Clowns Are Scary!
16 years, 4 months & 25 days ago
7th Aug 2008 12:38 One peaceful night I fell asleep.I woke up because I was hungry.When I opened my eyes there was a big red clown in front of my face.I started to scream.After I screamed my mom ran in.Well it wasn't really my mom it was the clown from the movie "It".It hep saying," I'm your mother,I need to kill you".I got really scared,so I hid under the covers.When I came out then the clown from "It" was right there in my face I got so scared that I woke up and figured out that it was just a dream. The End
16 years, 4 months & 27 days ago
5th Aug 2008 09:59 One day when my parents left me home with my brother. suddenly a clown came out of the closet while we were sleeping.WE heared it laughing so we woke up in a fright.It took my brother and then it cut it my brother's head off with a chainsaw,and then it ate his eyeballs.I ran to a hotel,checked in and then started to cry.I stoped and went to bed sad.In the morning the maid came in to clean the bed and found my body on the bed and my head in the bathtub.If you hate clowns then you should have never read this because,if you think this story is scary then the clown will cut your head off.So try not to get scared or else you'll be on the channel 7/9 news.Moohaahaahaa!