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    29th Jul 2008 20:27
    16 years, 2 months & 6 days ago
  2. Blog #135078
    28th Jul 2008 21:57
    16 years, 2 months & 7 days ago
  3. 25th Jul 2008 08:21
    16 years, 2 months & 11 days ago
  4. i saw this and thought it was cool
    24th Jul 2008 19:03
    16 years, 2 months & 12 days ago
  5. do not fear sharks no more...
    22nd Jul 2008 21:09
    16 years, 2 months & 13 days ago
  6. you now that you live in 2008 when...
    22nd Jul 2008 20:54
    16 years, 2 months & 13 days ago
  7. look at this...i will be adding more soon
    13th Jul 2008 17:51
    16 years, 2 months & 23 days ago
16 years, 2 months & 6 days ago
29th Jul 2008 20:27

AM TRULY AGAINST ANIMAL CRUELTY!! STOP THE MADNESS!!!! This is such a sad story! Hello I'm Vanilla the puppy. I really like playing with my little pink bouncy ball. My brothers and sisters play with me too. I have 3 sisters and 2 brothers. I used to have 5 sisters and 4 brothers but they were taken to a make-up testing factory. I miss them very much. But still I have fun with my 3 sisters and 2 brothers. Then one day a truck came to pick up my Mama, Daisy. I was scared. I didn't know what was happening. And then she was taken to that bad factory. It was a year later and I only had 2 sisters and 1 brother left. It wasn't the same. The world felt big and scary After a month the truck once again came. This time I had to go inside the truck. In the truck i wasn't the only dog. There were other dogs, bunnies, cats and ll sorts of animals. Finally we came to the factory. There were lots of shampoos, perfumes, and make-up. There were some coats that looked like real fur. Suddenly I was taken inside a room. Some people were taking shampoo, lipstick and eye shadow. They were using the products on me. The next day I never saw my brothers and sisters, my owner and other animals ever again and I was not alive. I was tested on. Post this story in your blog if you are against animal testing and animal abuse. So the world will stop the cruelty to all animals

16 years, 2 months & 7 days ago
28th Jul 2008 21:57

[x] you love hoodies
[x] you love jeans
[x] dogs are better then cats
[x] its hilarious when people get hurt
[x] you've played with/against boys on a team
[x] shopping is torture
[x] sad movies suck
[ ] you own an XBOX
[] you played with Hot Wheels as a little kid
[x] at some point in life you wanted to be a firefighter
[] you own/owned a DS PS2 or Sega
[](hehe) you used to be obsessed with Power Rangers
[] you watch sports on TV
[] (OH YEA!gory movies are cool
[ ] you go to your dad for advice
[] you own like a trillion baseball hats
[x] you used to/do collect any sport collector cards
[x] baggy sweat pants are sweet
[ ] its kind of weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people
[x] green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors
[x] you love to go crazy and not care what other people think
[x]sports are fun
[x] you talk with food in your mouth
[x] you sleep at night with your socks on
[] you hate claires the store
total: 15

[] you love to shop
[X] you wear eyeliner
[] you wear the color pink
[x](sometimes) you go to your mom for advice
[] You consider cheerleading a sport
[] you hate wearing the color black
[x] You like going to the mall
[x] you like getting manicures and/or pedicures
[] you like wearing jewelry
[] you cried watching The Notebook
[] skirts are a big parts of your wardrobe
[] shopping is one of your favorite hobbies
[x]You DON'T like the movie Star Wars
[x] you are/were in gymnastics
[] It takes you an hour to get showered/dressed up
[] you smile alot more than you should
[] you have more than 10 pairs of shoes
[] you care about what you look like
[]You like wearing dresses when you can
[X] you wear body spray/perfume
[] you like high heel shoes
[x] you used to play with dolls as a kid
[]You like giving others make-overs
[X] You like being the star of almost everything
[] pink is one of your favorite colors


i guess i am a tomboy

16 years, 2 months & 11 days ago
25th Jul 2008 08:21

----///-\\\----Put This
---|||---|||---On Your
---|||---|||---Blog If
---|||---|||---You Know
-----\\///-----Who Died

i saw this and thought it was cool
16 years, 2 months & 12 days ago
24th Jul 2008 19:03


it looks a little like my guitar.

do not fear sharks no more...
16 years, 2 months & 13 days ago
22nd Jul 2008 21:09

In this blog, I hope for you to learn more about sharks, and fear them no more. I did type and search the web for this info. Please click READ ALL before proceeding. :]
Thank you.

Movies such as ???Jaws??? and ???Deep Blue Sea??? have contributed to giving a bad reputation to sharks. When you consider all the facts compared to the Hollywood version, the question we can ask ourselves is: ???Are all types of sharks man eaters???? Let???s look at some facts about sharks!

Fact #1: ???Did you know that 80% of shark species are either unable or unlikely to even come in contact with humans???? In fact, most of the 375 to 475 known types of sharks are gentle and a lot smaller than the fierce Great White shark.

Fact #2: ???Did you know that 80% of all types of sharks are smaller than 6.5 feet in length while 50% of them measure less than 3.5 feet in length.??? This simply means that sharks this small are likely to be lacking interest towards human preys.

Fact #3: ???Did you know that it is not true that the largest the shark, the more likely it is to attack humans and be referred to as man eaters???? In fact, the two largest sharks living in our oceans are also known as gentle giants? Yes, while the Whale shark and the Basking shark are in fact plankton eaters which explain the fact that humans do not even look appetizing to them.

Fact #4: ???Did you know that of all the shark species, there are four types that are more likely to attack humans???? As you can see, four species is far from being even close to the 375 to 475 types of sharks that ended up sharing the bad reputation of man eaters. While 20% of all known shark species are considered potentially dangerous to humans, there are only a few that may attack human preys out of confusion or when feeling threatened. These species are: the Great White shark, the Tiger shark, the Bull shark and the Great Hammerhead shark.

Fact #5: ???Did you know that shark attacks are not planned like in ???Jaws???? Sharks brain is not big enough to ???think things through??? like humans. In fact, sharks only react by instinct. It sees something that is in the water, it is hungry, and it may decide to taste it. It can be a man, a can, a license plate or anything else for that matter. More than likely, after the first bite, it will let go of its human prey as it is too bony for their own taste, contrary to a seal or a sea lion.

Fact #6: ???Did you know that some sharks can even be trained in aquariums???? In fact, it is done at the Chicago???s John G. Shedd Aquarium. They have not been training them tricks to perform in a show but for feeding purposes. Since they put all their shark species in the same tank, to avoid a feeding frenzy, they have trained each specie to respond to their own auditory call as well as a colored and high-contrast symbol when their feeding time has come. The most responsive specie is the Zebra shark which responds well to the touch and act like a well-trained puppy, enjoying being petted on their stomach and on the snout. As you can see, not all sharks attack humans.

Fact #7: ???Did you know that most types of sharks actually have impressive eyesight???? The specie that has the best eyesight is actually the Hammerhead shark because of the position of his eyes on the far side of its hammer shape snout. The specie that has one of the poorest eyesight is actually the Greenland shark since it prefers swimming close to the ocean floor and in colder waters, it has actual parasites growing on its eyes, almost blinding it. Although most sharks have better eyesight than us, it still can get confused and attack humans thinking of them as a seal, especially when lying on their stomach on a surfboard. Why? It is simply because since sharks tend to go full tilt from underneath their prey to take it by surprise, the shadow against the light plays tricks with their vision.

So, as you may now know, sharks have a bad rap. It's not fair.
I'm not going to go around marapets saying 'SAVE THE SHARKS!' or anything. xD

Okay, look at it this way.

Sharks-Kill 1-2 people on average a year. One year, they killed 4. That was 20 years ago though.
Now, let's compare the deaths a year by sharks to three other things.

Pigs-Pigs kill 32 people a year. Ha ha. Fear pigs now? xD

Hot water-People taking baths turn on the hot water and walk away. Sometimes their water heater breaks and begins to boil the water at outrageous degrees. Then the person plops down in the water and is melted to death. :] On average, 33, yes, THIRTY THREE people get killed that way every year. :]

Holes-Yup. Holes. People sometimes fall in holes and break their neck. On average, 8 peopleare killed a year by holes. :] That is DOUBLE what sharks kill.

Still fear them?
Well what I've recently found out, that SOME, not most but SOME of the very nasty shark attcks you find on the computer are the same person, like 23 times. They just change the skin tone and clothing.

I'm sure we all know this.
MOST attacks on humans are because sharks mistake us for their prey. So, they come, take a chuck out of us, realize it's not yummy enough to be their usual meal, and leave us. Harsh, huh?
But no need to worry, take a look at this.

The chances of you dying by a shark gulping you down is
Chances of you dying on an airplane by a drunken piolet is
So when you're waiting on your plane, double check the bar to make sure your piolet isn't their gulping down six martinies. :]

Here are some of the sharks, and a few facts about them-


-flat body like a stingray -- you can tell the shark is not a ray because the pectoral fins are not attached to the head.

-They bury themselves in the sand or mud with only the eyes and part of the top of the body exposed.

-They are bottom feeders, eating crustaceans like clams and mollusks and fish that are swimming close to the ocean floor


-second largest shark (about 30 feet long and 8,000 pounds)

-filters plankton from the water using "gill rakers"


-does well in captivity so is often found in aquariums (which is why we have so many photos of it)

-about 6 feet long.

-grey with a black tip on its fins and white streak on its side


-about 12 feet long.

-sleek, tapered body

-among the fastest swimming sharks and can even leap out of the water

-diet consists mostly of squid, but it will eat almost anything

-considered dangerous[have attacked people]


-third most dangerous to people

-can swim in salt and fresh water and have even been found in the Mississipi river.


-a small shark (less than 2 feet long)

-eats perfecty round chunks out of living whales and dolphins by clamping its teeth extremely sharp teeth onto them.


-very uncommon and likely the strangest looking shark (rarely seen)

-pale, pinkish grey skin with a long pointed snout (it looks a bit like a sword on top of its head)

-lives in very deep water.

-found off the coast of Japan in 1898... until that time it was believed to have been extinct for 100 million years


-more attacks on people than any other type.

-averages 12 feet long and 3,000 pounds.

-unlike most sharks, it can lift its head out of the water.


-unlikely to attack people, but considered dangerous due to its predatory nature and its size

-eyes and nostrils are far apart, giving it a "hammerhead" appearance and allowing the shark to extend the range of its senses.


-fastest swimmer (43 miles per hour)

-known to leap out of the water (sometimes into boats)


-bottom dwelling shark

-thin, fleshy, whisker-like organs on the lower jaw in front of the nostrils that they use to touch and taste

-hunt at night, sleep by day

-common at aquariums


-the sandtiger shark has very pointed teeth -- the better to eat you with (if you're a fish!

-10 feet long

-predator (carnivore)

-nocturnal (hunts mostly at night)

-Babies: The mother shark has two uterus. Many sharks begin in the uterus, but the strongest one in each uterus eats all the others before they are born.


-the most abundant shark

-3 to 4 feet long

-slightly poisonous spines (not very harmful to people)

-used by people for food and research.


-10 foot tail (1/2 as long as the body) which it uses to herd small fish


-second most attacks on people

-eat anything! (have been found with boat cushions and alarm clocks in their stomachs)


-biggest shark and biggest fish

-it isn't a whale (whales are mammals, not fish)

-grow to 45 feet long and 30,000 pounds, but average about 25 feet long

-filters plankton from the water using "gill rakers"


-probably the most common shark encountered by divers and snorkelers on tropical reefs

-about 3 feet long on average though it can be as big as 6 feet.

-dark grey with a white tip on the first and sometimes on the second dorsal fin as well as the tail lobes


-about 8 feet long, but virtually harmless.

-lives in Australia and Pacific coastal reefs

-lies on the bottom of the ocean waiting for fish to come near.
filters food into its mouth with worm-like projections on its head
razor-like teeth

-yellow, brown and gray camouflage colouring.


-small, gentle shark that can be kept in an aquarium with other fish

-tail is half its length

Now here are some photos of a few of the sharks. You can easily search google for some more. :]

Baskin Shark;

Blue Shark;

Great White Shark;

Megamouth Shark;

Nurse Shark;

Whale Shark[largest fish on the planet!];

Wobbegong Shark[AKA;Carpet Shark];

Zebra Shark;

Now, and ENORMOUS shark that is extinct is called the Megalodon Shark.

Look at this. It's camparing the GREAT WHITE SHARK TOOTH to the Megalodon Shark Tooth. :]

I bet you didn't know, that if Megalodon Sharks WEREN'T extinct, they still wouldn't be the largest shark there is.
That would still be the HUGE Whale Shark.

Well, I hope this informed you on sharks. I hope you no longer fear them. I also hope this helped gain more knowledge to others.


I would be glad to share this blog. So if you want to use this on YOUR blog, please give me, beachchick1997, credit. I did type and search the web for this information. It took me several hours too. If I catch you trying to take credit for it, you WILL be reported.

Thank you for reading and I hope I informed you in a humorous way.
With love,
An ALL time shark lover.


    29th Jul 2008 20:27
    16 years, 2 months & 6 days ago
  2. Blog #135078
    28th Jul 2008 21:57
    16 years, 2 months & 7 days ago
  3. 25th Jul 2008 08:21
    16 years, 2 months & 11 days ago
  4. i saw this and thought it was cool
    24th Jul 2008 19:03
    16 years, 2 months & 12 days ago
  5. do not fear sharks no more...
    22nd Jul 2008 21:09
    16 years, 2 months & 13 days ago
  6. you now that you live in 2008 when...
    22nd Jul 2008 20:54
    16 years, 2 months & 13 days ago
  7. look at this...i will be adding more soon
    13th Jul 2008 17:51
    16 years, 2 months & 23 days ago