16 years, 6 months & 15 days ago
13th Jun 2008 22:58 My birthday is coming up on JULY 26th
what i would like:
- my friends
- gothic pets
- costumes
- a chibs potion for cinder
- potions
- a mm from friends
- the thought of knowing my friends remembered and maybe a costume for my sindi would be nice lol
- a quell
- a sindi
- anything awesome
- angel chibs / costume / quell
16 years, 8 months & 11 days ago
17th Apr 2008 16:30 NEVER FOR TRADE, I can not say how much angel means to me! Angel was from a good friend who is the bestest! Angel shall be never ever for trade so don't even ask, to me her name means never to give up since it conects me to god! There are many reasons i love her and why she is never going anywere, ask ever and you will be blocked and I will send my 2 dogs after you ASAP>
jess and jody
16 years, 8 months & 16 days ago
12th Apr 2008 17:44 Thanks for always being there for me, you two are the best!
16 years, 8 months & 16 days ago
12th Apr 2008 17:44 I think you are one of my greatest friends along with many others, you are always there for me and helped me back on my feet! I will miss you since we never talk anymore
16 years, 9 months & 4 days ago
24th Mar 2008 13:03 Me and my friend Megaparaket share a computer sometimes so please don't ban us we are doing nothing wrong or against the rules. ALso sometimes we help each-other out and send each-other stuff.ALONG WITH MARAHELPER SOMETIMES!