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  1. Ellijay.
    29th May 2009 06:46
    15 years, 1 month & 9 days ago
  2. I Laughed At My Neighbor Because I'm Crazy.
    28th May 2009 09:20
    15 years, 1 month & 10 days ago
  3. Boy Or Girl Test.
    28th May 2009 07:05
    15 years, 1 month & 10 days ago
  4. Ten Signs Your In Love???
    28th May 2009 06:59
    15 years, 1 month & 10 days ago
15 years, 1 month & 9 days ago
29th May 2009 06:46

>>> > a girl went to a party and
> >>> >
> >>> >she ended up staying longer than
> >>> >
> >>> >planned,
> >>> >
> >>> >and
> >>> >
> >>> >had to walk home alone. She wasn't
> >>> >
> >>> >afraid
> >>> >
> >>> >because it was a small town and she lived
> >>> >
> >>> >only
> >>> >
> >>> >a
> >>> >
> >>> >few blocks away.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >As she walked along under the tall elm
> >>> >
> >>> >trees,
> >>> >
> >>> >Diane asked God to keep her safe from
> >>> >
> >>> >harm
> >>> >
> >>> >and
> >>> >
> >>> >danger.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >When she reached the alley, which was a
> >>> >
> >>> >short
> >>> >
> >>> >cut to her house, she
> >>>decided to take it.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >However, halfway down the alley she
> >>> >
> >>> >noticed
> >>> >
> >>> >a
> >>> >
> >>> >man standing at the end as though he
> >>> >
> >>> >were
> >>> >
> >>> >waiting
> >>> >
> >>> >for her.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >She became uneasy and began to pray,
> >>> >
> >>> >asking
> >>> >
> >>> >for
> >>> >
> >>> >God's protection.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >Instantly a comforting feeling of
> >>> >quietness
> >>> >
> >>> >and
> >>> >
> >>> >security wrapped round her, she felt as
> >>> >
> >>> >though
> >>> >
> >>> >someone was walking with her.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >When she reached the end of the alley,
> >>> >
> >>> >she
> >>> >
> >>> >walked right past the man and arrived
> >>> >
> >>> >home
> >>> >
> >>> >safely.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >The following day, she read in
> >>>the
> >>> >
> >>> >newspaper
> >>> >
> >>> >that
> >>> >
> >>> >a young girl had been stabbed in the same
> >>> >
> >>> >alley
> >>> >
> >>> >just
> >>> >
> >>> >twenty minutes after she had been there.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >Feeling overwhelmed by this tragedy and
> >>> >
> >>> >the
> >>> >
> >>> >fact
> >>> >
> >>> >that it could have been her, she began to
> >>> >
> >>> >weep.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >Thanking the Lord for her safety and to
> >>> >
> >>> >help
> >>> >
> >>> >this
> >>> >
> >>> >young woman, she decided to go to the
> >>> >
> >>> >police
> >>> >
> >>> >station.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >She felt she could recognize the man, so
> >>> >
> >>> >she
> >>> >
> >>> >told
> >>> >
> >>> >them her story.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >The police asked her if she would
> >>> >be
> >>> >
> >>> >willing to
> >>> >
> >>> >look
> >>> >
> >>> >at a lineup to see if
> >>>she could identify
> >>> >
> >>> >him.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >She agreed and immediately pointed out
> >>> >
> >>> >the
> >>> >
> >>> >man
> >>> >
> >>> >she had seen in the alley the night
> >>> >
> >>> >before.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >When the man was told he had been
> >>> >
> >>> >identified,
> >>> >
> >>> >he
> >>> >
> >>> >immediately broke down and confessed.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >The officer thanked Diane for her bravery
> >>> >
> >>> >and
> >>> >
> >>> >asked if there was anything they could do
> >>> >
> >>> >for
> >>> >
> >>> >her.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >She asked if they would ask the man one
> >>> >
> >>> >question.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >Diane was curious as to why he had not
> >>> >
> >>> >attacked
> >>> >
> >>> >her.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >When the policeman asked him, he
> >>> >
> >>> >answered, "Because she wasn't
> >>>alone.
> >>> >
> >>> >She
> >>> >
> >>> >had
> >>> >
> >>> >two tall men walking on both sides of
> >>> >
> >>> >her."
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >Amazingly, whether you believe or not,
> >>> >
> >>> >you're
> >>> >
> >>> >never
> >>> >alone. Did you know that 98% of
> >>> >
> >>> >teenagers
> >>> >
> >>> >will not stand up for God?
> >>> >
> >>> >Repost this as (your city) if you truly
> >>> >
> >>> >believe
> >>> >
> >>> >in
> >>> >
> >>> >God..
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >PS: God is always there in your heart and loves you no matter
> >>>what
> >>> >
> >>> >"If you deny me in front of your friends, I shall deny you in
> >>>front of my
> >>> >Father"
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >98% wont post this
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >are you part of the 2% that will????????

I Laughed At My Neighbor Because I'm Crazy.
15 years, 1 month & 10 days ago
28th May 2009 09:20

Pick the month you were born:
January-------I ate
February------I bit
March--------I laughed at
April----------I kissed
May----------I hugged
June----------I sniffed
July-----------I danced with
August--------I sang with
September----I screamed at
October-------I slept on a
November-----I ran over
December-----I bashed up

Pick the day (number) you were born on:
1-------A grasshopper
2-------A piece of paper
3-------A pillow
4-------My Sister
5-------A worm
6-------A phone
7-------My school bag
9-------my Best Friends Dad
10-------my Neighbor
11-------my Maths Teacher
12------- ELMO!!!
13-------a Fireman
14-------a Toad
15-------a Goat
16-------a Pickle
17------- your Mummy
18-------a Spoon
19------ - Duck
20-------a Baseball Bat
21-------a Ninja
22-------Britney Spears
23-------a Noodle
24-------a Squirrel
25-------a Balloon
26-------my Sister
27-------my Brother
28-------an I-pod
29-------a Surfer
30-------a Llama
31-------A Homeless Guy

Pick the color of shirt you are wearing:
White---------because I'm cool like that
Black---------because that's how I roll.
Pink-----------because I'm crazy.
Red-----------because the voices told me to.
Blue-----------because I'm ah-mazing and I do what I want
Green---------because I think I need some serious help.
Purple---------because I'm AWESOME!
Gray----------because Big Bird said to and he's my leader.
Yellow--------because someone offered me 1,000,000 dollars
Orange--------because my family thinks I'm stupid anyway.
Brown---------because I can..
Other----------because I'm a Ninja!
None----------because I can't control myself!


Boy Or Girl Test.
15 years, 1 month & 10 days ago
28th May 2009 07:05

[x] you love hoodies
[x] you love jeans
[x] dogs are better then cats
[x] its hilarious when people get hurt
[x] you've played with/against boys on a team
[] shopping is torture
[x] sad movies suck
[] you own an XBOX
[x] you played with Hot Wheels as a little kid
[] at some point in life you wanted to be a firefighter
[x] you own a DS PS2 or Sega
[x] you used to be obsessed with Power Rangers
[x] you watch sports on TV
[x] gory movies are cool
[x] you go to your dad for advice
[] you own like a trillion baseball hats
[]you used to/do collect football collector cards
[] baggy sweatpants are sweet
[] its kind of weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people
[x] green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors
[x] you love to go crazy and not care what other people think
[x] sports are fun
[x] you talk with food in your mouth
[x] you sleep at night with your socks on
[] you hate claires the store
total: 17

[x] you love to shop
[x] you wear eyeliner
[x] you wear the color pink
[] u go to your mom for advice
[] you consider cheerleading a sport
[] you hate wearing the color black
[x] you like going to the mall
[] you like getting manicures and/or pedicures
[] you like wearing jewelry
[] you cried watching Eight Below
[] skirts are a big parts of your wardrobe
[x] shopping is one of your favorite hobbies
[x] you don't like the movie Star Wars
[] you are/were in gymnastics
[x] it takes you around one hour to shower get dressed and make up
[x] you smile alot more than you should
[x] you have more than 10 pairs of shoes
[x] you care about what you look like
[] you like wearing dresses when you can
[] you wear body spray/perfume
[x] you like high heel shoes
[x] you used to play with dolls as a kid
[x] you like putting makeup on others
[] you like being the star of almost everything
[] pink is one of your favorite colors

Ten Signs Your In Love???
15 years, 1 month & 10 days ago
28th May 2009 06:59

You feel shy whenever they're around.

You smile when you hear their voice.

When you look at them, you can't see
the other people around you, you just
see him/her.

They're all you think about.

You realize you're always smiling when
you're looking at them.

You would do anything for them, just
to see them.

While reading this, there was one
person on your mind this whole time.

You were so busy thinking about that
person, you didnt notice number seven
was missing

You just scrolled up to check & are
now silently laughing at yourself.












































































Post this as : 10 Signs u love someone

*And something good will happen to you

*If you don't... you'll certainly
regret it

  1. Ellijay.
    29th May 2009 06:46
    15 years, 1 month & 9 days ago
  2. I Laughed At My Neighbor Because I'm Crazy.
    28th May 2009 09:20
    15 years, 1 month & 10 days ago
  3. Boy Or Girl Test.
    28th May 2009 07:05
    15 years, 1 month & 10 days ago
  4. Ten Signs Your In Love???
    28th May 2009 06:59
    15 years, 1 month & 10 days ago