My Cuzin :)
13 years, 4 months & 26 days ago
3rd Aug 2011 17:45 2day my cuzin Freddy came over. He is only 2 and doesnt no how 2 say animal names. so instead he says the noise they make. he woke me up from a nap screaming, "I WANNA C SOME MOOMOOS!!!" I laughed 4 hours.
My Lovely Sister
13 years, 5 months & 2 days ago
27th Jul 2011 21:21 2day my sister (Demi) asked where babies come from. i was silent and answered ill tell u when ur older. then we went 2 walmart and my sister saw an perferably large man. she pointed her finger and yelled "Look! I bet that guy knows where babies come from! hes pregant!!!!!!!!" Sarah and i dragged Demi in2 the bathroom and explained that men couldnt have babies. Demi started crying. She ran out of the bathroom and hugged the man saying, "Im sorry ur baby wont be born!" We left Walmart with no groceries.
Im not crazy dude,
13 years, 5 months & 3 days ago
27th Jul 2011 19:41 Dude Im not crazy. Dude u cut off ur nose and screamed "WHERES POTTER!?!?!"
Dude Im not crazy. Dude u hugged a guy with a bread saying "Dumbldor! ur alive!!!"
Dude im not crazy. Dude u locked urself in my closet and said "The passage 2 Narnia has been sealed!!"
Dude im not crazy. Dude u thought my platypus was a secret angent.
Dude im not crazy. Dude u cut pineapples screaming "Spongebob! ik ur in there!"
lol XD
The Amazing World Of Walmart
13 years, 5 months & 6 days ago
23rd Jul 2011 23:13 So today i asked Sarah if i could go 2 walmart and buy some clothes. She gave me 20 bucks and i left the house. When i got 2 walmart i relized they had hotwheels 4 sale. Instead i bought the biggest race track and cars i could buy. When i got home with a huge box and tiny cars Sarah rolled her eyes and left the room. But Joshua and I played with hotwheels in the livingroom 4 2 hours. Day well spent? I think so