My Marapets Goals
15 years, 6 months & 26 days ago
20th Jun 2009 08:08 This blog is a more in depth version of the goals list on my profile. It's really just a reference for myself but it will also tell you how I completed my goals or what I'm doing to complete them.
GET 1 MILLION MP - I got my 1Mil given by the Undying Fairy but I also have a shop, play games and do my dailies.
GET 3 MILLION MP - Im hoping the Undying Fairy will give me more, but again I do shop, games and dailies, especially Sword in the Stone, I'm nearly at 2Mil.
HAVE 10 MARAPALS - Yay I have 10 Marapals!
HAVE 50 MARAPALS - This will take a bit longer but I will just use the forums more. Please add me, even if you dont want to chat!
GET TO LEVEL 5 ON ALL GOALS GAMES - I'm nearly halfway there. Some goals I havnt even started. I should be able to work on these more now I have more MP though some are a bit hard and not all goals games show on your profile :-(
GET TO LEVEL 5 ON ALL QUESTS - This now excluded Knutt Knight and Explorer since theyre waaay out of my league. I have reached over level 5 on the rest though.
GET TO LEVEL 10 ON ALL QUESTS - Again excluding Knutt Knight and Explorer. I do lots of quests to make easy MP.
COLLECT 50 AVATARS - I used the avatar list on to get these.
COLLECT 100 AVATARS - Again I will be using the list on Maraforce but I think I have all the easy ones now.
COLLECT 10 STAMPS - I used the Post Office and looked for cheap stamps whilst browsing User Shops.
COLLECT 30 STAMPS - I just grabbed cheap stamps I found in user shops and visited the Post Office a lot.
HAVE 10 PHOTOS IN ALBUM - Finished! All of my photos so far have been of the results from the operations portal.
HAVE 25 PHOTOS IN ALBUM - This might cost a lot, I'm not sure how many photos exist in total? But then I can start Penetentiary Missions.
HAVE AN AWESOME PROFILE - I love my profile, I made it all myself and its nice an colourful! ^_^ I make pixel profiles for MP.
BUILD A COOL MARASITE - Working on my Marasite which will be an epic guide to Marapets.
ALL MARA_DEVO'S BATTLE STATS ARE 5+ - Done! ^_^ I will start working on school and Elite Gym next.
ALL MARA_DEVO'S BATTLE STATS ARE 10+ - Needed for a better job.
ALL OTHER PET STATS ARE 5+ - Again expensive but getting there.
ALL PETS HAVE JOBS - Complete! Until I get more pets...
ALL PETS HAVE JOBS OVER 200MP - Nearly there on this one, only need to build Faintest's stats.
MARA_DEVO HAS ATHLETE'S JOB - The higest paying job, will probably stay at level one though
HAVE 15 CLOTHES IN WARDROBE - Done, I got freebies from the clothing rack and bought 1MP items.
HAVE 2000+ FORUM POSTS - Going to spend a lot more time on the forums, replying to stuff and helping people out. Maybe I can earn a medal for being helpful?
REFER 15 PEOPLE TO MARAPETS - This might be difficult but I should get a medal if I refer enough people.
GET MUGEN MINIPET - I can get this for completing the above goal since I cant find any Mugen minipets on trades/auctions. But seriously how cute are they?!
HAVE A ROTTEN LEIDO PET - I wanted this to be Mimsy_Moo but I kinda like her how she is so I will get a Rotten costume then create a new pet once I have it.
HAVE A COTTONCANDY SINDI PET - I will have to save up a lot of money for the potion!
HAVE UNDYING FAIRY MURFIN PET - Need lots of MP for potion/plushie/costume.
COMPLETE PLUSHIE COLLECTION GALLERY - Took a while but nearly complete! I found most plushies in user shops for under 100MP. I only have a few left to collect and the rare ones. I'm not collecting enchanted ones.
SHOP HAS 5 PAGES OF ITEMS - Decent items over 1000MP so I can have a successful shop. I sell a lot of account upgrade stuff in my shop too.
PROFILE HAS 3 AWARDS - From account upgrades. I will probably get gold upgrades to sell in my shop.
PROFILE HAS 5 AWARDS - From account upgrades, maybe one of every colour?
PROFILE HAS 1 MEDAL - Not sure what you get these for, I think you deffo get ones for referals and complete nest.
PROFILE HAS 3 MEDALS - Will find out what medals are available.
HAVE 3 BATTLE CARDS IN DECK - These wernt as expensive as I thought and I got one as a prize from the Snowman Quest.
HAVE 5 BATTLE CARDS IN DECK - Only 2 more to go!
HAVE 5 EGGS IN NEST - Done but why does it take so long for eggs to hatch!
COMPLETE NEST - Then I'll get a medal ^_^
FORM A CLUB - Maybe for mothers/parents on Marapets or over 20's.
COMPLETE A TREASURE MAP - Working on the Volcano Map.
COMPLETE WHIRLPOOL TREASURE MAP - This is sooo expensive >_< I hope the Undying Fairy gives me another free million.
COMPLETE A TEMPLE - Again expensive but an ultimate goal.
COMPLETE ALL TEMPLES - Mega riches needed.
COMPLETE A WORLD EVENT - Maybe the Undying Festival or the pirate one thats coming soon?
HAVE A COOL CHARACTER - Done! I wish there was more character stuff though she would look awesome with ears and a tail. The most expensive part was the dentish ticket!
ALL PETS HAVE MINIPETS - Will have to get a decent home first to look after the little devils. All the cute ones are retired though :-(
ALL MARA_DEVO'S SCHOOL STATS ARE 5+ - Getting there on this one!
ALL MARA_DEVO'S SCHOOL STATS ARE 10+ - For a better job!
ALL OTHER PET SCHOOL STATS ARE 5+ - For a better job!