Emoshional's Awesome Adoption Centre
15 years, 10 months & 28 days ago
29th Jan 2009 02:05 If you want to abandon your pet, JUST DON'T. Send it to me, please. I'll look after it, put a nice costume on it eventually. Train it maybe. I'll keep it for about a week or so and I'll put their names here just in case anyone wants them. So they have a nice home. When someone has already adopted your pet at Emoshional's Awesome Adoption Centre, I'll mail the user who has adopted your pet so you know who adopted it and so you can check if your pet is safe or something. But.......... We also have a couple of nice small acceptable rules.
1. You must have space for the pet you're going to adopt
2. You must promise that you will never abandon it, If you'd like to abandon it which I think is really ridiculous, maramail me and send it back here and remember to maramail the old owner of this pet, the old owner will be worrying about it.
3. Always look after it, if it has a sickness, cure it! If it's unhappy, play with it! Etc, Etc. Look after it or else you will have to be forced to send it back here and it will find another, more SUITABLE owner.
4. You must be 1 month or over to adopt. If I am not sure that you're over 1 month. Go to - http://www.marapets.com/king.php and screenie it with your name showed. I'd like to see a part like this, (ex.) - Emoshional
111,005 MP
646 BP
4,946 RP
5. You must have at least 1 costumed pet. I mean, I costumed this pet and if I give it to you and you've got ordinary, default costumed pets, the poor costumed pet will feel left out and feel odd..............one-out.
6. You can only adopt 1 pet a month
Pets currently free at Adoption
Abandoned pets I am training right now
and are close to being free for Adoption
Thanks to S7B for supporting by giving some of her pets. And also to Fy for offering and supporting too.