which twilight werewolf are u quiz
15 years, 9 months & 14 days ago
14th Mar 2009 16:48 answer the following questions in ur head.
1. do u act sarcastic most of the time
a. most of the time, but usally only to jacob, and seth
b. sure, i wuld say i am.
c. well not rlly but ocassionly
d. very rarely, i see no point in jokes
e. yea, especially towards jared
2. do u love to help others
a. well not rlly, sometimes i can be helpful
b. i try to help ppl i like, but when i dont like
someone i am selfish
c. yes of course, helping ppl is always best
d.i try to help as much as i can.
e. i usally dont but i try to help ppl rarely.
3. do ppl obey ur orders
a. not rlly im mostly ignored sadly.
b. most of the time as if im a true leader.
c. naw, they think im to imature and young
d. yes always, im a leader, but sometimes i feel overpowered
e. no, not rlly im a follower
4.do u run away from ur problems?
a. i try to stay as strong as possible, but sometimes i cant take it
b. yes usally, i cant take most anything having to do with bella.
c. well not rlly, i try to stay tough but sometimes i have to move with the pack.
d. not at all, i have to stay strong for my followers
e. well i dont face many problems
ok now count how many of each letter u picked.
if u picked mostly a. u r leah
if u picked mostly b. u r jacob
if u picked mostly c. u r seth
if u picked mostly d. u r sam
if u picked mostly e. u r embry