forever friends
16 years, 2 months & 12 days ago
24th Oct 2008 08:43 Once there was these two girls named kharly and dani. They said they were going to be friends forever and they were. But then dani died in a car accident. she was only 8. A year passed by. then kharly started to tell her mom that dani wouldn't leave her alone. the mom thought nothing of it because she had been best friends since they were able to talk. but kharly kept telling her all the time that dani wouldn't leave her alone and one day said that dani was going to kill her. so the mom got really freaked out and had her put in a mental hospital. the night she was put in there she told one of the guards that dani was going to kill her that night and in the morning they found Kharly stabbed t death. So do you know someone that died??