Giving A
15 years, 1 month & 8 days ago
18th Dec 2009 11:01 yup im giving a polar costume not to a person that pretty or thats my friend some one that knows the true meaning of chritmas some one that know behind the gifts so if you can show me that you know chritmas you will win it =] good luck winner the will be mailed A.S.A.P =] and my good friend elf is gonna help me pick the winner =]
smilegirl20 thanxs for entering you are entry number 1
The meaning of Christamas is love and happiness...say I get a crap 2 cent gumball from my sister doesn't mean it'snot a present.To some children that's like 10000 euro.Christmas is now ruined because children around the world are too selfish,too greedy.Christmas is NOT about presents about love and being with your family.
janessaklambkin is entery muber 2
Christmas to me, means spending time with my family and friends. All of those who I love and enjoy being around. Their presence alone is all that I need. It is a wonderful and magical time of year where people decorate with beautiful ornaments and twinkling lights! I just love to go and look at Christmas lights, it really puts a big smile on my face, as well as on my heart!
KirioKarasuma is entery number 3
The true meaning of Christmas is the day of Jesus' birth.
When the three wise men brought silver and gold and frankincense to him : ) The angels rejoiced. And then he died on the cross to forgive us for our sins.
And spending time in peace with my family. : D
EmpressOfMinorDemons is entery number 4
The true meaning of christmas is to give and not to receive, to celebrate a moment in history
charlieschocolate is entery number 5
Christmas is about spending time with family, friends, and loved ones. It's the one time of year that everyone shares their gratitude for everything that person has done for you. It's about giving, and generosity, and showing how much you care towards other people.
cutiepie12345678977 is entery number 6
I believe that the true meaning of christmas is not to give, not to recieve, but to spread happiness and love throughout.Someone once told me that they hadn't recieved a gift one christmas but had instead recieved happiness.I believe that emotions are far more important than gifts.Have a Merry, joyous christmas and Happy new year!
millanda is entery number 7
Christmas- It IS about the presents, but NOT what you get. A present that's NOT material, or super nice, a present that you GIVE to others. Whenever someone thinks to give me something, anything, even 1MP, it really makes my day. It's just this feeling/emotion you get when you are just given something, even a compliment or hello. The present can be the happiness, or an un-named feeling that you give people. The present to you can be spending time with family and friends. So, Christmas IS about presents, but not the presents usually thought of when mentioned.