Easy Games for MC
11 years, 6 months & 14 days ago
30th Jun 2013 11:02 If you're like me, you like to hold of on those 100 games for the Monthly Checklist. And if you are like me, you are now in a pickle to quickly send scores of games. Well, here's a list of some quick and easy games to submit scores. Feel free to accept or reject my tips.
Firstly the Most Popular Games, their not called popular for nothing, the majority of those games are super easy and quick.
Undead Billiards- This game is nice because even though there is a time limit, after you hit one/two/three ball(s) in, just shoot the cue ball in the pockets over and over again. Just make sure to vary your score as to not send the same one twice. x3
Murfin Chase- Really easy, get the required number of mice, then run into a wall. x3
Shoot the Fatty- AVATAR GAME- If you have not already gotten the avatar, well now is your chance just shoot one fatty, then let the time run out, and submit score. Repeat with 2 and 3 fatties to complete the x3 for this game.
Rofling Gold- Really quick timer, just run around getting the bags of money. But don't get the meat, as it increases the time you have to wait. x3
Bounchy- Just get the 1,2,3 bounces and submit score after each one. x3
Dukka Trove- This game you can run into the obstacles, it is pretty quick, after you get rid of those 3 pesky lives. x 3
Addow Ride- All you have to do is keep the pole straight and let the poffens hit you. Make sure to vary score. x3
Marapet Keeper- Not my fav one, because you do have to wait for the timer to run out before submitting score, but it's managable.
Fruit Harvest- I like to skip this one, becuse waiting for the time to run out bugs me, but feel free to get x3 scores.
Item Collector- This one is nice because all you have to do is wave your mouse over the 2 pets and they will jump. Make sure to get the marapops and diamonds with the leading bolimo, and the turnips and crystals with the leido. Make sure you do not jump over the stakes in the ground, you can also run into birds which takes away the 5 lives faster.
And look at that, you already have thirty scores submitted!
Ushunda Invaders- For this one, just shoot down a couple enemies, then get shot by them to lose lives. x 3
Whack an Azul- Hit once, then miss all the other 4 tries it gives you. x3
Fropa Attack- All you have to do is get eatten by sharks, sounds easy, but sometimes the game will freeze not allowing you to submit your score. So watch out for that, if it happens just refresh and do it again. x 3
For Sale- I like this one because all you have to do is click on the houses, smaller first, medium next, then the larger houses last. I suggest clicking on 1-2 smaller houses right when they get placed on the 'market' and sell once the green arrow beside the price leaves. Repeat the process through the medium houses, and then the larger houses until you have 8000-9000 points then buy the club. x 3
Domino- Just hold down the down arrow, and when they all stack up submit score. Make sure you vary your score x 3
Biala Tetris- Same as Domino.
Candy Cannon- Aim for one candy, then hold down the space bar to load all the way then release at random to complete the required misses. x3
Yakubi Attack- This is another waiting game, you have to wait for the enemies to breech the city below before you lose a live. Just make sure you match up 1-2 letters in the process to ensure a score above zero. Or press the spacebar to release a bomb. x3
Leido Bounce- This one is pretty fun, you bounce one leido until you can get it into the jar in the middle of the tree. x3
Football- Use the arrow keys to score at least one goal on your opponent. Then you can have some fun getting it in your goal since you ahve wait for 2 minutes for the level to end. x3
Newth Snowboarding- Just move your mouse in front of the newth, and keep it there. You don't have to do anything because the flags will come to you, submit score x3
Oglue Lunch- This one's pretty easy, just move the mouse to move the Oglue under the pieces of meat. x 3
Battle of Baspinar- This one is cool because after you've hit 1-2-3 targets just let them attack the castle. Or you can also self destruct your castle. x 3
Protect the Egg- This is one of my favorites, not only is it east to get the 1500 mp x3, but it has awesome music. One tip for playing is to move your newth to one corner of the screen then move it into a circle over and over again, it will keep the heat bar up and move you to the next level. You have to complete at least 3 levels to submit the x3 scores because you only get points for completing levels, or finding fish on later levels. To end the game run into a rock or another newth and don't pick up the egg. x3
Moon Racoons- When the raccoons light up, click on them. Try and aim for the midline of the raccoon to keep the line straight, or curve it to run into a wall and send score x3
Simon- This one is nice because all you have to do is follow the colors that light up and click on the same ones in the same order 1-2-3 times. Until you want to lose, in that case click on a random color. x3
Pearl Skipping- Click the launch button twice to launch the pearl into the water, wait for the number of skips to be addedd onscreen then click the submit score button. x3
Newth Box- Aim the newth's on the opposite side of the see-saw, which will propell the opposide newth into the air to hit boxes. Miss the newth and let him hit the ground to submit score. x3
Gumball Machine Madness- Click on the end of the line, which will cause the line to crash into the gumball machine, click the pole closest to the machine to lower your time and end the game. x 3
Phanty Quest- Use the left/right and up arrows to collect points. Run into a shell to lose and submit score. x3
Blackjack- Just hit the stand button until you lose. x3
Dagger Throw- Just constantly click the throw button and eventually the points will go down and you can submit the score. x3
That's all of the easy ones. If you don't have 100 yet you should play some of the other longer games until you reach 100.
Games to avoid:
3some- Doesn't allow you to submit your score
Same with Thundercard.
Same with Uno
Feel free to post any other games that do not allow score submittion or better games to play.