Club stuff
14 years, 2 months & 6 days ago
9th Nov 2010 06:46 This is for club stuff that has no room on the layouts =(.Like avatar lending..and other stuff!!
Inactivity Blog
14 years, 2 months & 13 days ago
2nd Nov 2010 11:32 Dear members of Bubblegum,
If you will be inactive for a period of time.Please post on this blog.So that we know why you are gone.And your place as a member is guranteed safe.In other words you will not be deleted
Thank you for being part of BubbleGum
14 years, 3 months & 25 days ago
20th Sep 2010 12:06 I don't know what to write about.So I woke up this morning.Had a wispa.MMM...That tasted good.Had a shower.Got dressed.Hopped on bus.Punched someone in the face...Not really.I know alot of people who have blogs and write what happened every moment of everyday
But I don't,I'm just gonna type wierd random things
...So back to school.That sucks.Me,personally I like school to an extent but still, most times it sucks
Like teachers telling us what to do.What gives them the right.WHAT?!Just cause they have a degree they think they can push us around.Sure they can (lol
) I'll just get my iagainary friend Bob to go and give them a 'telling off'
Bob is cool.He's really funny.People think i'm crazy,but if I was Bob woud tell me.He tells me things I need for school or anywhere else.It's like he whispers stuff to bring just in case.And most times I need them.Bob lives in Narnia.With the chocolate reindeers and wild geese.I tried to visit him.But my wardrobe is BROKEN!
I wanna see Bob...NOT FAIR!!! Bob is cool.Bob just sent me a telapathical message
opens message inside head) it's says...'Lollypop,lollypop oh Lolly Lolly lolly lollypop.POP!Du,du,du come a baby lollypop uhhdid whyy your sweeter than cherry pie....GOOD LUCK GETTING THAT OUTTA YOUR HEAD..From your friend Bobx Awww Bob is so sweet.AHHHH I can't get that song outta my head.I GOTTA GO SUCK IT OUT WITH A VACUMM...!BYE TILL NEXT TIME....shampoo squirrels,eat leaves and fart at the sky...
HotPinky12 <3 xxx