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  1. Animal Abuse STINKS!
    31st Aug 2008 22:39
    16 years & 16 days ago
  2. Glowing Egg Quiz
    19th Apr 2008 02:31
    16 years, 4 months & 29 days ago
  3. Friendship Poem
    9th Feb 2008 22:59
    16 years, 7 months & 8 days ago
  4. My Limited Edition Pet Quiz.
    13th Jan 2008 16:51
    16 years, 8 months & 5 days ago
Animal Abuse STINKS!
16 years & 16 days ago
31st Aug 2008 22:39

Mommy, why have you done this to me?
What have I ever done to hurt you?
I thought you wanted me to stay,
But then you sold me to a stranger.
She took me outside and left me there.
Even when the weather was at its hottest,
She wouldn't let me in the house.
She wouldn't give me any water,
And I barely had any food.
She wouldn't play with me,
And she only came outside to beat me.
I don't even know why.
She made me so sad, I wanted to die!
Mommy, I probably won't live but mommy, wherever you are, I'll always love you.
And I hope you remember me and love me too.

Stop animal abuse! It seriously stinks! NO animal should be left outside to die, even if they deserve it; and most animals DON'T! Animals should NOT be treated this way!

Glowing Egg Quiz
16 years, 4 months & 29 days ago
19th Apr 2008 02:31

Hey, this one is different! shocked.gif Find out what glowing egg you are!

1. Your friend is unhappy. How do you make them feel better?
A. Tell them a funny joke
B. Hug them
C. Play some upbeat music for them
D. Well...there's no telling WHAT you'll do!

2. You are at your happiest when...
A. You're pranking your older/younger sibling
B. You're reading a romance novel or watching a soap opera
C. You're rockin' out to the latest tunes
D. You're never at your happiest; your mood is always changing!

3. You find 50 bucks on the ground. Where does it all go?
A. Towards prank materials and joke books
B. Towards fab Valentines gifts for your crush/girl or boyfriend
C. Towards the new CDs coming out next month
D. You could do anything with it! Who knows?

4. You go to a Gumball machine, stick your quarter in, and out comes a big dark brown gumball. You...
A. Chuck it at your sibling's head and tell them it's a ball of poop.
B. Give it to a friend. You don't need it.
C. Go to the mall, ask if you can trade it for that hot new release CD
D. Eat it. It's a gumball. blink.gif

5. You've got the whole house to yourself! What do you do while you're alone?
A. Trash your siblings' room
B. Go see a movie with your crush/bf or gf
C. Invite a "few friends" over for a "small dance party"
D. Whatever you feel like

Mostly A's-[IMG][/IMG]
Mostly B's-[IMG][/IMG]
Mostly C's-[IMG][/IMG]
Mostly D's-[IMG][/IMG]

Friendship Poem
16 years, 7 months & 8 days ago
9th Feb 2008 22:59

Whatever happened
To the friendship we had?
The jokes that were bad
But we laughed anyway?
The sarcasm that floated away?
We used to do everything together.
Now look at what we've become.
What happened?
Didn't we make a promise?
Best friends forever?
But in the blink of an eye,
You started a fight
And broke that promise.
Now we're best friends forNever.
I try to apologize
You don't care.
A snare and a glare
Is all I get.
As I haven't an idea what I did,
This I can't bear.
Whenever we try to be friends,
It's doesn't work out.
You spend more time with others than me.
Sad and a little angry,
I want to shout.
Why can't I face the facts?
Our friendship, it will never be the same.
I really don't wanna play this game.
Though if it must be this way;
If it's meant to be,
I say "fine",
Though still wishing
We could stop the fight
And things would be right.

My Limited Edition Pet Quiz.
16 years, 8 months & 5 days ago
13th Jan 2008 16:51

1. Christmas time has come 'round. How do you feel about this?

A. Woo! Jingle Bell ROCK!!!
B. I prefer Halloween
C. -sigh- ANOTHER holiday. Why are there holidays? No one gets me gifts anyway. sad.gif
D. Christmas is a time for family.

2. Favorite color?

A. Green
B. Red
C. Grey
D. Pink

3. Favorite holiday?

A. Christmas
B. Halloween
C. Monday;It's the favored day for sui*cide.
D. Valentines Day

4. Your owner is buying you the minipets you've always wanted. Which ones are they?

A. Dasher and Fild
B. Witchlet and Vampry
C. Grouchy and Skullington
D. Lurve and Valentine

5. You're going to the hottest concert in Marada. What's the band's name?

A. The Red-Nose Rudolphs
B. Smashing Pumpkins
C. Burning in December
D. Bullet for my Valentine

6. You find a Baby Quell on the street. What do you do?

A. Keep it and bring it home for the Holidays
B. Eat it
C. Cry because it's so much cuter than you
D. Take care of it and love it while looking for its owner.

7. What is your favorite clothing item?

A. {male or} Female Santa Costume
B. Devil {male or} Female Costume
C. Any Grey or Black clothes
D. Love Dress {if boy, love pants and tank top}

8. All your friends have more MP then you do and are all bragging about it. You...

A. Know it's only because you spent yours on Holiday gifts.
B. Wait till they're asleep and steal their MP away into the night.
C. Cry and bawl and tell them you want more MP and it's not fair.
D. Hug them and be happy that they have a lot of MP to get what they want.

Mostly A's-[img][/img]
Mostly B's-[img][/img]
Mostly C's-[img][/img]
Mostly D's-[img][/img]
Put yours in your siggy or profile. <3

  1. Animal Abuse STINKS!
    31st Aug 2008 22:39
    16 years & 16 days ago
  2. Glowing Egg Quiz
    19th Apr 2008 02:31
    16 years, 4 months & 29 days ago
  3. Friendship Poem
    9th Feb 2008 22:59
    16 years, 7 months & 8 days ago
  4. My Limited Edition Pet Quiz.
    13th Jan 2008 16:51
    16 years, 8 months & 5 days ago