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  1. If i ....
    2nd Feb 2009 15:36
    15 years, 10 months & 25 days ago
If i ....
15 years, 10 months & 25 days ago
2nd Feb 2009 15:36

If you have a baby girl would you call her...

A) Elison - May

cool.gif Elli - May

c) Alex _ andra

D) Madison

If you ever had a baby boy would you call him...

A) Damine

cool.gif Alex

c) Jack


If you ever had a beard would you ....

A) Shave it off

cool.gif Keep it

C) rip it off ( It was fake )

D) Act like an old dude.

If you was ever shouted at would you ...

A) Shout back

cool.gif Cry

C) Not be boverd

D)Never come out of your bedroom for life

If you got mostly a's your a ...

Your a fan of elison and demine and your afraid of people thinking you of old but your a though cookie!

If you got mostly b's your a ....

Your a fan of elli and alex! Your not afrid of people thinking you as old but your not a though boy / girl!

If you got mostly c's your a ...

Your a fan of Alexandra and Alex but your also a fake but your a kinda though person!

If you can mostly d's your a ....

Your a fan of madison AND jake your not afriad to act! But your kinda a puff!!!!!!

  1. If i ....
    2nd Feb 2009 15:36
    15 years, 10 months & 25 days ago