LEs that I have owned...
15 years, 6 months & 22 days ago
22nd Jun 2009 19:14 1) Yas5 - Blue Daisy
2) Yuletide - Ice Yuni
3) Chinie - Chinese Poera
4) Stothard - Sponge Kronk
5) Fondo - Orange Zoink
6) Boinker - Purple Zoink
7) Auraia - Angel Mordo - turned from Elf
8) Fie - Leppy Tasi
9) Artelle - Blue Troit
10) Phaser - Blue Viotto
11) Coucho - Snow Chibs
12) Cincus - Easter Tasi
13) Dermot - Plant Tasi
14) Kynon - Recyled Viotto
15) Janite - Angel Chibs (turned from Punk)
16) Meseems - Vampire Tasi
17) Cupidus - Valentine Lati
18) Ezela - Valetine Lati
19) Circuit - Vortex Ercuw
20) Koebi - Furry Quell
21) Blazzing - Fire Quell
22) Yvon - Baby Quell
23) Liserto - Hobo Chibs
24) Sleya - Hobo Chibs
25) Yunifur - Ice Yuni
26) Wizder - Blue Chibs
27) Vellsey - Blue Chibs
28) Basari - Water Chibs
29) Alanys - Snow Chibs
30) Chrystie - Mummy Sindi
31) Genius - Blue Rofling
32) Jasli - Fairy Chibs
33) Exian - Midnight Chibs
34) Galagxy - Starry Viotto
35) Crystaliia - Princess Sindi
36) Genne - Devil Chibs
37) Sasprilla - Red Lati
38) Viollin - Christmas Viotto
39) Osandra - Yellow Chibs
Owe MP/Items to the following
15 years, 7 months & 3 days ago
10th Jun 2009 18:45 windslasher - 100K (6/10/09), paid back 100K (6/14/09)
obetrina - 100K (6/10/09), paid back 100K (6/11/09)
gunboundGM - 100K (6/10/09), paid back 100K (6/11/09)
windslasher - 1 mil (3/2/10), paid back 1 mil (3/3/10)
windslasher - 2 gingerbread wands (4/12/10)
Worst Christmas
16 years & 17 days ago
25th Dec 2008 20:04 Today was my worst Christmas. My dog got loose and was hit by a car. He didn't make it.
His name was Caesar and I loved him very much.
What I'll miss most about Caesar:
1) that he skipped when he walked
2) when he'd curl up by my head and make a "Caesar hat"
3) how he'd get so excited when I fed him that he'd bark and run around...that dog sure loved to eat.
4) that he would always be so happy to see me when I get home that he'd bark so much he'd start panting.
5) how he'd de-squeak a ball in under 3 minutes.
6) when it got cold, he'd get under the covers to stay warm.
Thank you for gifts this Holiday Season (2008)
16 years & 18 days ago
25th Dec 2008 02:48 I want to thank the following people for the generous gifts this Holiday season:
Dolphinblue - Ember - 2/26
Dolphinblue - Delayed - 2/26
Dolphinblue - Floss - 2/26
Dolphinblue - Ice Crystal - 2/26
Dolphinblue - Engery Crystal - 2/26
Dolphinblue - Earth Crystal - 2/26
ELF - Gingerbread Man - 12/25
Rainy8099 - Furry Costume - 12/24
ELF - Yuletide - Ice Yuni - 12/24
ELF - Red Quelow - 12/24
KyLera - Ash Crystal - 12/21
BattleMaidenSanyo1 - Eggnog - 12/21
Happy Holidays to all!
16 years & 25 days ago
17th Dec 2008 13:52 Completed:
1) Trotters: Level 30 - Red Zoink Potion and 100000MP (???)
2) Trotters: Level 30 - Ghost Zoink Potion and 100000MP (???)
3) Blitzen: Level 30 - Recycled Viotto Potion and 1000000MP (6/10/09)
4) Tarquin: Level 30 - Cheese Poera Potion and 100000MP (7/16/09)
5) Rusty Twins: Level 30 - Orange Rusty potion and 100000MP (7/26/09)
6) Blitzen: Level 30 - Blue Viotto Potion and 1000000MP (8/3/09)
7) Blitzen: Level 30 - Green Viotto Potion and 1000000MP (9/5/09)
Clam: Level 18 - 7500MP
Circus: Level 1 - Clown Potato
Ublish: Level 22 - FAILED
Tarquin: Level
Rusty Twin: See above
Pirate Mafia: Level 7 - 600MP
Blitzen: See above
Fates: Level 21: Lachesis Plushie
Trotters: Level :