15 years, 6 months & 23 days ago
23rd Jun 2009 19:49 1. Are you taking this survey because you're bored?
2. Do you do the MaraPets Dailies?
3. Do you have a limited pet? If not, do you plan on getting one?
-No & I dunno(x
4. How long do you stay online, on MaraPets?
-an hours or two
5. How long have you been a member of MaraPets?
-205 days +
6. Do you think it's weird for adults to play MaraPets?
7. What's your favorite MaraPets game?
-Shoot the Fatty :'D
8. Why do you play MaraPets?
-cause its fun !
9. What is your favorite kind of MaraPets (including limited)?
10. Do you like chatting on the forums?
-I guess..
11. You have won 1,000,000 MaraPoints, what would be the first thing you would do with it? a mordo potion(:
12. Have you ever pulled the Sword from the Stone?
13. Do you restock your shop offen?
14. Do you think, buying siggies, layouts, coding, graphics & etc. should be banned? & Why?
-Yes, because you're suppose to earn marapoints by playing games, not selling graphics. No offense to anyone though.
15. How many Elger quest have you completed?
-5 XD
16. Do you miss MaraUploads?
-Its gone, forever?! D:
17. How many MaraPets do you have?
18. Are you saving up your Mara Points for anything, right now?
19. If you could rate the MaraPets by a scale of 1-10, what would you rate it.
-7/10; There's to many ads. !
20. Please, rate this survey on scale of 1-10(:
-100,000!/10 =)
[ This survey was made by Freshhurz, please do not take it and change it to your username! & Don't remove this. ]