Sunday night. Ziranek is your dolls favorite place to be.
Story by JustMeAri
Looking for jobs (a job wishlist and whatnot)
7 years, 7 months & 27 days ago
1st May 2017 02:54 This is a job wishlist in order of relevance for me
- Architect/Teacher/Scientist -> Free School fees so my pets can get school stats for better jobs
- Politician/Businessman -> Free Hotel stays so I don't have to worry about pet needs so much
- Veterinarian/Doctor -> Free Hospital treatments, since I try The Fates mission a lot
Favourite DNA Minipets
11 years, 4 months & 27 days ago
31st Jul 2013 03:30 This is a list of my favourite DNA minipets, so if I have two compatible pets I can breed them
Addafo - (Addow + Osafo)
Addimo - (Addow + Bolimo)
Arasi - (Arinya + Tasi)
Azeido - (Azul + Leido)
Bolint - (Bolimo + Grint)
Chati - (Chibs + Lati)
Chiliz - (Chibs + Feliz)
Choyle - (Chibs + Doyle)
Chutt - (Chibs + Knutt)
Dazmo - (Daisy + Gizmo)
Doyzul - (Doyle + Azul)
Dusty - (Dakota + Rusty)
Echera - (Echlin + Poera)
Fendol - (Feliz + Crindol)
Goglue - (Gonk + Oglue)
Gordo - (Gonk + Mordo)
Huxen - (Hump + Vixen)
Jessido - (Jessup + Leido)
Noosh - (Nino + Zoosh)
Osafup - (Osafo + Jessup)
Pikey - (Pucu + Crikey)
Quibs - (Quell + Chibs)
Renuw - (Renat + Ercuw)
Snoodi - (Sindi + Snookle)
Spobble - (Speiro + Gobble)
Tantibs - (Tantua + Chibs)
Trigaro - (Troit + Figaro)
Ushundow - (Ushunda + Addow)
Ushunoro -(Ushunda + Fasoro)
Wassup - (Walee + Jessup)
Yakuth - (Yakubi + Newth)
Zointy - (Zoink + Phanty)