Staff//: HEY YOU
15 years, 1 month & 29 days ago
28th Oct 2009 15:30 YA YOU!
My step sister XxZitaxX sometimes comes over and steals my computer so don't ban us
Name and Ties
15 years, 4 months & 10 days ago
17th Aug 2009 19:25 these are all my names and ties, they will be updated later if needed
I am Julie of Imaginary land, daughter of 100 men and one women, maker of siggies and profiles, friend to Emily of Imaginary land, friend to Stacy of reality girlfriend to Emily of Imaginary land, member of a JTHM fanclub, friend to Alex of Imaginaryland, friend to Past of Marada, Player of Greek age, Friend to people living in my mind, JTHM obsessive, and mother to none