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  1. Save Me, Lovely
    10th Aug 2009 10:18
    15 years, 1 month & 21 days ago
  2. in need of ideas!
    7th Oct 2008 15:23
    15 years, 11 months & 23 days ago
  3. story update list!
    28th Sep 2008 21:53
    16 years & 2 days ago
  4. pics for playing with fire
    26th Aug 2008 20:24
    16 years, 1 month & 4 days ago
  5. Playing with Fire
    27th Jul 2008 16:21
    16 years, 2 months & 4 days ago
Save Me, Lovely
15 years, 1 month & 21 days ago
10th Aug 2009 10:18

This is just the preface, I don't dare release more now that I am actually getting it published.


Save me, lovely


Everyone compares life to a roller coaster. At first, the comparison appears to be true. Life is full of ups and downs and spin-you-arounds. Life goes fast then slows, or even completely stops. It can leave you feeling breathless, invincible, and lighter than air. Then, it feels like the entire world is being thrown right back at you, knocking the wind out of you, crushing you. Life is full of the moments that make you scream, make you sick, laugh. There are times where life hurls you into loops and spins that you can only do your best to brace yourself.

In reality though, life is nothing like a rollercoaster. On a roller coaster, you can look around and see what is next. You can see the end, you can see the loops. You can stand back and watch the ride to know exactly what to expect. You can observe the reactions of other passengers while you wait for your turn. On a roller coaster there is one path, one stop, one direction. You have no choice but to stay on the path, you cannot stray from it.

In life, you can choose to step back off of the platform. In life you can change your path. In life there are so many different directions that you can go. If you change the slightest thing, you can easily end up on a completely different ride. Roller coasters are designed for thrill, for fun. Life is not. Sure, there can be fun. With the fun however, there is a lot of pain, fear. Then again it???s a person???s interpretation of the ride that decides whether it is fun or not. One person could see life as fun, an adventure. I see mine as a fear though. I am scared to go up, for things to get better. The law of gravity states what goes up must always come down. I fear my life going up strictly for that reason. Once things start to get better, there is a definite possibility that it is only a matter of time before things come right back down on top of me. I fear going up because I???m completely terrified of going down. I hope to play on Newton???s 3rd law, an object at rest will stay at rest, an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by a greater force.

A greater force, that is something I found without really wanting to. A force so great that is had my life move from a total standstill to being thrown into a downward spiral, the drugs, the sex, but most of all a boy. A mysterious boy, I use the term boy lightly. He is everywhere, when I don???t wish to see or can???t understand his presence. It???s like he knows every wrong moment to be there, like he is waiting to come and pick me back up off of the ground. I can???t help but to find comfort in his presence despite the fact that I have only spoken to his beautiful face a few times. It seems there is more to him than I will ever be able to figure out. It seems that the coincidences of our meeting are far from coincidence.

As my life continues to spiral out of control, there is few whom I can count on. One of which being the last one to expect. The people I felt I could count on have drifted to far out of reach that I have nothing but the comfort of a perfect stranger, a stranger that is far from being real in my eyes. Every flaw coated in perfection, every word a soothing lullaby, he is an angel walking among us. Little did I know how true that statement would turn out to be.

in need of ideas!
15 years, 11 months & 23 days ago
7th Oct 2008 15:23

i am running low on ideas for my story! im haveig major writer's block! i need some help mail me if you have any ideas or something you would like to see happen!

by the way i have drawn some pics for the rika and kye, they are kinda blury and not perfect i drew them on my drama notes so yeah! i havent decided which is which, i need your in put

story update list!
16 years & 2 days ago
28th Sep 2008 21:53

i will send you a maramail telling you any news about my story such as update dates or random updates maramail me or post here and i will put your name on here.

2. lenorhobbit
3. heartbreaker44
4. shamrocks123456
5. HiddenVampire
6. hottygurl1
7. mizzy1219
8. Snarky254
9. DarkBabe
10. aniqah1009
11. babybeckz318
12. marafan122
13. YourShawty
14. Rip1357
15. roxypuppy9
16. jakeyjakjake
17. billkaulitzfreak
18. ToxicButterfly55
19. RachaelBanana
20. hawkbey8
21. Phoebe336
22. victiumofdarkness
23. Holidayz
24. Prettygrl45
25. Hannahcakesssss

pics for playing with fire
16 years, 1 month & 4 days ago
26th Aug 2008 20:24

yes they are all appropriate! pinky swear! i dont have all of the characters yet but i have most.

this is the cover pic:




i cant decide





Katie(her original name was Andy but i changed it in honor of my friend she really was the inspiration of the character even though the looks are different):

Mark (yes in the story his eyes are green):

Playing with Fire
16 years, 2 months & 4 days ago
27th Jul 2008 16:21

next update: soon

its not finished yet but here is what i have typed so far keep checking back 4 the rest.

???Ahhh! Evan what the heck was that for?" I shouted grabbing a towel from the drawer next to the sink and dried off my face and hair. ???Sorry Emma I sneezed. I didn???t mean to." ??? Its fine just keep your hands down. I would prefer you not giving me another shower." I mumbled trying to dry myself off. My other brother Jacob was sitting at the table with his arms folded across his chest and just laughed. Evan had turned fifteen two weeks ago and got his powers last Monday. His power was water. He can freeze it, melt it, boil it, and of course spray it everywhere. It takes time to control your powers. I have problems controlling them when I get angry or upset. It took Jacob over a year to control his wind power. Once he yawned and blew the table across the room.
???Hey Jacob, want to give me a hand?"
???Not really. It???s kind of entertaining watching you do it without magic. Speaking of witchcraft why don???t you do it yourself? You do have the almighty fire power don???t you?"
???You know Jake, you???re right I should use magic it???s a lot faster."
???See, it???s not that hard to admit that I???m right is it?" I flashed him a sarcastic smile and stuck my tongue out at him.

I tossed the towel on the counter. I closed my fist tightly and opened my hand. Hovering over my palm was a ball of fire. The heat was intense. It???s not as noticeable anymore. When I first got my powers I could only hold the fireball for a few seconds. My hand blistered, but I got used to the heat over time. I planned my attack in my head. I would throw the fire ball so that it would brush his cheek. It would do no damage, I couldn???t hurt him. If I were to hurt him, mom would bind my powers for a month. When Jacob was looking down, I threw the fire ball. He fought back. He jumped up, sucked a big breath in and blew it back in my direction. I ducked my head and waited for the explosion. The kitchen was silent. I looked back to see my fire ball frozen in the air and the clock stuck on seven thirty-five. ???How many times do I have to tell you? No magic in the house! Do I have to make a binding potion? I would rather not but if you need it."
???Sorry mom." Jacob and I mumbled in unison.
???Okay. Now, Evan, put out your sister???s fire ball." Mom changed her tone to a more pleasant one.
???But I don???t think I can." Evan mumbled to himself.
???Of course you can honey. You just have to picture yourself doing it and you will." He muttered something under his breath and closed his eyes. He took a deep breath and raised his arm with two fingers outstretched. His face scrunched up and his blonde shaggy hair fell in his eyes. A steady stream of water shot from his fingers. He slowly opened one eye and then the other. His face was glowing with excitement.

???I???m so proud of you Evan I knew you could do it!" mom was jumping up and down clapping her hands together. Evan just stood there not talking, not moving. I slapped the back of his head trying to snap him out of his trance. It backfired. He swung his arm around spraying me yet again. ???Evan! You are going to make us all late for school. The first day is not the best day to be late."
???Oh come on Emma it is only eight. School doesn???t start till nine. We are fine on time." I ran upstairs and grabbed a powder blue v-neck tank top with lace and sequins on the top and bottom. I ran a brush through deep red hair, pulled it up in a pony tail and ran down the stairs. Evan and Jacob were already in the car. Jacob was in the driver???s seat. I hate when Jacob drive???s he always drives too slow.

It was warm outside and not raining. Oregon is always raining. Jacob pulled into a spot near the front. We were still a half hour early to school. We walked to the office to get our class schedules. Evan is a Sophomore, I am a Junior and Jacob is an almighty Senior. We went our separate ways I headed toward 300 hall for English with Mrs. Meyer. I sat down in the back of the room far away from the annoying popular group. I doodled on my notebook. I drew Rika after Rika. A Rika is the symbol of a good witch. Every witch has a mark a Rika or a Kye on them somewhere. My Rika is on my left shoulder blade. I was in a total daydream when a wad of paper hit the hit the side of my face and landed on the table. I looked up to see a group of popular girls laughing and two guys giving each other a high-five. I couldn???t see the girls faces but I knew the laugh. Valerie, and her clones Margie and Ana. Valerie was the rich popular girl in the school. Every girl wanted to be her and all the guys wanted to be with her. I was so angry. I could feel the palms of my hands heating up. I wanted to set fire to her and her friends. I couldn???t do it. I wouldn???t do it. I shouldn???t do it. I can???t see why everyone worshiped her, she is so mean. I leaned back against my chair I could feel my Rika burning. With my pencil in my hand I closed my eyes trying to calm down. If I started a fire I would expose us all. I couldn???t do that to my family, we have worked too hard to throw it all away. The sound of the chair next to me rattling broke my concentration.

I looked up to see the face of an angel. His beautiful shaggy jet black hair, perfectly chiseled features. The most stunning were his ice blue eyes. The contrast between his eyes and his black hair was extreme he didn???t look real. I was completely stunned by his presence that I dropped my pencil. I heard a quiet chuckle. I shook my head a few times to organize my thoughts. I smiled back and bent down to look for my pencil.
???Looking for this?" the voice said with joy still obvious there.
???uh.. yeah thanks." I grabbed the pencil form his outstretched hand.
???I???m David by the way."
???My name is Emma." He held out his hand for me to shake. The moment out hands touched and electric shock pulsed through my body. It didn???t hurt but it felt so weird. It felt like when you shuffle across the carpet and touch something, only it was strong. The surprise of the shock startled me and took my breath away. He pulled his hand away and blushed. ???Haha don???t you love static electricity."
??? uh??? Yea"
He sat down and winked at me. I smiled back at him trying not to get lost in his crazy blue eyes.
???Attention class. Quiet down please we are going to start class now. I???m Mr. Peterson I can be your best friend or the devil himself, I will let you decide which I will be." The whole class I couldn???t concentrate I felt like I was being watched the whole time. I jumped when the bell rang. I stood up and walked quickly to my next class. Again I sat at the back of the room hoping that the desks around me would stay empty. Of course, David had math too. He came and cheerfully sat next to me. I had the same feeling like I was being watched. I glanced over to see him staring at me. ???You know it???s not polite stare." I said jokingly
???Oh. Uh??? sorry I didn???t realize I was staring."
???Haha, no worries I know how captivating my presence can be." He laughed quietly with me.
???So are you new here?" I asked
???Yeah I just moved here from Washington."
???Oh that???s cool." I said
???Yea I guess." Like last class I felt eyes on me the whole time. I didn???t want to see if he was still staring. I was scared that our eyes would meet and I wouldn???t be able to not stare. Thankfully I was saved by the bell. I walked slowly to my locker hoping that I wouldn???t run into David again. He seemed nice, but there was something not right about him. ???Why me?" I thought to myself ???No one ever paid attention to me." Everyone looked the other way when it came to my family. Everyone except my best friend Amanda. We had been friends from birth. Out parents were in the same coven. A coven dedicated to good, to stopping evil. Most of all to protect the future witches. Amanda was the nicest person to me. She understood me. I missed her so much. Why did her family leave the coven and move? I knew one thing that must have provoked them to leave. The ultimate threat was gone. My father was lost along with it. The Shiann were the ultimate threat. They were a coven of warlocks marked with the Kye. They threatened to expose all of us. They were also after me. They had a warlock on their side that could tell the future. I???m not sure what he had seen. My mom would never tell me. She would only tell me that it was something that she would never let come true. I was asleep when they came. I was only four years old. A beautiful woman with long chocolate brown hair and crazy green eyes came in through my window. I didn???t know who she was I only knew that she was so beautiful and she looked like someone I could trust. I still can hear her voice sometimes, and I remember every word she said. She softly shook my shoulder and whispered in my ear ???Wake up sleepy head I have to get you out of here. The bad guys have come and your mother has asked me to take you somewhere safe." I slowly sat up and gazed into her deep green eyes. I whispered back ???Are my brothers coming?"
???No sweetie not with us but you will see them soon enough."
???Ok let me grab my coat." She helped me out of my tall bed. The bed had a tall ivory colored wood with little pastel pink flowers on it. The foot board had my name on it in big bubble letters the same color as the flowers. The comforter was the same color as the flowers also. I had a step stood next to my bed because it was a very tall bed. She walked me over to my closet. She delicately grabbed my backpack from the corner and shoved a pair of sneakers and a white sundress and a pair of pajamas for later. She was wearing a long sleeved knee length leather jacket unbuttoned. It was the same color as her eyes. Underneath the jacket she wore a black tube top that showed her extremely toned abs. Her hair fell into her face and she tucked it behind her ear. She made one crucial mistake. She let the sleeve of her jacket slip to her elbow exposing her Kye. I silently gasped and looked away. ???Ok honey we need to go fast before they get here." She said still whispering.
???Ok let???s go." She grabbed my hand and walked me towards the window. I turned and kicked her in the knee and hit her in the head with my backpack. It had two pockets, in the large pocket were my clothes but in the small pocket was my collection of rocks. She let out a loud ear blistering scream. My dad ran into my room and scooped me up. She was on her knees begging for him to spare her life. ???They killed my family I only obeyed to save my life I promise! Just please show some mercy! I was not going to hurt her I swear! Please, please!" she was crying now with her face buried in her hands.He said some strange words, I think Latin I was too young to remember, and six crystals flew from the top drawer of my dresser and landed in a circle around her. They were glowing different colors and she seemed to be frozen. I had tears in my eyes and my vision was blurred but it made the colors even more beautiful. I wanted to get down from my father???s arms and play with the glowing rocks but he said not to touch them. I heard a loud sound and smelled smoke. I buried my head in my father???s chest and he ???shushed" me. I was so frightened I didn???t want him to put me down but he set me on my bed and pulled the covers over my head ???Don???t watch sweetheart daddy will be fine." I just nodded but didn???t obey. I peeked out the corner of my blanket. A man was standing by the door ???Cantor leave now you are not welcome in my coven!" I heard my dad yell in the most angry of voices. The man he called Cantor had snow white pale skin framed in long wavy jet black hair. The most evil and demonic look in his eyes it scared me so much but I couldn???t look away. I wish I would have, his face haunts my dreams even now and I wake up in tears or with a burnt pillow. My dad had the power of the sun like me and unfortunately, Cantor did also. Fire balls were coming from every direction. Neither of them seemed to be phased by the pain of the fire. The rate this was going it would take days before someone would even be scorched. The fire balls stopped and both men seemed to be concentrating really hard on something then at the same time, a gigantic burst of fire came from both men making a very loud explosion. When the smoke began to clear there were no sign of either one of the men. They seemed to have just vanished. I had only seen this attack once before when my dad was learning it for the first time I was only three. He called it the ???extraho flamma" or the ???dragon flame" in English. It takes a great deal of power and a very advanced witch or warlock to do it. just thinking of this day made me furious.

???Emma snap out of it! Not here. Whatever is wrong is not worth burning the school down." Jacob whispered in my ear with a stern tone in his voice. Jacob was squeezing me in a tight hug. I looked down and my notebook was smoking. I dropped it and closed my fist. Tears were streaming down my face. ???Come on Em let???s go out to the car there is no reason to cry in the hallway." We walked out to the car I didn???t stop crying. ???I???m sorry Jacob. I don???t???I can???t-- why am I so stupid?" I was finally able to get out. I couldn???t keep the tears from falling down my face.
???Shh. There is no need to for that, just tell me what???s wrong."
???I was thinking about-" the tears came down harder now and I stuttered.
???Thinking about what Em?"
???I was thinking foolishly about that night." I didn???t have to say anything else. He wrapped me in a tight hug. I didn???t fight it off like I normally would. I???m not a touchy person, I prefer people to keep their hands to themselves. There was no use even trying to fight, it wouldn???t do anything but make things worse. My crying stopped and I tried to even out my breathing. I pulled away slowly and wiped the tears from my eyes. I could tell he was about to cry too, but he was too macho to really do it. He looked down at his hands and fiddled with the keys. I laughed once ???look at us Jake! We are pathetic." My stomach grumbled and he laughed. ???Let???s go eat we are both hungry." We got out of the car and walked back into the school and found Evan sitting at a table searching the room for us. I kept my eyes on the floor hoping that no one was staring at us as we walked through the cafeteria. I sat down and hid my face from Evan with my hair creating a wall that he would try to knock down. ???Oh god Em what happened? You have been crying I can tell." Evan said worried.
???It???s nothing. I???m fine now let???s just leave it at that." I rolled my eyes
???It???s nothing she is fine"
Jacob shot back.
???but???" I held out my hand cutting him off. He looked down at his tray and took the hint. We ate in silence. None of us really knew what to say. Suddenly Jacob looked up. I could feel the tension. It was like Jacob was going to jump out of his chair and attack whatever he was staring at. ???Hey Emma." A familiar voice said from behind me. I turned to see David. Our eyes met and he looked confused, probably by the look on Jacob???s face. I was. ???Umm??? is this a bad time?" he asked completely confused.
???No it???s a perfect time. David these are my brothers Jacob and Evan. Guys, this is David." I said trying to sound confident.
???Hey." was all Evan had to say. Jacob said nothing.
???Nice to meet you, well I better go my sisters are probably wondering where I am. See ya Emma."
???Bye David." I didn???t turn, my eyes stayed focused on Jacob???s. What is his deal?
The main question exploded out of me ???Jake what is your deal? Do you know him?" I tried to stay quiet
???I don???t know Em, I feel like I do and there is something that makes me want to not trust him. There is something wrong about him." He said truthfully.
???Well until you can prove???" I snapped back but he cut me off.
???I can???t stop or control what you do sis, just be careful. No magic around him please. I don???t want to get any mind wiping potion involved."
???Ok ok mom, I promise no magic." He just glared I blew smoke in his face, kissed him on the forehead, and left. I dumped the half eaten food in the trash and walked out into the hallway to my locker. There was a hand on my shoulder and a shock ran through my body. My reflexes kicked in. my foot circled around me in a smooth quick, almost dancer like, movement spinning me around into a small lunge. My right arm shot up, hand flexed prepared to fight. David jumped and moved his hand to my wrist and delicately pushed my arm down. I blushed and straightened up. ???Sorry David." I was so embarrassed. He was startled but obviously had no idea the danger that he was in.
???That was some greeting, scared the hell out of me." He laughed.
???Well in my defense, you scared the hell out of me first" I joked back.
???So either I'm scarier than I thought, or, you scare easily."
???No I'm just jumpy today. I had a melt down earlier, but I'm fine now. Jacob took me out in the car and let me cry it out."
???Oh, well where did you learn all that it looked pro." He raised his eye brows and I was sucked into his eyes. I shook my head to clear it.
???My dad was a karate expert, he taught me self defense." I lied smoothly
???so that was self defense?" he laughed ???it looked more like ???touch me again and I???ll knock your head of your shoulders??? kind of thing." He laughed again and I joined him.
???So that must have been some meltdown by how jumpy you are." He said casually.
???Yea I was crying like crazy." I said smiling
???Well that would explain why you are a pocket full of sunshine today." He winked and I about fainted.
???Well I'm not very cheery any other day." I said rolling my eyes.
???And why would that be?" his eyes narrowed, not a mean glare. It was like he was trying to look into my head. I shrugged.
???I'm not sure really, I don???t feel the need to be nice if everyone is going to ignore me. No one seems to care or even notice me. Except for you, why is that?"
???I don???t know." He said flatly. ???There is something about you that is unique, different. I'm not sure what it is but I intend to find out." He was closer to me than before. I was so lost in his eyes I didn???t see him move. He was just inches away from me.
???I-I???m not sure that???s such a good idea David. You probably won???t like what you find." I said still looking into his eyes.
???What, are you in some kind of cult or something?" he asked raising his eyebrows.
???Or something, look that???s all I can say, can we change the subject please?" he took a step back.
???Uh sure??? Wanna play the 20 questions game?" I looked at the clock and laughed.
???Rain check? The bell is about to ring."
???Wow lunch went by fast." He smiled.
???Okay well I???ll cya David." I turned and started walking
???Hey Emma wait up." I turned around.
???Yea?" I tried not to sound confused
???Some friends of mine are having a bon fire down at the coast, nothing big, just a get together. Would you like to come?" I smiled and nodded. I couldn???t say no to his big blue eyes. He smiled back and the bell rang. I jumped. ???Wow settle down sparky." David joked. I stuck my tongue out and wrinkled my nose.???Anyways I???ll pick you up at seven.??? he smiled again rocking back on his heels turning to walk away. I smiled and walked to my class. The rest of the day came and went in a blur. I'm not sure why I was so excited. I should have been nervous. I still had to tell my brothers and convince my mom to let me go. The excitement overwhelmed me. My fingers tapped on the desk and my eyes were glued to the clock. I sped out of the door as soon as the bell rang and ran to the car getting in the driver???s seat before Jacob could.

Jacob gave me a strange look and got in the passenger seat. ???Yes I'm driving get over it??? I said smiling. We were home at four o??? clock. It only took ten minutes to get home. ???See Jake it does not take a half hour to get to school.??? I dropped my bag on the floor and grabbed a cook book from the cabinet above the stove and tried to decipher what everything was. ???How much is a dash???? I bit my lip and flipped the page. There wasn???t anything easy I slammed the book closed and grabbed the book mom uses. There we go much easier. I thought everything is so much easier with magic. I laughed out loud quietly and said a spell. ???I cannot wait, I need to dine, bring here what???s in my mind.??? A full meal appeared on the table, Chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, rolls and a glass of the finest wine for my mom. I rolled my eyes. It took my a half hour to look through human cook books but it took ten seconds to make the meal with magic. ???Poor humans??? I whispered shaking my head.
???Em what is that smell???? my mom asked sniffing the air. I quickly pulled out a chair and called my brothers down to eat. The room was silent for at least five minutes until my mom put her fork down and glared at me. ???Okay what do you want Emma???? she sounded annoyed.
???Do I have to want something to make dinner???? I said smiling. She didn???t return the smile.
??? You are a teenager Em, you only do the minimum.???
???Okay fine??? I groaned ???this boy asked me??????
???A boy? Absolutely not.???
???No mom it???s not like that his sisters are going to be there too and some friends??? she was silent for a minute, thinking. She sighed ???Evan, Jacob have you met this boy.???
???Uh yea mom met him today seems nice.??? Evan said shrugging. I mouthed ???thank you??? to him.
???Fine be back at eleven no later.???
???Thank you so much mom!??? I ran upstairs, brushed through my hair and put on a fresh swipe of lip gloss running downstairs in time to get the door. ???hey David.??? My mom walked up behind me. ???Yes, hello David I'm Emma???s mom you can call me Adrian??? thankfully she smiled and shook David???s hand. ???It???s a pleasure to meet you??? he smiled back. It was obvious they didn???t like each other but they were trying to be nice. ???Ok well we should get going??? I said a little nervous. Evan and Jacob walked around the corner not smiling. ???Uh yea sure.??? I hugged my mom and walked out the door. ???Holy car!??? I froze, David laughed.
???Yup she is my baby. An Acura Advanced. You like it????
???Wow!??? was the only thing I could get out. I walked around the car seeing my reflection everywhere in the shiny dark silver car.
???My brothers are going to love this do you mind if I bring them out to ogle with me???? I winked
???Nope not at all???
???Jacob! Evan! Get out here hurry!??? I shouted back into the house
???What Em what???s wro?????? Jacob froze.
???Holy shi?????? Jacob nudged Evan before he got the whole word out.
???That is some car! ??? Jacob smiled so big I thought his face was going to split.
???Acura, impressive. Wait! Shut the front door! That???s the Acura concept! How do you have it they aren???t even for sale yet!??? Evan shouted.
???My dad knows some people.??? David shrugged.
???hmm??? how fast???? Evan asked folding his arms like he really didn???t care.
???not sure haven???t felt the need to test the speed.??? He shrugged again.
???Well, if it goes suddenly missing, I didn???t take it. Jacob took it.???
???Hey!??? Jacob turned to Evan.
???Sorry love ya bro but it would make more sense if you took it.???
???You have a license!??? Evan laughed
???Either way I will be putting the alarm ON tonight.???
???Ha ha funny you thought I would steal it tonight????
???Okay okay stop drooling on David???s car we are leaving now.??? I laughed. David smiled and opened the passenger door for me.
???Thanks??? I sat down felling the soft black leather. David got in the driver???s seat revving the engine a few times. Evan pretended to pass out at the sound of the engine. David laughed pulling out of the driveway. We drove faster than Jacob, but I knew the car could go faster. The conversation consisted of basic, random questions. Things like my favorite color, orange, or my favorite kind of weather. There was one question that caught me off guard.
???What???s your favorite element???? David asked
???Uh??? excuse me????
???What? I finally stump you????
???No. Um??? fire.???
???Interesting, why fire????
???I don???t know fire shows strength, power.??? We pulled into the last patch of gravel. There was a bunch of trees around an open dirt area with some logs to sit on. The air smelled of salt and smoke. If you looked closely in the trees you could see the coastline. We walked towards the group of people. There was a group of three boys standing around a smoking pile of sticks and another group of four girls sitting on the logs.
???Hey playa!??? one of the boys yelled
???Hey Markey!??? David yelled back. Mark ran up and looked me up and down. He had dark forest green eyes and short spiky blonde hair.
???De-am dude where did you find this babe????
???Perv. Be nice. This is Emma, she knows how to protect herself so I wouldn???t mess with her.???
???Aw come on this angel couldn???t break a toothpick.??? He put his index finger under my chin and smiled. I glanced at David and saw him give the ???ok???. I smiled back like I wanted more. He took a step closer. ???see dude told ya she is harmless.???
???I wouldn???t underestimate me.??? There was a slight challenging tone to my voice as I raised up on my toes and moving ever so slightly forward so my eyes were the same level as his. I grabbed the hand under my chin lacing my fingers in his moving it to my cheek. Squeezing his hand tighter, I moved closer to him. When I was sure he was distracted I whipped his arm around his back spinning him around and pushing him to the ground. I knelt down putting my knees on either side of him pinning his arms behind his back. David giggled, everyone else was silent. Leaning down I whispered in his ear ???You want to try that again????
???No I'm good??? he groaned
???And are you going to keep your hands off of me??? I sat up still holding his hands.
???Depends??? why should I???? I twisted his arms up
???Ow! God! Yes I will keep my hands down and my mouth shut. Ow!??? I laughed letting him go standing up.
???Good boy.??? I smirked and everyone laughed. The other two boys came and dog piled him laughing he pushed them off standing up.
???You know Emma, you only took me down because I wasn???t paying attention. I was thinking about something else. If I was ready you couldn???t touch me.??? He gloated.
???Would you call yourself ???ready??? now????
???Yea.??? He huffed. I smiled stepping forward. I grabbed the back off his neck kicking him in the back of the knees. He involuntarily bent his knees bending backwards. I flipped him over in one swift movement throwing him to the ground stepping my right foot on the opposite side of the other. The group roared with laughter and I walked, smiling, back over to David.
???Told you dude. But nope you didn???t, your fault.??? David said laughing and grabbed my hand pulling me to the group of girls. ???Em these two are my sisters Katie,??? he pointed to an edgy looking girl with long black hair and chocolate brown eyes that looked like him. Her hair was straight and teased in the back ???and Marissa.??? He pointed to a preppy girl with shoulder long layered blonde hair. She looked nothing like David except the striking blue eyes. Marissa stood up and shook my hand smiling a familiar smile. David???s smile. Katie stood up smiling too. ???its so nice to meet the girl that???s been making David??? well??? so???
???Smiley!???Marissa helped.
???Wow David I didn???t know I had such an effect on you.??? I said looking at him half in disbelief.
???I didn???t know you did either.??? He laughed
???Well it is totally obvious!???Marissa chimed.
???Hey David, we have a problem I can???t get the stupid fire to be a fire!??? Mark shouted frustrated. I smirked.
???I???ve got this one.??? I said winking walking over to Mark. He threw the box of matches to me.
???Good luck.??? He said sarcastic.
???Thank you.??? I ignored the sarcasm. I walked over to the pile of sticks and took a match out. I pretended to strike it. I swiped the match across the bottom of the box and lit it with my finger throwing it on the sticks so fast no one could have seen what I had done. The fire caught the dry sticks almost instantly. ???God, dude! Where did you find her and where can I get one? She is perfect at everything.???
???Biology, told you there was a reason to go to school.??? They laughed. I stood up and someone grabbed me from behind wrapping one arm around my waist and the other over my eyes. I tried to scream but I couldn???t breathe. I went to scream again but I felt safe. Weird I know, being kidnapped by someone and feeling safe about it. We were just walking so I tried to walk the other way. I couldn???t fight back, I didn???t want to either. Even though I had no idea where I was being taken or who was taking me I felt at ease. The sound of the ocean was closer now. The air was thick with salt now. I knew we were on the beach now. The hand over my eyes moved to my hand slowly.. I wanted to pull my hand away but the touch was so loving, so carful.

We stood silent for what seemed like hours. The tide pulled closer as the moon grew fuller and higher in the sky. It was so captivating that I completely forgot. I had never looked to see who had taken me. I was scared to. ???Beautiful isn???t it???? David???s sweet familiar voice whispered in my ear. I jumped slightly when he spoke ???David you jerk, you scared me half to death??? I laughed. ???Yeah it???s so beautiful. I haven???t ever been here at night.??? His right arm wrapped gently around my waist. I smiled so happy that he was mine right now nothing could take that from me. I never realized how defenseless I felt until I was around David. Even though I had a much better chance at killing someone than he did, I felt safer now. I almost felt invincible, untouchable, unavailable. I want David to be more than a friend but I don???t know how to go about doing so. Relationships have never been my thing. It???s hard keeping secrets, and obviously I can???t just go around telling people I'm a witch. That is really how the Salem witch trial happened, some witch had a big mouth. It???s just not the type of thing people what to know about so they covered it up, the truth was lost.

I turned around slowly to face David. He was closer than I expected. I smiled and placed my hands on his chest. I was lost in his big mysterious blue eyes. He smiled that warm smile that would make anyone melt and he leaned his head down. My lips were inches from his. The tide pulled in washing over our feet. I gasped when the cold water hit my feet. David laughed and pulled me back onto the dry sand. Clumsy me tripped and we fell to the ground, laughing hysterically. ???Well that???s not quite what I expected to happen next but hey.??? David said through a laugh. We laid there for what seemed like another hour. I pulled my cell phone out of my pocket to check the time ???oh crap David I need to get home I promised I would be home by eleven??? he sighed and stood up holding his hand out. I took it and he pulled me up ???no problem we will be there way before eleven.??? He dropped my hand and brushed the sand off of himself. I did the same. David began to walk off. I caught his hand and he turned and smiled the warm inviting smile. I blushed and smiled back walking with him. We walked slowly past the small crowd of people almost everyone was gone. Only David???s sisters, Mark, and the other two boys were there. Mark was poking at the dying fire with a stick ???Mark, I'm going to laugh when that fire catches on that stick??? David shook his head. Mark waved him off. I narrowed and the stick caught on fire ???Ow! Hot! Hot! Ow!??? Mark yelled dropping the stick. David laughed ???told you.??? Mark turned around and glared looking at our hands tangled together. I rolled my eyes and stepped closer to David. David smiled and squeezed my hand tighter. ???Katie, Marissa get home soon okay? I promised mom I wouldn???t let you stay out all night??? he said in a stern but gentle tone. ???okay??? Marissa said waving him off. David laughed and kept walking. The walk seemed longer than it was on the way there. I was grateful for that I didn???t want the night to end. He opened the door for me and I sat down letting his hand go. I smiled and he shut the door walking around to the driver???s seat brushing his hand across the hood of the car.
He turned on the car not revving the engine, but still smiling. He drove off slowly at first then going to a faster speed. He slowed again as we entered my neighborhood. He pulled slowly into my driveway. David put the car in park and got out opening my door. I unfastened my seat belt and took his hand. He walked me to my door step and smiled ???I had a fun time Em, thanks for coming??? he said in a soft sweet voice. I returned the smile ???thanks for inviting me.??? David looked down and back up ???well cya tomarrow???? I nodded ???yea???. He kissed me on the cheek ???night??? and walked back to the car ???night David??? I smiled and fished my key out of my pocket. My hands were shaking. I felt like I weighed two pounds. I dropped my key twice trying to get it in the door. I finally got it open and danced to my room. The lights were off in my room it was pitch black. I turned around and there was a dark figure on my bed. I held back a scream and my arm caught on fire lighting up the room.

Jacob jumped up ???Whoa Em! Will you get that thing out of my face???? I extinguished my fire and flipped on the light. Jacob rubbed his eyes squinting. I slapped him in the shoulder ???Ow!??? he yelped. ???good, what the hell do you think you???re doing? You almost got toasted Jake???
???I was making sure Mr. Big shot went home??? he muttered. I rolled my eyes and turned around flipping the light on and turned off my lamp. ???I really wish you would cover up your Rika, someone might know what it means??? I rolled my eyes folding my arms across my chest.
???Who Jake???? I grumbled
???I don???t know Em, but what if someone does???
???I???ll tell them that I thought it was cool so I got it tattooed on??? I smirked.
???Now get out of here??? I growled and pushed him out the door, slamming it in his face and locking it. I then flopped belly first on my bed, growling into my pillow to muffle the sound. After a few minutes of just laying there, I fell asleep.

I woked up groggy the next morning and rolled out of my bed. The sun wasnt out yet. My clock flashed 5 a.m. I was tired but I knew that it would be very difficult to get back to sleep. With a sigh, i walked into the bathroom and took a long, hot shower. I used my extra time to blow dry and curl my hair. I spent at least a half hour trying on outfits. I finally decided on an emerald green tank top with a white low cut short sleeved shirt. The shirt had emerald green stars on it. I paired it with my favorite jeans. They were slightly faded and worn out, but still looked new. I wore a pair of black, dressy flats and put on make up. I didn't usually wear make up, but i was bored. It was only 6:30 a.m. I made myself some scrambled eggs, toast, and orange juice.
Evan came down first followed by my mother that grabbed a cup of coffee and walked straight out the door. Jacob was the last to come out.Ironically, Jacob was in the car first, Evan second. Evan was in the passenger seat. I groaned and got in the back "Why do you always get to drive?" I asked Jacob with a pout.
"Because Im the oldest" Jacob shot back simply
"Then I should at least get shot gun being the second oldest" I huffed towards Evan and thumped him on the back of the head. Evan just laughed.
"No Em, shot gun has to be called or taken it is not reserved" he chimed
"smart ass" I laughed and sat back in the seat, buckeling in. The rest of the ride was pretty quiet. I just stared out the window and watched the rain begin to fall. I barly noticed how blurry the scene was outside. My mind was blank really. I just wanted to get to school. How weird was that? What was a matter of minutes, felt like hours. I meant to groan in my head but it slipped out.
"Impatient are we?" Jacob teased
"Very, can yo0u drive any faster?" I grumbled
"No, the speed limit is 25. I???m not getting a ticket because of you. I'm already speeding" he smirked.
I just had to laugh at that.
"Jake you are going two miles over the speed limit" I laughed and heard Evan chuckle too.
Jacob didn???t reply. He just pulled into the school and parked by the front. I got out of the car first followed by Jacob and Evan. Evan sprayed me with a giggle. He loved when it rained. I just laughed, I was wet anyways. I spun in circles in the rain, tilting my head back and closing my eyes. Evan jumped around in the puddles, splashing Jacob that splashed back. I giggled and took a few steps back before turning. I ran right into David and blushed. David's shaggy hair was dripping from the rain. A drop of water traced down his nearly perfect features, falling to the ground. "Hey David" I smiled and bit the corner of my bottom lip. God he was perfect. And I was acting like a complete fool of myself. Awesome.
"Hey Emma, you having fun?" he asked in a playful voice
"Yeah" I laughed
"Well it???s raining. So how bout you catch that check"
"the rain check? Okay" I smiled "Race you in" I took off. My shoes made a slapping sound as they hit the pavement, followed by a 'flop' from David's behind me. It was a tie to a lunch table.
I giggled and shook my wet hair out of my face. A strand was stuck on my lip. Before I could think of moving it, David???s finger was doing it for me with a bright grin on his face. My heart felt like it was going to explode out of my chest at his touch. I had to remember how to breathe for a second. I hadn???t expected the touch, it was so gentle, so sweet. His hand fell to the table and he sat down on a chair, I followed.
???So, roses or tulips???? He asked looking into my eyes even though my shirt was almost completely soaked and falling a bit further down my chest than I would have liked.
???Neither??? I answered simply ???I like lilies???
David smiled and looked like he was making a mental note or something. I studied his face as he thought of another question. I didn???t want to forget anything about him, his shaggy wet hair, his flawless tan skin, his chiseled cheek bones. Of course I couldn???t forget those eyes, his odd colored blue eyes. Those weren???t going to be easy to forget even if I wished too. I have never seen eyes that color, so electric deep blue, like the ocean but brighter. I realized I was staring at them. They were so hypnotizing. It felt like my mother had stopped time or something. I automatically looked around. Everyone was moving and chattering loudly.
???Looking for someone???? he asked following my gaze behind me. I shook my head free and blushed softly.
???No, I thought I heard my name. Do you wear contacts???? I asked out of the blue. A smile crept onto his face.
???Everyone asks that, but nope.??? He chirped then asked the next question.
???Sweet or sour???? He asked and I raised a brow
???Chicken???? I questioned. He laughed softly and shook his head.
???No, I meant like lemons or candy??? he corrected himself, still laughing gently.
???Oh??? I blushed and looked away ???Sour??? I answered, letting my hair fall into my face.
???What is your idea of a romantic date???? he asked leaning on the table with his chin in his palm.
I had to think for a minute about the question. He seemed eager but not impatient.
???Moonlit dinner, Italian preferably--??? I paused to think ??????like a picnic. On a soft blanket on the ground. And candles, lots of candles??? I grinned. I knew I wouldn???t be very strong with a moonlit dinner with David. I wouldn???t be able to resist him, let alone control my powers with the moon. The moon is my natural enemy. The moon is Evan???s strength. He is stronger at night. I am stronger in the sun.
???What kinds of things are you into???? He asked after a moment.
???I love to write and draw. I'm very active. Running is my favorite??? I smiled and curled my fingers around the bottom edge of the ugly brown plastic chair.
???We will have to go running sometime, I run every morning??? David mused and I laughed softly.
???You run? Surprising, I would have figured that you would never go anywhere that wasn???t in that fancy car of yours??? I teased, though it was slightly true. I couldn???t see a prissy boy like him ever leaving the confines of his house and school. David???s intense blue eyes rolled in a circle and his hand cupped his tan face. His skin was still a bit wet from his hair that was drying in random angels. I couldn???t help but stare at his perfect features. I was staring again. I immediately tore my gaze from him and looked down for a second, trying to clear my spinning head.
???No, I get out. I camp quite often???well kind of. We have a nice cabin but you can only get to so much road before you have to abandon your car and hike.??? He answered in an ???in your face??? voice. I almost thought he was going to stick his tongue out at me like a two year old.
???So, next question???? I asked finally
???Does asking your number count????
???Of course. As long as I can have yours.??? I answered with a grin and pulled out my red slider phone out of my pocket. I slid it across the table and he caught it thankfully. He slid a square black flip phone my ways and I typed in my number, saving it.
It only took a few more questions to fill the time before the dreaded bell rang, summoning us to hell. David walked me to my locker and then to class. He already had everything he needed for his first class. ???Have fun in Trig!??? I said with a sarcastic edge as I walked into my English class. Thirty excruciating minutes of class passed before my front pocket began to vibrate. I jumped a bit and clutched my pocket. I slowly looked at the teacher. She was playing a game of Solitare in the corner of the room on her computer. She was obviously distracted. I pulled my phone from my pocket and looked at it. ???New text message from: David??? flashed on the outer screen and I smiled. I slumped down in my desk to make the glow of my phone less noticeable. Sliding the phone open, I read a simple text. ???Friday or Saturday???? That puzzled me a bit. ???You pick, what for though???? I answered and closed my phone. I continued to work on my persuasive essay on a four day week of school. After a few minutes I felt the soft buzz signaling a new text. ???8 am. Be hungry??? was the only way he answered. I didn???t have time to reply because the bell rang.
When I got to my Spanish class, David was already there. He was sitting next to an empty desk. He gently patted the seat and waved me over. I couldn???t resist walking over to him. I pushed my wavy red hair over to my right shoulder and smiled at him. ???So what is Friday or Saturday???? I asked as I set my things down under the desk.

  1. Save Me, Lovely
    10th Aug 2009 10:18
    15 years, 1 month & 21 days ago
  2. in need of ideas!
    7th Oct 2008 15:23
    15 years, 11 months & 23 days ago
  3. story update list!
    28th Sep 2008 21:53
    16 years & 2 days ago
  4. pics for playing with fire
    26th Aug 2008 20:24
    16 years, 1 month & 4 days ago
  5. Playing with Fire
    27th Jul 2008 16:21
    16 years, 2 months & 4 days ago