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  1. Writing entry Thing
    31st Mar 2014 22:59
    10 years, 6 months & 4 days ago
  2. Remember Me
    28th Jun 2010 18:21
    14 years, 3 months & 6 days ago
  3. New Roleplaying
    4th Jun 2010 13:33
    14 years, 3 months & 30 days ago
  4. 101 ways to get kicked out of walmart
    2nd May 2010 19:39
    14 years, 5 months & 4 days ago
  5. My roleplaying
    16th Apr 2010 19:19
    14 years, 5 months & 20 days ago
  6. try not to cry
    11th Apr 2010 16:50
    14 years, 5 months & 25 days ago
  7. MaraSlang
    26th Mar 2010 13:28
    14 years, 6 months & 10 days ago
  8. In Sacrifice to True Love
    26th Feb 2010 19:43
    14 years, 7 months & 8 days ago
  9. Female comebacks
    26th Feb 2010 19:35
    14 years, 7 months & 8 days ago
Writing entry Thing
10 years, 6 months & 4 days ago
31st Mar 2014 22:59

Lily was eighteen when she had her heart broken. She had always hoped somewhere in the back of her mind that she and Jackson would be able to be together once more after the trust was built back up. But she felt her already tattered heart rip a little more when Jackson refused to even acknowledge her any more.

She knew that this time, it was all her fault. Jackson had reached out, and Lily had bit him. The brunette choked back the lump in her throat as she tried to swallow that reality. She and Jackson were never going to be, and the sooner she got that through her thick skull, the sooner she could move on. But it was just so hard, seeing the love of her life every day, being able to reach out and touch him, but having to withhold because she knew that they couldn't be together. And it was all because of her.

She slumped back in her chair, staring at the back of Jackson's head. His raven black hair, which Lily knew was as soft as it looked, seemed duller than usual, but she just assumed that it was the lighting. She subconsciously reached forward, but stopped herself mere centimeters from the raven's hair. What was she doing? She swiftly pulled her hand back, and did a discreet glance around to see if anyone was watching. When no one stood up and yelled at her, she let out a sigh of relief, and went back to her work.

That Friday, she was shocked when Jackson turned around in his chair and faced her. The brunette sucked in a breath as she took in the weariness and sadness in Jackson's face. There were deep bags under the elder's eyes, his lips were pale and chapped, and his hair was un-glossy and unkempt. Lily reached out, again out of habit and concern mixed with lingering affection, and laid her hands on Jackson's cheeks. Dull black eyes met her own, and Lily felt her heart sink.

"What have you been doing to yourself?" She whispered, her eyes searching the other's for some explanation. Jackson tried to look away, but Lily's grip on his face tightened and she forced the older male to look at her. "Answer me, Jackson." She growled, her motherly instincts making her worry and fret over the raven as if they had never left each other. An overused lower lip was caught between two sets of white teeth before Jackson seemingly got the courage to speak.

"I love you Lily... And it kills me so much that I do, and it's salt to the open wound that it was because of my stupid actions that I lost you... And I'm so tired of hating myself, for hating my parents, for blaming them... And I hate the fact that you are so in control of your emotions that this won't affect you at all!" He snapped, and shook his head violently. "I have to go... I can't stand this any more... I love you." With that, he stood, and left the room, leaving a stricken and silent Lily sitting alone.

Monday came and passed without any trace of Jackson, and although he was absent, Lily wasn't too horribly worried. Before, when the raven was stressed or upset about something, he would often skip school. But after almost two weeks of not seeing the raven, and with graduation a mere week away, Lily really began to worry. So after debating very heatedly with herself, she decided to go visit Jackson at his house and talk like the adults they were.

That afternoon, Lily went straight to Jackson's house, and took a deep breath to calm herself before knocking. A few moments passed before Jackson's mother opened the door. Lily gave the petite lady a small smile, but she was not expecting the hostility in her eyes. The look she gave her made her feel like she was a convicted murderer, not her son's (ex) best friend. She gulped, but before she could say anything, an envelope was shoved into her chest.

"Don't come back here again." His mother said, and then slammed the door in her face. She gripped the paper as she stood there, absolutely shocked and confused. She looked down at the crisp envelope, and when she saw Jackson's messy handwriting, she swallowed, and turned to leave. She wondered what the raven could have wrote to her about, but she went home first, and locked herself in her room before she had enough guts to open it.

"To my Beloved,

I was thinking the other day, and I was brought back to when I confessed to you. Do you remember what I told you? Well, I do... Here, I'll write it down, just to refresh your memory.

"They all remind me of you, Lily Hewitt. They all have something in common with You. Maybe it's the way they look at me, or the way their hair blows just so in the wind, or even the way they say my name, but they look at me, and all I can see is you. I try so hard to have the right feelings, you know? The feelings that a boy is supposed to have for his girlfriend. But no matter how hard I try to like a Shelly, I just can't. The only person my heart pulls me toward is you. I don't want the girls with the perfect figure, or hairstyle, or clothes. I want you, and I can't even be sorry for wanting you so bad."

I don't know about you, but when I was saying this to you, I felt like I was going to pass out. I was so nervous that you would reject me, that the looks that I had caught you giving me were not what I thought they were. I was so frightened that I would lose you over my feelings, which I had been raised to think were wrong. And when you just stood there looking so shocked and so kissable, I took a leap of courage, and I just had to taste your lips, even if it was just that once.

And I remember feeling my heart sink when you didn't respond to it, but then you did, and you were kissing me back, and I couldn't believe it. You dang near drove me crazy when you put my hand on your chest and told me that I was the cause of your heart racing so fast. It was so strange, yet so wonderful, to know that you wanted me in return... I had never been happier. I loved you so much that it was a physical pain, and just to know that you wanted me in the same way... It made me fall so much deeper in love with you.

And our first date was so simple, but yet held so much meaning. You have no idea how many times I had dreamed of us going out and sharing a banana smoothie and ice cream. I began to wonder if I was trapped in some sort of dream where I had everything I had ever wanted. And if it was a dream, I never wanted to wake up. Everything was wonderful.

Well, until the night that my parents found out about us. It happened so fast that I never saw it coming. About a week before you invited me to spend the night with you, my father burst into the room and dragged me downstairs. He was furious, and so was my mother. They demanded that I fix myself, and said that if I continued to date you, they would kick me out. Not only that, but they would take my name out of everything, their wills, the family bible, the family register. They refused to accept that they had me for a son, or that I'd even dream of dating someone from another race like you.

I was so terrified and upset that I agreed. But I couldn't bear to tell you the truth, even though I knew I would have to. I played around with the idea of telling them that we had broken up and then continue to meet you in secret, but I didn't know how they had found out the first time, and I couldn't risk losing my family. And so, when it came time for me to spend the night at your house, I was resigned to the fact that I would have to tell you it was over...

But when you kissed me after yanking me in, I couldn't say the words. Like, I literally couldn't, seeing as my lips were busy kissing you. My heart swelled with love for you, but anxiety and guilt were heavy in my stomach. I didn't know how to speak the words that needed to be said.

It wasn't until we were laying on your couch that my horrible lie formed in my head. I knew how much it would kill you, but I thought it would be better for you to hate me, and so I went through with it. I told you those horrendous lies about how you weren't pretty enough, that you weren't my type and that the only reason I was even with you was because my friends wanted to see how fast I could score with you. And every word was a bitter poison because it was untrue.

God, I have nightmares about how I made you cry out in heartbreak as I was so callous and horrible to you... And then when I managed to calmly deliver my lie, and you started crying, I wanted to wrap you in my arms and tell you the truth, but I couldn't, because I was a coward.

I couldn't even look at you without wanting to hit myself for putting that look on your face, and the brokenness that was in your voice chilled me to the bone and was like a bullet tearing through my heart. I knew right then that I had succeeded in pushing you away, permanently. And as much as it killed me to walk out of the room and leave you, I forced myself to, knowing that I had hurt you much more than I was hurting, and I convinced myself that you would be better if I left.

I really am not a brave person. I can act like it. I can talk the talk and walk the walk, but when it came to facing my parents, my love for you wasn't strong enough for me to push them away. And it made me so angry that I couldn't. I spent every single day regretting that I hadn't just told you the truth. I knew that you would have understood and that we could have worked something out.

But I couldn't imagine things being that easy. I took the rough road that ended up not only destroying myself, but you as well. That was my biggest regret. I wish that I could take your pain and make you happy. I wish that I could be the one that would love you for the rest of your life.

And when we talked at our special place, I was at my crossroads. I was done living by my parents choices, but it had taken me that long to realize that losing you was not worth staying in the bible. I knew that if you would agree to, I would run away with you. But I was naive to think that you would take me back so easily. Of course you wouldn't trust me after what I did to you.

When we talked a while later, I lost it. It felt like I was the only one that cared. It was like laying down on daggers seeing how seemingly unaffected you were after our talk. I guess I just lost hope that you would ever take me back... And now there is no chance of us happening ever again.

After that, I went home. I couldn't stand acting like the perfect boy my parents wanted anymore. I had lost the one person who I cared for, and so I screamed at them, telling them right then and there that I wasn't like them, that I never would be like them, and that you were the love of my life, even though I wasn't that way anymore to you...

Before they could respond, I went up to my room, and locked myself in there. I started writing this letter to you. And you know what, if you've received this, that means that I succeeded. And by now, you know what I'm going to do... God, I wish I could hold you in my arms one last time. Just know, Lily Hewitt, you are the light of my life, and the only person who I've ever truly loved. If you never can bring yourself to forgive me, I'll understand. But no matter what, ill be waiting for you... Until we see each other again in the afterlife.

I love you so much, and farewell.

Jackson Riff."

Lily finished reading, her tears dripping down onto the paper, melding with the preexisting ones that were from Jackson. Sobs racked her body as she doubled over, her heart not able to hold up with the emotional onslaught that it was being put through. She clutched the letter to her chest as it heaved to try to draw air into her lungs. She felt like she wanted to scream, to throw things, to cry until she drowned.

She grabbed the rabbit that Jackson had won for her at the country fair that he had taken her to only days before the crash and burn of their relationship. Everything had been so happy then. How had everything changed so fast? She clutched the rabbit even tighter, her arms shaking from how tightly she was squeezing it.

She had thought she knew what true agony was, but she had been wrong, so, so very wrong. She felt like her entire world had been wrenched out from beneath her, and every part of her felt like it was being stabbed with knives. She slammed her fist into the stuffed animal, repeating the emotion. The tears dripping down her cheeks began to soak the bed beneath her. She curled up into a tight ball, the paper crinkling as she clutched it as tightly as she was clutching the rabbit.

No. No. This had to be wrong. Jackson couldn't be dead. No. No. No. The chorus of No's echoed in her head like a sick joke. It wasn't possible; Jackson would never do anything like this. No. This had to be a dream. Lily smacked the sides of her face, trying to wake up. When that didn't work, she pinched herself, wincing at the sharp pain. But still, she wouldn't accept that this could be real. She had to he dreaming.

Lily gasped for breath, and dragged herself over to her cell phone, which was laying uselessly on her nightstand. She yanked it and dialed the number which was burned into her mind. The brunette knew that Jackson would answer his cell phone. He always did. "Sorry, but the number you have dialed has been disconnected-" Lily hung her phone up, and tried again, only to receive the same message.

Wide eyes stared at the mobile device in her shaking hand before it clattered to the ground. A haunted wail filled the room, and Lily wept as she accepted the reality that her best friend, the one person she loved, was dead.


"No, no, no, no, Jack...son..." The brunette girl thrashed around on the couch before slowly opening her eyes. She blinked, her mind trying to wake up and figure out where she was. Tear welled in her eyes as she recalled what she thought was just a horrible dream.

"JACKSON!" Lily wailed, terror shooting ice through her veins. She tried to get up, but the blanket that had been on her lap tangled around her legs, and she crashed to the floor.

"Lily?" A familiar voice called out, and Lily's chest heaved with relief when she heard that welcome sound. "Lily, love, are you alright?" And then Jackson was kneeling next to her, concern written all over his features.

"Yes, yes," the girl clung to him, wrapping him in a huge hug as tears dripped down her cheeks, "nothing more than a horrible dream..." She whispered. "Just a dream..."

Remember Me
14 years, 3 months & 6 days ago
28th Jun 2010 18:21

First Four People Will be my partners in roleplaying!

New Roleplaying
14 years, 3 months & 30 days ago
4th Jun 2010 13:33

My characters

Blood Type:
Special Abilities:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:


Name: Kiame
Age: 17
Blood Type: unknown
Gender: Female
Special Abilities: Can see future when willed or needed
Hair Color: White blonde
Eye Color: Jade green
Personality: Out going, loud, a but obnoxious
Weaknesses: Heathe
Family: Engaged to Heathe
Lovers-bf-gf: Heathe

Name: Heathe
Age: 19
Blood Type: O-negative
Gender: Male
Special Abilities: None
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Icy Blue
Personality: Quiet, compassionate, can be spiteful at times
Weaknesses: Kiame
Family: Engaged to Kiame
Lovers-bf-gf: Kiame


Name: Devoan (Dev)
Age: 16
Blood Type: mixed
Gender: Female
Special Abilities: Can see throught lies or deceptions
Personality: Quite, devoted, loyal
Weaknesses: Music- if in battle, she'll drop everything at the sound of music and start dancing.
Family: None
Lovers-bf-gf: (Jacob?)

101 ways to get kicked out of walmart
14 years, 5 months & 4 days ago
2nd May 2010 19:39

I do not own these! I found them elsewhere!

1. Take someone's shopping cart and switch the items with stuff from the person next to them's cart
2. Walk up to complete strangers and say, "Hi! I haven't seen you in such long time!" Then later say "What are you talking to me for?!? I dont know you!!"
3. Put all of the hams by the hairspray
4. Go up to some old geezer & say "Grandpa!!! You're ALIVE!!! It's a MIRACLE!!!"
5. Take something from someone else's cart, when they say "hey, that's mine! " call the security and say that the other ... person was trying to take your _____
6. Move "Caution: Wet Floor" signs to carpeted areas.
7. Hide in the clothing racks and randomly pop out.
8. Go into the dressing room, wait a few minutes, then yell "THERES NO TOILET PAPER IN HERE!!"
9. Get a batman costume, put it on, and run around the store screaming at the top of your lungs, "COME ROBIN! TO THE BATMOBILE!"
10. Buy things that will make a cashier think. Like a ski mask, and a baseball bat.
11. When someone asks if you need help, begin to cry and ask, "Why won't you people just leave me alone?"
12. Throw skittles at people and scream "Taste the freeking rainbow."
13. Throw random items into other peoples carts, when they arn't looking.
14. Grab a guitar and start singing for money.
15. Randomly walk between people holding hands.
16. Go to an empty checkout, dressed as a target employee, and try to check people out.
17. Go up to an employee and in a official tone say "code three in house ware's" and see what happens
18. Follow people through the aisles, such as a stalker would, until they go to a checkout.
19. Throw balls at people, knocking them over and yell "WIPEOUT!"
20. Set up a concert of singing dolls. Get your friends and turn them on all at the same time. Then act like a conductor
21. Make up nonsense products and ask newly hired employees if there are any in stock, i.e., "Do you have any Shnerples here?"
22. Ride the bicycles through the store.
23. Do your own radio show over the intercom
24. Glue pennies on the floor 'heads' side up
25. Knock over all the shelves and run around screaming 'EARTHQUAKE! EVERYONE RUN!
26. ive got another reason to get kicked out of walmart: go up to random people, chew your gum as loudly as you can and say "Hi............ Is this annoying you?......Good" and chew louder in their ear until they call security (it works better if they work there)
27.Walk in wearing a chicken costume and harass people
28.Walk up to any one in the store, and say "Your a wizard Harry."
29.Stand up on a clerk counter and sing.
30. Go to the electronics department and take random photos and videos with the cameras.
31. Push your way through everyone you see.
32. Go to the camping department and yell "fire!!"
33.Jump in someones shopping cart.
34.Challange customers to wrapping paper duels.
35. Put all the shopping carts in the automotive section and tell the workers they all need alignment.
36. Have shopping kart races.
37. Drive your car through the front doors and inform the greeter that you need your tires changed.
38. Knock all of the glass off of the shelves.
39. Sit in the plumbing section on a toilet and grunt everytime someone walks by.
40. Run into the store and yell "This is a hold up!" then run for it.
41.Turn all the radios to polka stations; then turn them off
and turn the volume up to full blast.
42. Get five carts full of milk then check out , then walk and get more milk then dont have the money.
43.While handling guns in the hunting department, suddenly ask the clerk where the anti-depressants are. Act as spastic as possible.
44. Talk to your imagary friend and interduce him to employes and ask to meet theirs.
45. Show a cashier magic tricks.
46. Dart around suspiciously while humming the theme from Mission Impossible.
47. Find a man or woman that looks like they have money and say your a hobo and need some food.
48. Beatbox on the intercom.
49. Set up a "Valet Parking" sign in front of the store.
50. Go to an empty counter and insist you work at it.
51. Get a bunch of friends. Everyone has to blast a tv. speaker.
52. Start a sports game at the enterance.
53. Ask an employee for a job application and scribble all over it.
54. Put makeup in a mans cart.
55. Play moneybars in the meat department.
56. Sing loudly throughout the store.
57. Go kick a staff member and scream "Stop harassing me!!!"
58. Drag a lounge chair over to the magazines and relax. Go to the food court, buy a drink, and explain that you don't get out much and ask if they can put a little umbrella in it.
59. Run laps around the store.
60. Stand inside a freezer in the frozen foods. When people see you, pound on the glass.
61. Put cheap stuff, such as candy, on layaway.
62. Yell "zombie" every ten seconds.
63. Sleep
64. Tell everyone to marry you.
65.Ask people if they want your autograph.
66.Put on a pair of rollerblades and go through the isles honking a horn.
67. Stand in a crowded place with at least one employee and yell, "There's a sale at Target!"
68. Go late at night and make a mess out of the place.
69. Bring in some waterballons and throw them in electronics section were the TV's, Flat Plasma Screens are at .
70. Buy items from the store and sell them outside.
71. Turn on all of the lights and decor in the holiday secotion.
72. Start turning on the TVs and get a pillow and lay on the floor and watch. Don't forget a blanket.
73. Scream at the top of your lungs "Oprah!!"
74. Act like a king/queen and everyone else has to serve you.
75.When an announcement comes over the loudspeaker, assume the fetal position and scream, ???No, no! It???s those voices again!???
76. Leave small gifts in the hands of the mannequins.
77. In the auto department, practice your ???Madonna??? look with various funnels.
78. In the shoe depattment, switch the shoes in the boxes so a size 7 is with a size 3 and so on.
79. Ask everyone in ???Electronics??? ???Do you know what CD this song is on? I don???t know the name but it goes like this:???. Then sing loudly, and don???t stop until somebody throws you out.
80.Walk around with signs and shout "Down with Wal-Mart!". "Wal-Mart cannot take over the world!"
81. Walk up to random people wearing the Darth Vader helmet and holding a lightsaber, stare at them intensely, and breathe very deeply. Afterwards, point and say "LUKE! I AM YOUR FATHER!" It works even better if you're a girl. Then, take off the helmet and show the freaked-out customer you're a girl. After that, run away laughing hysterically.
82. Hold shoppping cart races.
83. Try on undergarments over your clothes.
84. Say things like, ???Would you be so kind as to direct me to your Twinkies????
85. Rearrange the CD's
86. Stand in front of the Preparation H. Ask everyone who walks by which hemmorhoid remedy they prefer, then launch into a detailed description of your own problem.
87. Ask someone to use their phone, then call an out of country number.
88. Ask the cashier if you can stand next to them the whole day for a school project.
89. Ask if you can have a job there for the day as an intern.
90. Use anything that says "try me".
91. Act suspicious and stick your arm in your jacket when leaving store. As you???re walking through the doors act like you???re expecting the alarms to go off. Then quickly look around you to see who???s watching and run away as fast as your can.
92. Go to the electronics department and scream "IM NOT GONNA STEAL YOUR COOKIES!!"
93. TP the Christmas trees.
94. Spend hours staring at a little blinking light and say ???blink??? each time it blinks. Don???t look away, just stay mesmerized.
95. Throw a fake rubber snake into some lady's face and watch her freak out.
96. Go up to the bagel section with cream cheese all over your face. Then start chanting, "We love bagels! We love bagels!"
97. Dress up as a giant smiley face and whip price signs! Then yell "ROLLBACK!!!"
98. . Lay a 20 dollar bill on the ground and back away and when someone tries to pick it up run up to them and yell hands off my dollar!! Then got to a manager and tell him that they stole 20 dollars from you.
99. Hold barbie for ransom.
100. Get a tent ( With holes preferably ) and tell people to come in your lair. When they do chuck popcorn at them and ask them who invited them in.
101. Put a squirt gun in a stuffed elmo's hand and NScream, "Everybody down!! Elmo's got a gun!"
These are Ways to get kicked out... by fans!!
1). Grab your DS and go sit in the little kid chussy chair area and when people walk by yell " shut up, your interupting my gaming time"
2). Play Walmart BINGO, outloud
3).Get on a minature bike and ride it around screaming random things.
4).Dress up like creepy lake people, do a weird dance around the lobster tank, and make weird noises!
5).Go buy some tennis balls then repeatedly play wall ball outside and inside
6). Get in one of those wheel chairs, electric ones at entrance, and chase people in one.
7).Go to the underwear section, put on old
fashioned "granny panties" and ask a worker, in a british
accent, if the underwear makes your butt look big.
8).randomly fall down and fake a seizure,spray people with a super soaker,when a song comes o the radio yell "oh my god!this is my favorite song!" and start singing loudly
9). Change all of the prices on the merchandice.
10).Get a ball ,and throw it at the people that work there,and say you thought they were a spider.
11).Throw ballons full of pudding at people.
12). take a disposable camera and run around the store telling people to "say Cheese!!!"
13).Get a nametag, go into the bathroom, and ask if the people would like assitance.
14).Put on a spidey costume and climb the shelves, use a spiderman web shooter on people as they walk by
15). Run around and fall down.. then do it again.
16). Hit employes with shopping carts when a new gaming system comes out.
17).Have a samurai battle with authentic armor right in the middle of the store, and in the battle have stormtroopers shoot eachother with paintball guns.
18). Stick your hands in the lobster tank, and try to take them out,
19).Scream at the top of your lungs asking to get thrown out. Preferably done near the Customer Service place.
20). Start a food fight in the dessert isle.
21). Make a trail of tomato sauce leading to the female restroom.
22).Ask them for the m&m's you put on lawaway 2 years ago and don't take no for an answer
23). Barter with the cashier and challenge them if they wont give you a discount.
24). Hide in clothing racks and yell "Pick Me, Pick me!!"
25). Find anything that needs to be assembled and dump it out in the aisle and start putting it together right there...even better if you need to go over to the tools and get a screwdriver or hammer....and if you actually get it assembled, call an employee over there and ask if you can have it delivered
26). Brink Nintento DS games and play with theirs.
27).stand at the entrance and greet people that come in..........and check receipts for the one leaving.
28).push somebody on the ground and say "i was testing your gravity."
29).STuff backpacks full of newspaper and wear them in with your friends. As you as you step in, start singing the ghostbusters song at the top of you lungs.
30).stand at the entrance and greet people that come in..........and check receipts for the one leaving
31). Say you lost your little sister in the store and get like a ton of employes to help u hey they might put the place on lock down or something.
32).Get in the tents and when people walk by tell them to bring a pellow and join the slumber party.
33).go to the electronics department and say you want every game for the ps3 they have and when they ask for money say you dont have it.
34).dress up in an 80's out fit and tip toe around with your back to the isles and your hands in the shape of a gun! i did this with my friend after an 80's dance at school its totally fun and people give you weird looks.
35).Stand at the entrance and say "Welcome to Narnia" in a funny accent to every entering the store
36).Open some nerf guns with your friends and run around playing nerf tag with them and when they ask you to leave, take the nerf guns with you
37).open a box of lucky charms drag around the opend box with them spilling out and loudly yell "it seems i've spilt me lucky charms!" in a brittish accent repeatedly!
38).Get afew of ur buddies and all sit in a shopping cart and scream " WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" when ur not going anywhere.
39).Randomly Put adult dipers in adults carts when there not looking
40).Go to the bathroom with a cantaloupe with it hidden. Make grunting noises and drop the cantaloupe in the toilet. Then say "Phew, That's better"
41).Put your hand in front of items and then walking down the isle knocking everything down. While doing this, whistle and act like nothing is happeningg
42).wait in the toy section until a littlekid or anyone picks up a toy,then jump on the floor and have a tantrum ans scream,"he/she took my toy!" and go tell security on them!
43).Dance on an empty pole and yell, "I TOLD EVERYONE I WAS GOING TO BE JUST LIKE MY MAMA!"
44).Put on a thong or whitey-tighty's over your pants and then tie a towel around your neck. Then run around the store saying, "Superman/SuperWoman is my hero!"
45).go to the paint section get some REALLY BRIGHT color. go to the front of the store (inside) and paint start painting there walls. When they ask WHAT ARE YOU DOING! Awnser, these wall are ugly so i painted them.
46).Print out a list of 101 ways to get kicked out of walmart, get a nametag, and hand them out to customers.

My roleplaying
14 years, 5 months & 20 days ago
16th Apr 2010 19:19

Kiesha-A blind white she-kit with grey ears and black paws

Kolse-Black kit with white spots

Harka-The Wolf that raised Kiesha

Rief-A dark figure from Harka's past

Lion-A bright ginger tom-kit with glowing amber eyes

Holly- A black she-kit with bright green eyes

Jay- a tiny Gray tabby tom-kit who is also blind

I'll add more characters as the story goes along.

  1. Writing entry Thing
    31st Mar 2014 22:59
    10 years, 6 months & 4 days ago
  2. Remember Me
    28th Jun 2010 18:21
    14 years, 3 months & 6 days ago
  3. New Roleplaying
    4th Jun 2010 13:33
    14 years, 3 months & 30 days ago
  4. 101 ways to get kicked out of walmart
    2nd May 2010 19:39
    14 years, 5 months & 4 days ago
  5. My roleplaying
    16th Apr 2010 19:19
    14 years, 5 months & 20 days ago
  6. try not to cry
    11th Apr 2010 16:50
    14 years, 5 months & 25 days ago
  7. MaraSlang
    26th Mar 2010 13:28
    14 years, 6 months & 10 days ago
  8. In Sacrifice to True Love
    26th Feb 2010 19:43
    14 years, 7 months & 8 days ago
  9. Female comebacks
    26th Feb 2010 19:35
    14 years, 7 months & 8 days ago