Medicinal uses
10 years & 16 days ago
10th Dec 2014 16:07 Box of Tissues
When your pet has a cold, this box of tissues will soon cure it!
This item is Rarity 6
If your pet has toothache, use this brush to clean them!
This item is Rarity 6
These pills will quickly heal any headaches your pet may have.
This item is Rarity 6
Citrus Mug
A mug of hot lemon will clear your throat.
This item is Rarity 6
When your pet is scratched use this plaster for it to heal!
This item is Rarity 6
Greedy Fairy Acne Cream
If your pet has Acne, the Greedy Fairy can help. She uses this cream for her acne!
This item is Rarity 7
Anime Chibs Pillow
Addicted to Anime? Hug this Anime Chibs Pillow at night to cure Animania!
This item is Rarity 7
1001 Art Ideas
Is your pet suffering from Art Block? 1001 Art Ideas will help!
This item is Rarity 8
Breath Mint
Does your pet have bad breath? Chew on this!
This item is Rarity 9
Tiny Bottled Cloud
Has your pet got Breezies? Its typical after a visit to Nimbus. This item will cure it!
This item is Rarity 10
Arm Plaster Cast
If your pet has a broken arm, this Arm Plaster Cast will help to cure it!
This item is Rarity 11
Leg Plaster Cast
If your pet has a broken leg, this Leg Plaster Cast will help to cure it!
This item is Rarity 11
Undying Fairy Stress Doll
Is your pet stressed? Marada can be very stressful! This doll will help!
This item is Rarity 12
Love Injection
Is your pet so unloved that its caught Cooties? This injection will help... but give it a hug too!
This item is Rarity 13
Herbal Spring Shampoo
Does your pet have terrible Dandruff? This shampoo should fix that right up!
This item is Rarity 16
Light Fairy Blessing
Has the Dark Fairy cursed your pet? Not to worry! This blessing will stop that curse!
This item is Rarity 5
Flea Soap
Oh no! Your pet has fleas? Wash them in this and they'll be fine!
This item is Rarity 10
Chicken Soup
Got the flu? This chicken soup is just what you need!
This item is Rarity 11
Fire Fairy Lotion
Freezing cold? Maybe you have the Ice Fairy Chills! This will help cure it.
This item is Rarity 12
Super Absorbent Sand
Does your pet's tail have ink on it? This sand will fix that right up!
This item is Rarity 13
Colourful Paint Brush
Feel dull and colourless? You must have Monochromia! This will cure it.
This item is Rarity 20
Bottle of Sweet Dreams
Is your pet having nightmares? One dose of this will cure them!
This item is Rarity 19
Soothing Osafo Cream
Your pet's Osafopox will be instantly cured when you rub this cream on.
This item is Rarity 18
Eye Drops
Does your pet have pink eye? These eye drops will cure it.
This item is Rarity 17
Aloe Vera Leaf
Suffering from sunburn? This leaf will cure it.
This item is Rarity 15
Gas be Gone
Does your pet have bad gas? One dose of this and the toots will be gone!
This item is Rarity 14
Troll Away Spray
Have the forum trolls given your pet Trollitis? This spray will keep the Troll away!
This item is Rarity 13
Anonomous Love Letter
Is your pet lonely since Valentine's Day? This letter will cure them!
This item is Rarity 12
Garlic Necklace
Has your pet adopted the vampire lifestyle? This necklace will put a stop to that!
This item is Rarity 22
Joyful Cheesecake
Is your pet feeling sad? One bite of this cheesecake will cheer them up!
This item is Rarity 24
Magical Ear Cleaner
Are your pet's ears blocked? This magical ear cleaner will fix that!
This item is Rarity 23