Advent Calendar
17 years & 23 days ago
4th Dec 2007 08:00 Day 1 - Delayed and 2500 mp
Day 2 - Spinach ice cream and 250mp
Day 3 - You got a Eggnog Cake and 800MP
Day 4 - Jar of Christmas Food and 1250MP
Day 4 - Fasoro Cookie and 50MP
Day 5 - Christmas Tree Balloon and 250MP
Day 6 - Christmas Cook Book and 300MP
Day 7 - Crindol Balloon and 75MP
Day 8 - Christmas Ribbons Book and 555M
Day 9 - Santa Claws Balloon and 175MP
Day 10 - Dakota Cake and 225MP
Day 11 - Santa Claws Plushie and 1050MP
Day 12 - Christmas Candycane and 2500MP
Day 13 - Cooking Turkey Guide and 600MP
Day 14 - Christmas Gift Pearl and 3000MP
Day 15 - Windup Kuork and 1MP
Day 16 - Red Gummy Kidlet and 1000MP
Day 17 - Chocolate Drops and 1500MP
Day 18 - Yogurt Sandwich and 2500MP
Day 19 - Fish and Rice and 3000MP
Tanning Salon Tickets
17 years, 1 month & 3 days ago
23rd Nov 2007 20:38 I want to say thank you to everyone that has been donating tanning salon tickets. There are a few in particular who deserve a special shout out...(if you don't want your name listed just drop me a line and I will remove it) Thanks again everyone!