Zyeda is missing 83 DVDs
4 years, 10 months & 4 days ago
22nd Feb 2020 09:56 15 Years - 4.5m
A Few Dukkas More - 35 Dukka (Not buying)
Angels - ?
Arthouse - 650k (Artist Prize so not buying)
Beach Party - 35m
Being Square - 2m
Bolimopatra - 10m (Desert Fairy Prize so not buying)
Butterfly - 3m
Chibs on 34th Street - ?
Christmas Story - 4.5m (Seasonal Fairy Prize so not buying)
Decorations - ?
Did Someone Say Jelly - Completing Candyland Stamps (351,150,000 for the ones I need in trades + 6 not priced in trades)
Dumpster Diggers - SPAM Fairy Prize
Earth Fairy - 18m
Easter Eggs - 90m
Error 51 - ?
Everlasting Christmas Tree - Completing Biala Mountain Stamps (306,090,000 for the ones I need in trades + 3 not priced in trades)
Fist Full of Dukkas - 65 Dukkas (Not buying)
Foxfire Forest - 7m (Foxfire Forest Goals so not buying)
Frankenstein - Completing Undying Woods Stamps (186,550,000 for the ones in trades + 2 not priced in trades)
Gaming Hacks - 1.9m OR Completing Games Stamps (40m for last one out of ss I need and ~1m for the 2 in ss)
Ghoul - 70m
Gingerbread Movie - ?
Gnomes - 17.5m
Gothic Nights - 21m
Great Depression - ?
Griffin Secrets - 28m (Griffin Prize so not buying)
Grumpy Old Chibs - 29m
Guide to Marasites - ?
Harpy - 13m (Harpy Prize so not buying)
Haunting - ?
Hollow Inside - ?
Jack O Lanterns - ?
Jaws - ? (Tooth Fairy Prize so not buying)
Julius Caesar - 10.25m in Antiques
Lady and the Doyle - 15k Slater Stalker Points
Last Christmas Tree - 32m
Learning Chess - ?
Love Story - ?
Make a Snowman - 50m
Marada at War - 45m
Midnight - ?
Mini Flower Collectors - 7.5m (Mini Fairy Prize so not buying)
Mission Impossible - 35m
My Journal - 37m
Nightmare in Puchalla - ?
Oasis Mornings - 20m (Sultan Loyalty Prize so not buying)
Olympic History - 3,500 OP
Our 9th Birthday - ?
Painting Eggs - 2.7m
Painting Rainbows - 10m (Rainbow Fairy Prize so not buying)
Patches - ? (Plushie Fairy Prize so not buying)
Peppermint - 17.4m
Rays of Light - ? (Light Fairy Prize so not buying)
Savannah - 9m
Seasonal Fairy Biopic - 25m (Seasonal Fairy Prize so not buying)
Simerians - 50m
Stolen Christmas - ?
Sunset - 5m
Super Heroes Protect - 35m
The Egg - ?
The Fly - 300k (Trash Heap Prize so not buying)
The Hunt for the Golden Carrot - 28m
The Invisible Murfin - 30k Spy Points
The Mermaid Tale - ?
The Pumpkin Patch - ?
The Pyramid - 4.85m (Kamilah Desert Goals so not buying)
The Twelve Days of Christmas - 50m
Touch of Frost - 5m
Transuranic Curse - ? (Transuranics Temple Prize so not buying)
True Grint - 3.4m
Tune Tales - 12m (Musical Fairy Prize so not buying)
Under the Mistletoe - 7.4m
Undersea Workout Routines - 7.5m (Merman Prize so not buying)
Undying Fairy - 35m
Uploader - ?
Villains Attack - 28m
Voodoo - 35m
Vortex Park - 1.85m (Vortex Park Goals so not buying)
Walk of Fame - 8.75m (Lowlyhood Goals so not buying)
Yo Yo Yo - 1.15m (Queen Eleka Loyalty Prize so not buing)
You Have Maramail - ?