16 years & 12 days ago
15th Dec 2008 01:28 Yes I finnally reached 100k and it only took me a week!
Yes I only started a week ago to!
Stop animal testing
16 years & 13 days ago
13th Dec 2008 05:44 Why should animals suffer because of science. who really cares about science? STOP RIGHT NOW, and if YOU wanna make perfume/makeup/ beauty products test them on YOURSELF, why should animals have to suffer cause of YOU.
*sniffle sniffle* =[
This is such a sad story
Hello I'm Vanilla the puppy. I really like playing with my little pink bouncy ball. My brothers and sisters play with me too. I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers.
I used to have 5 sisters and 4 brothers but they were taken to a make-up testing factory. I miss them very much. But still I have fun with my 3 sisters and 2 brothers.
Then one day a truck came to pick up my Mama, Daisy. I was scared. I didn't know what was happening. And then she was taken to that bad factory.
It was a year later and I only had 2 sisters and 1 brother left. It wasn't the same.
The world felt big and scary
After a month the truck once again came. This time I had to go inside the truck. In the truck i wasn't the only dog. There were other dogs, bunnies, cats and all sorts of animals.
Finally we came to the factory. There were lots of shampoos, perfumes, and make-up. There were some coats that looked like real fur.
Suddenly I was taken inside a room. Some people were taking shampoo, lipstick and eye shadow. They were using the products on me.
The next day I never saw my brothers and sisters, my owner and other animals ever again and I was not alive.
I was tested on.
Post this story in your blog if you are against animal testing and animal abuse. So the world will stop the cruelty to all animals.