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  1. Another one!
    21st May 2009 13:03
    15 years, 4 months & 11 days ago
  2. Hmmm. Why not?
    17th Apr 2009 17:30
    15 years, 5 months & 16 days ago
  3. About me, updated.
    26th Oct 2008 17:13
    15 years, 11 months & 5 days ago
  4. Goals for Mara
    26th Oct 2008 10:48
    15 years, 11 months & 5 days ago
  5. Yay!
    3rd Dec 2007 19:07
    16 years, 9 months & 30 days ago
  6. woot!
    20th Sep 2007 19:46
    17 years & 12 days ago
Another one!
15 years, 4 months & 11 days ago
21st May 2009 13:03

Don't worry, I haven't abandoned my other story. Just...I'm taking a break. I may put up more shortly. :]

???Oh baby, why don???t you want to stay???? My boyfriend asked me, and I glared at him as he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer. He looked ridiculously handsome tonight, with his blond hair straightened and looking like he actually made an effort to style it. His green eyes peered at me innocently, and I just had to make a disgusted noise.

???No, I don???t want to stay, James.??? I muttered, getting up quickly. ???I???ve told you before.??? Now, my voice was borderline on pleading. ???I just don???t want that right now???who knows, we might not get married, and???what if??????

???So???do you not love me, then???? James asked, getting up from his couch as well, and he ran a hand through my hair. I couldn???t help but close my eyes, and I sighed. It was so relaxing???but I knew better than lower my guard around him.

???I do???you know I do. But no.??? Now, I ducked out of his coming embrace, and I backed towards the door. He had a small apartment; and I wasn???t going to be here anymore. This was getting way too awkward.

???Then why not? We love each other??????

???James, just stop it!??? I cried, frowning. I could feel the tears filling my eyes, and I shook my head. ???You know what???if you???re going to pressure me???then I???m out.???

Then I walked out the door, slamming the door behind me so hard I hoped his neighbors heard it.

I couldn???t take it anymore. I just couldn???t. The way he disrespected me was just infuriating. What nerve did he have?

But, I told myself, I was better off without him. He had been possessive anyway, calling me day and night, wondering where I had been at all hours of the day. Not letting me be with my friends, not letting me have a life outside of him. I gripped my steering wheel, just thinking about it. My parents had warned me that he was bad news, but did I listen to them?

Of course not.

Even my favorite band to listen to when I was depressed, Family Force Five, wasn???t even helping anything. Their usually strange lyrics, loud and upbeat rhythms just weren???t doing anything for me tonight. I was to the point that I was so mad, I couldn???t even help it.

Maybe if tears weren???t blurring my vision, I might have seen it. The tractor trailer coming towards me, and fast. In my lane, the driver obviously paying as little attention as I was. He was in my lane, and by the time I noticed, the headlights were too close to my car, too close for me to turn away.

The impact was hideous. I heard the metal screech and class break, and the airbag deployed, making only my head safe from the impact. Though the force made me fly back into the back of my seat, hitting my head so hard I blacked out.

The first thing I felt again was something warm feeling like it was picking me up, and I opened my eyes. I got up, then looked around me, tilting my head. The crash scene caught my eye, and I looked at it. I chewed on my bottom lip, then shifted around. What was going on?

I looked down, then nearly screamed.

My body was transparent! I looked at my arms, and I could see right through them into the grass. I was a ghost, or what I always thought it would look like.

Was I dead already?

I looked at the crash scene again. It was going slow, like time was of no importance at the moment. My beautiful, small little blue Altima was practically underneath the tractor trailer now, and my lower lip shook.

There was no way I could survive that. I was a fighter; I knew that. But I didn???t even think I could fight my way out of that.

Suddenly, a light came from my left, and I looked. Standing next to me was a male, with white wings protruding from his back. He was glowing slightly, and my eyes hurt a bit looking at him, like if I looked into incandescent lights too long. I had to look away after a moment, and then rubbed my eyes. He was clothed entirely in white, I saw out of the corner of my vision. I could make out a black mess of hair, as well.

After a moment, he turned towards me, his dark blue eyes filled with pain. It made it feel like my heart was torn in two; why was this beautiful being so sad?

He reached out a pale hand tenderly to me, and touched my chin, drawing myself closer to him. His touch was warm on my otherwise cold, ghostlike body.

???How badly do you want to live???? He asked me, and I raised an eyebrow. That was an odd question???but then I started thinking. My family, my friends???they would all miss me so much. I closed my eyes as tears filled them, and as if he read my mind, the angel sighed softly. ???You???re not a selfish person, Elizabeth. You deeply care more about the people around you than about yourself. That???s why???you???ll be given a second chance.???

My eyes shot open, and then he smiled.

???I can???t do this twice, however.??? He continued, then before I could question it, I felt like I was beginning to get sleepy. ???Now, sleep???we???ll talk more later.???

As if there were invisible weights on my eyelids, they began closing, though not a whole lot of my own free will. I began getting cold again, and through my lids, I saw blackness. No evidence of the light that had been in front of me.

Then, pain hit me again. I drifted in and out of an unconscious state while the paramedics got there and took me into their van. It wasn???t long after that until I had an IV put it me, and I fell into a deep sleep.

The first thing I heard was the beeping of a heart monitor. The first thing I smelled was the antiseptic smell of a hospital. As my senses came back, I heard other things. Like some people whispering, a television being on, and a bit of sniffling. Like someone had been crying. I smelled hospital food, flowers, and perfume as well.

Then I realized someone was holding my hand.

I moaned just a bit, then opened my eyes, the white room making my head hurt. It took me a minute to get adjusted to the light, and then I saw the slight form of my mother beside me. Her brown hair, something I inherited from her, was lank and dirty, like she hadn???t moved much since however long she was here. Her gray eyes were filled with worry, and there were dark circles under them as well, marring her slightly tanned, youthful face.

???Mom?????? I croaked, and she shook her head, a couple of tears falling down her face.

???Don???t push yourself, if you don???t feel like talking.??? My mother said softly, obviously trying to struggle to keep her emotions in check. She reached out with her free hand to my hair, and she ran her fingers through it, forcing a smile on her face.

???I???m not?????? I replied to her, then closed my eyes, taking a deep breath. Even doing that hurt. ???How long????

???Almost two days???we thought you were gone.??? She said softly, sounding choked up again. I didn???t open my eyes; I didn???t want to see her tears right now. It might as well make me cry as well.

I forced my thoughts on what had happened while the crash was taking place. The angel???was he just my imagination, or did he actually appear with me? Would I ever know?

???It was a miracle you lived, the doctors say. Your car was almost completely under the tractor trailer.??? My mom went on, and I opened my eyes, my heart monitor speeding up as my own heart started pounding. ???Honey???are you alright????

???Y???Yeah. What???what all happened to me???? I asked, taking another painful deep breath.

???Your ribs were broken???and you had a concussion. Your right arm was also broken,??? She went on, indicating the cast on my arm, ??????but thankfully that was the worst of your injuries.???

Yeah, thankfully. And it definitely wasn???t a coincidence. The angel I had dreamt about was definitely real. If my car was so far underneath the tractor trailer, then I shouldn???t even be here right now. Why had an angel taken interest in me all of the sudden? From what I figured, it wasn???t often that miracles like this happened.

Though, something he said puzzled me.

???We???ll talk more later.???

How would I talk to him?

My musing was cut short by another woman clearing her throat. She smiled as I looked up at her, and I did as well. ???Hello, Aunt Ruth?????? I said, not really in the mood to talk anymore. Her bright crimson, dyed hair either clashed or made her dark blue eyes more pronounced. That was the trait I got from my dad???s side of the family.

???Hello, sweetie???how are you feeling???? She asked now, and I fought the urge to make a sarcastic remark. How did the woman think I felt at this point?

???Felt like a truck ran over me???but I???m fine.??? I said, smiling through my pain. Ruth made a strange face, but I couldn???t tell if she was stung by my slight sarcasm or not.

Or she just didn???t like being here.

???Well???I just wanted to see you for a little bit. I???ll talk to you later, sweetie.??? Ruth stated, before walking over to me and kissing my forehead. After a moment, she walked out, and I breathed a sigh of relief. Well, one uncomfortable moment over with.

???How long has it been???since you had your last meal, Mom???? I asked, my gaze looking over at her now. It hurt to talk, but I just was worried about her.

???A while.??? Was all she replied, and I frowned a bit.

???Go on???go get something.???

???Are you sure????

I nodded, and fought the urge to wince at the pain. Her lips drew themselves into a tight line, but after a moment, she nodded. ???I suppose, girly???but I???ll be right. Back.??? Now, she patted my forehead, and stood up. ???I???ll send a doctor in, too.???

All I could do was nod again, and I happily watched her exit the room. Maybe I could have some time to think to myself, again. Though I didn???t think I would be able to pick up where I left off.

Oh well.

I closed my eyes, and just laid there for a moment, concentrating on taking relaxing breaths. Maybe it was just all my imagination. Maybe it was all just a dream.


???It???s not.???

My heart jumped at the vaguely familiar voice, and I looked to the source. Where my mom had been sitting was the angel from before, and I could actually look at him now. His glow had faded quite a bit, so it was just a bit of a shine. He looked kind of tired, though, worn out.

???Did you???j-just read my mind???? I asked, slightly scared now. We both noticed that my heart rate started to rise a bit, and he leaned back in the chair. It was as if he was trying to get me to relax by backing away.

It wasn???t going to work.

???No, I didn???t. Your emotions are just displayed too well on your face.??? He replied, tilting his head.

???Thanks.??? I muttered, a little bit sarcastically. Apparently, he caught it, then he got up, looking at the heart monitor.

???What???s this???? He asked, watching and listening to the beeping on the object in question.

???It???s a heart monitor. It tell you how fast my heart is beating.???

???I figured that. How does it work????

I sighed, slightly exasperated. ???For someone I don???t even know the name of, you???re acting rude.???

???It???s Aiden. And how does this thing work???? He asked again, and I just looked at it for a moment, then back at him.

???I don???t know. You???re an angel. You should know everything.???

???Well, I don???t, Elizabeth. I haven???t been on earth for two hundred years, technology confuses me. Those big things you people call cars almost ran me over a few times while I was trying to get here.???

???Well, don???t walk in the road then. Fly.??? I retorted, then I frowned a bit more. ???Wait???how do you know my name? I thought you didn???t know everything.???

???I don???t. I was watching you.??? Aiden said quietly, the heart monitor forgotten for now.

Ok, that sounded like he was stalking me.

???Stalker.??? I muttered, and he just frowned as well.

???Is it so bad????


???Well excuse me.??? He mumbled, sounding stung. I felt bad for snapping at him. ???And I can???t fly, not anymore.???

???Why not????

???Because I lost my wings when I saved your life.??? He responded quietly, then looked at my shocked face. ???What? It was worth it.???

???But???why???you???what about?????? I stammered, knowing I wasn???t making much sense, but this whole situation wasn???t doing so hot on my mental health. At all.

???I told you, I was watching you. And I didn???t want to see you die.???

That shut me up for a minute. It wasn???t easy to do, leaving me speechless like that. Why would an angel even care if I lived or died? If I died, and I believed in God, wouldn???t he be happy to see me in Heaven?

My mouth felt dry now, and I figured it would be good to change subjects.

Except, I couldn???t think of anything to say. What he had said still made my tongue tied.

Aiden fell silent for a moment, then smiled. ???You???re welcome, Elizabeth.???

???I?????? I started, and then looked towards the door as I heard footsteps coming close. My mother walked in again, and she frowned.

???I heard talking???who were you talking to???? She asked, and I looked to where Aiden had been standing.

He was gone.

Hmmm. Why not?
15 years, 5 months & 16 days ago
17th Apr 2009 17:30

Well, I see everyone posting up their stories on Mara, so why not me?
-takes a deep breath-
Here we go.

A male leaned against the side of the unknown building, breathing heavily. Puffs of breath from the cold clouded the already foggy air in front of him. But despite all these, his pulse was racing and he was burning up. Possibly panic? He didn???t know.

The sounds of heels clicking against the stone pavement sent shivers up his spine, and he desperately wished there was somewhere else he could be at the moment. But no matter how much his mind tried to get him out of this dream, it was impossible. Nothing changed.

Nothing ever changed.

He didn???t even know why he was so scared, or why the approaching footsteps put even more terror into him.

???Found you.??? Crooned a female???s voice, and his eyes went wide.

That sounded like???

???Tyler!??? A voice cried, and the male was finally awake, and he sat straight up. A blonde, curly haired male was frowning at him, an eyebrow raised. ???Another nightmare? You???ve been having that dream a lot lately.??? Tyler???s older brother???s brown eyes that usually had a bit of mischief in them were now full of concern. ???Maybe you should talk to someone??????

???I???m fine.??? Tyler muttered, looking down and realizing that his shirt was drenched in sweat. He felt another bead of the stuff fall down the side of his tanned face. He didn???t have to feel his messy brown hair to know that it was drenched as well. It didn???t help the fact that parts of his hair felt like it was permanently glued to his forehead, and it was getting into his hazel eyes.

At least, it was worse than usual.

??????Right.??? Was all the other male said, and then rolled his eyes. ???Just go get another shower; I need to straighten this bed head out before I go to work.???

???And you say I have problems, Caleb.??? Tyler said, grinning a little as he dodged a hit from Caleb and rolled off his bed. ???You sound like a girl when you say things like that.???

???Do not.??? The eighteen year old muttered, and now it was Tyler???s turn to roll his eyes. Tyler grabbed a new, clean outfit, and then shook his head.

???You???d be surprised. I???m pretty sure I hear about ninety percent of the girls at say the same thing. ???Like, oh my gosh Stacy, my hair looks so bad today!??????

Another punch was thrown his way, but he just barely dodged it, before trotting off into the bathroom. He couldn???t help but chuckle about this, even though this was normal for them in the mornings.

Once out of the shower, he changed into a brown short sleeved shirt with a white long sleeved shirt underneath that. The brown shirt had a gold guitar design on it, with a couple of music notes scattered about. The rest of his outfit was rather plain; just a pair of dark jeans and sneakers.

As soon as he had stepped out of the bathroom, Caleb sprinted in, causing another eye roll from the younger brother.

He really couldn???t understand how they were related. Sure, they were approaching the same height and slender build, but that was pretty much anything that set them together. His brother???s eccentricity and mischievous personality wasn???t shared. Tyler pretty well kept quiet and to himself, whereas Caleb was an open book. Especially to women.

That was definitely another thing that set them apart.

Sure, Tyler had had a liking for a girl or two, but he never really was motivated to act on those emotions.

Caleb, on the other hand???he lived and breathed on flirting with women. It was another reason why he had to ???perfect his image??? as he had told Tyler so many times before. Which meant, straightening his hair and staring at himself in the mirror, making sure his complexion and hair were absolutely perfect. Tyler couldn???t care less; as long as his hair didn???t turn into an afro, he was fine.

Suddenly, though, his mind turned back to the dream last night. He couldn???t conjure the sound of the female???s voice and who he thought it sounded like anymore???it was almost as if his brain had automatically discarded that piece of information.

Tyler almost mechanically took up his backpack and placed the homework he had gotten done in it. He sighed as he walked out of the room, making a mental note on everything he had. He didn???t think he needed anything else???

???Caleb, I???m leaving!??? Tyler cried, and heard a responsive grunt from the bathroom. He took it as a cue to leave, and then grabbed his cell phone that had been charging, before leaving the house.

His bus stop was not even a block from his house, and when he got there, he sat down on the sidewalk. Tyler sighed a little, then shook his head, trying to get his hair a little more situated than the mess it was in right now.

Not that he cared, or anything. It would just be nice to see.
Suddenly, something tackled him to the ground, and his eyes went huge. But the person was laughing as well, and Tyler smirked. ???Adrian???you???re going to give me a heart attack one day.??? He said, as another male straightened up, still laughing a little. He had very fair skin, with striking icy blue eyes. His hair was jet black, and short, with it gelled up in the front.

His outfit was completely black, though it wasn???t his absolute favorite color to wear. He had stressed to Tyler more than once that black on black were the easiest to match, so he had more time to mess with his hair.

Adrian reminded Tyler of Caleb, in more than one way.

???So, what???s up???? Adrian asked, helping Tyler up easily. Now that they were both standing, it was obvious that Adrian was just a bit taller than Tyler.

???Nothing much?????? The other male said, and Adrian ran a hand through his hair, shifting his weight around now.

???Really? So what are you going to do tomorrow for Valentine???s Day???? The taller male prodded, making Tyler flinch. ???Ah, so you have something in mind????

??????Yeah, right. You???re delusional.???

???I still think you should give something to Michelle.???

A soft blush came into Tyler???s face, and he shook his head, shaking it off. ???Hmph. Like she would actually accept it.???

???My sources say that she actually thinks of you favorably.???

???What sources???? Tyler asked, scoffing a little now. ???You don???t have any sources; you???re making it up so that I???ll have more self esteem.???

???What???s so wrong with that????

???It???s lying.??? Tyler said bluntly, frowning. But now, the bus rolled up, and he sighed. ???Forget it. I???m not doing anything.???

They both fell quiet as they got on the bus, and they quite happily sat in the back. It was less noisy back there, and besides, it gave them time to talk if need be.

???What about your birthday? Isn???t it coming up soon????

Tyler thought for a moment, then nodded. ???Yes, actually it???s the day after tomorrow.???

???Now, wouldn???t it be the best present ever if--??? Adrian was cut off by Tyler elbowing him in the side, rather hard. That was the last thing that needed to happen; the whole school starting rumors about him. When Adrian stopped groaning about his side, he shook his head. ???You didn???t even know what I was going to say.???

???I know well enough.???

The two males lapsed into silence now, and Tyler???s mind finally wandered off of Adrian???s comments. Instead, he was thinking about his birthday. It would be his sixteenth; so he wanted to do something a little different. But what? He wasn???t exactly the most interactive person in school; he was rather quiet and to himself, actually. The only way he had actually met Adrian was the fact that they were childhood friends. Everybody essentially knew him as ???Adrian???s friend??? or ???Caleb???s little brother???, a fact that he really didn???t care about. It was better to be a nobody, sometimes.

Finally, the bus rumbled into the school parking lot, and after a lot of jostling from the other students, Tyler and Adrian got off. They started walking into the building of the high school, and Adrian punched Tyler in the side as soon as a black haired female walked into their sight. Her hair was straight, and went down a little below her mid back. She was pale, though not nearly as pale as Adrian, with freckles dotting her cheeks.

Michelle was short, though, probably just barely brushing the five foot, three inches mark. That was the only downside, though it was easily looked over.

Before he knew it, Adrian pushed Tyler into her direction. He almost started turning to run away, but Michelle looked up, her chocolate brown eyes making eye contact with Tyler.

So there was no way that he could back out now.

???Oh, hey, Michelle?????? Tyler said, rubbing the back of his head nervously. ???How???re you????

???Oh, hello???Tyler.??? Michelle started replying, obviously having to think of his name. ???I???m doing well, how are you????

???Great.??? He said softly, though without thinking. He made himself not react to that, or the faint snickering he heard from Adrian in the background. An awkward silence elapsed between the two, and thankfully, the bell rang.

???I???I need to go to class.??? Michelle almost whispered, and didn???t wait for his reply before walking off.

Tyler frowned, and then walked over to Adrian, punching him as hard as he could. That idiot! That had been so embarrassing!

???Sorry, couldn???t help it.??? Adrian stated, before running off to class before Tyler could abuse him anymore. Tyler made his way towards class now as well, taking a couple deep breaths to hide his embarrassment. Clearly, that had been as painful for her as it was to him???

Darn that Adrian.

The rest of the day went slowly in a painful way, and finally, they were released for the day.

About me, updated.
15 years, 11 months & 5 days ago
26th Oct 2008 17:13

I suppose I'll just ramble in this one. I don't like how I had the other one set up.
I'm too lazy to make another blog. xD

I'm in between the ages of 16-19, and I'm not telling unless I feel comfortable.
I'm female, duh.
I live in the United States. Won't tell you that either unless I'm comfortable.
Call me Harm, even though that's definitely not my real name.
I'm a Christian, who loves music, though don't ask me if I like any popular stuff. Most likely it'll be a no.
But I do like Anberlin, Thousand Foot Krutch, House of Heroes, The Wedding, Skillet, Falling Up, Hawk Nelson, Relient K, and Tobymac.

I like reading, too. Twilight was alright while it lasted, but after I thought about it after reading, it was pretty darn bad. As a writer, it drove me crazy how many gaping plotholes there were.
And the ending?
But anyway. I read a lot of books. If you want to talk about books, you can maramail me. I'm too lazy to put all the stuff I've read on here.
And I'm always open to new books! <3

I'm also an anime freak. I'm also one of those freaks that dresses up in the costumes and goes to nerd conventions. But hey, it's all good. <3
Anime I like:
Ouran High School Host Club
Fruits Basket
DN Angel
Death Note

Ahhh I probably have more, but I just can't think right now.

I'm a video game nerd, too:
Final Fantasy [[Never beaten one, though]]
Kingdom Hearts 1, CoM, 2
Tales of the Abyss
Tales of Symphonia 1&2
Tomb Raider [lolz]
Harvest Moon
Getting into the Sims...

What else?
Can't think.

-brain dead today-

So I like to write, too.
-points to the two blogs above-
You should read them.
I think they suck, but most people tell me otherwise. :3
Currently editing the one with Elizabeth in it, though...
Found that I made things happen too quickly.


I have two doggies.
Manny and Freckles.
Manny is a jack russel mix and Freckles is a mean little shih-tzu.
Freckles is an old fart that's reaching the age of 19, and Manny's only 2.
I think.
We don't really know.
I got Manny from my youth pastor, 'cuz his son is allergic to dogs.
They didn't know that when they originally got Manny, soo...
And you don't give a baby allergy medicine. n.n

Oh! And about my cosplays.
I've done:
Temari [[Naruto]]
Near [[Death Note]]
Konata [[Lucky Star]]
Lavi [[D.Gray-Man]]
I have a video of me in Konata I think, but no pictures. The wig got junked up in three days, and I need a new one or just need to chose a different character all together.
Lavi? I have Lavi pictures on my deviantart. Want the link? Well, you need to ask me for it. ^^

I'm currently working on being Hikaru from Ouran High School Host Club. Katara's going to be Kaoru. <3
Have the fabric, and almost everything to make it, just need time to make it.
Will post pictures up on deviantart when it's done!

I think I rambled enough.
Maramail, comment, whatever.

Goals for Mara
15 years, 11 months & 5 days ago
26th Oct 2008 10:48

Get 3 mil [x]
Get 4 mil [x]
Get 5 mil [x]
Get 6 mil [x]
Get 7 mil []
Complete Tarquin []
Complete Circus [x]
Complete Rusty [] [[finished mission 1]]
Get a grey nino []
Make Lyrial a Gothic Sindi [[Halfway there! "Lyrial has changed into a punk Sindi!" 4/21/09!]] []
Get a pet giftbox []
Get 2k posts [x]
Get 3k posts []

More goals as I complete the ones I already have.

16 years, 9 months & 30 days ago
3rd Dec 2007 19:07

Maelin got turned into a Nefarious Quell today.

Thanks to the seller for selling it to me! ^^;

  1. Another one!
    21st May 2009 13:03
    15 years, 4 months & 11 days ago
  2. Hmmm. Why not?
    17th Apr 2009 17:30
    15 years, 5 months & 16 days ago
  3. About me, updated.
    26th Oct 2008 17:13
    15 years, 11 months & 5 days ago
  4. Goals for Mara
    26th Oct 2008 10:48
    15 years, 11 months & 5 days ago
  5. Yay!
    3rd Dec 2007 19:07
    16 years, 9 months & 30 days ago
  6. woot!
    20th Sep 2007 19:46
    17 years & 12 days ago