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  1. Unique P.E.A.K.s (A SuperHero Story)
    1st Feb 2011 10:55
    13 years, 8 months & 2 days ago
  2. Gifted Roleplay
    14th Feb 2010 13:37
    14 years, 7 months & 20 days ago
  3. ?
    15th Jul 2009 13:38
    15 years, 2 months & 20 days ago
  4. Thunder&Lightning RP
    28th Jun 2009 19:42
    15 years, 3 months & 6 days ago
  5. Maximum Ride Roleplay
    16th Apr 2009 16:39
    15 years, 5 months & 19 days ago
Unique P.E.A.K.s (A SuperHero Story)
13 years, 8 months & 2 days ago
1st Feb 2011 10:55

Part 1: Ashlee


A dark stranger appeared above me and I tried screaming, but no noise came out of my mouth. The figure took his foot and jammed it into my stomach. I felt like throwing up and tears ran down my eyes. I felt a metal barel pointed at my head an realized it was a gun. I got really scared and tried to panic and cry for help, but there was still no noise. I glanced out of the corner of my eye to see three small figures enter the room I was in. The stranger above me pulled the trigger and I flinched as a beeping sound interrupted my thoughts.

Chapter 1: Falling for You
I opened my eyes, and slammed my fist onto the snooze button, ???Great, the first day of school.??? I thought. I slid out of my pink and blue covered bed and rushed into the bathroom. I looked at my light complexion, a pale color of skin and my pure black wavy hair. My almond brown eyes were almost glowing in the mirror. I brushed through my hair a few times and washed my face, then brushed my teeth.
I got into my purple t-shirt and skinny black jeans and got a pair of socks on, then let my feet fall into my black and white checkered vans. I hauled my dark green messenger bag on my shoulder then grabbed a granola bar. I walked outside into the misty fog that covered the whole tiny town of Cushing, Oklahoma.
The bus came right in front of my house a few minutes later. I got on and flew to the back seat. Everyone hated me. They gave me weird looks, of utter despair and whatnot. I tried to ignore them all, but that was almost impossible.
All of the kids on the bus were thinking the exact same thing, ???Freak,??? ???Weirdo,??? and some even thinking ???Slut,??? and ???Whore.??? I didn???t understand teenagers, even though I was one and even though I could read each and every one of their thoughts. I had never spoken one word to half of the people on the bus and they automatically assumed I was a horrible person. Dirty, little, rotten teenagers.
There was also a huge commotion about a new kid on the bus. I faintly caught his name in between infatuations and other mindless thoughts of making out with the new kid. His name was Eric. Too bad all the girls were all over him already. All over his shaggy brown haired self, with the doe brown eyes. He might have made a good friend too. I snarled quietly in my seat in the very back.
I sighed, relieved, when the bus stopped right in front of the high school I had been attending for the past two years, this would make it three. I got off the long yellow bus and walked straight to my locker inside. Locker number 462.
The locker door opened swiftly after i dialed the numbers, and I shoved my bag into the wall. Then a figure hovered over me and tapped my shoulder.
I turned towards him quickly with a frown and an eyebrow rose. And he wondered what MY problem was? ???What?" I asked distracted by his bronze hair and brown eyes.
???I can't get my locker open..." He backed off immediately thinking ???Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.???
I glared at him and then said, "Oh, okay... well, sorry..." I pulled up on his handle as hard as I could. Eric sure got a laugh out of it, but finally I got it open. ???These lockers are so old! Just give it stronger tug next, Eric." I looked up into his eyes and bit a lip. ???Shit, he hadn???t introduced himself yet.??? This could be problem.
He looked at me after he nicely put his bag into the locker, "Umm... Yeah, I'm Eric." he said cautiously. I caught a glimpse of his thoughts through all of the other teenager???s angst thoughts. ???Did she seriously know my name before I told her? She???s either stalking me or maybe she can- nah, that???s impossible. But I have one-??? He got distracted.
"I'm Ashlee." I tried being more polite by cheering up.
???Nope, probably just madly in love with me.??? Eric gave a playful smile. I shook my head, knowing that this boy was different. I went back to my locker as he left.
The bell rang and I headed down the hall towards Chemistry. The only seat open was behind Eric, the new kid. Many people hadn???t even noticed him, but I did. He was already getting on my nerves, but in an odd way. Something about him just made me want to spend all day and talk to him.
I sat down behind Eric and heard his thoughts scramble, 'Why doesn't she like me? I hope the teacher doesn't call on me. What if everyone found out about-'His thoughts froze, and I heard mindless chatter from different kids in the classroom. I saw Eric stand up and walk to the front of the classroom, where he stood next to our teacher, Mrs. Billow. I didn???t even hear her call him up there.
???Now, this is Eric. He???s from California. Why don???t you introduce yourself Eric???? Mrs. Billow said, and let him take the floor.
He looked around the classroom and talked about himself. I didn???t really pay attention; he was just your average kid. He was an only child and his dad was a doctor, and his mom owned a few businesses here and there. All in all, pretty boring.
He came to sit back down and I saw that his shoe lace was untied. I tapped onto his shoulder as he turned around. He sighed mentally, as I stared him down until he finally said," What?" in an annoyed tone.
"Your shoe is untied." I smiled at him, still putting on the whole act for him. He thought I was playing a joke on him. I imagined him falling down in the halls after tripping over his own feet. I laughed quietly as to not attract anymore stares as Mrs. Billow handed out a summary of her classroom rules and other usual things that everyone gets on the first day. Then she gave us a worksheet that should have been review for everyone, even though the kid???s whining and complaining thoughts begged to differ. I finished the sheet right before the bell rang for second hour.
I rushed out the door, and headed towards my locker. When I tossed my stuff in and grabbed another binder for my English class, Eric was exiting the room. Then his lace finally fell into place, right under his other shoe.
He came tumbling over me, his tall figure coming straight down. It felt almost like slow motion. I sighed, as he was hurling towards me. Then, I quickly caught him with both of my hands on his shoulders and pushed him up right again. Then I whispered into his ear with a serious tone ???I told you your shoelace was untied, I???m usually never in a joking mood.???
All I heard after that were thoughts like, ???Wow! He was lucky that girl saved him.??? and ???OH! The new cute guy fell!???
I turned around and headed for English class, but as I got to the corner of the hall I heard Eric call back, ???Thanks...??? He paused for a second then said smoothly, ???Ashlee!??? I ignored him as I rounded the corner to get to English.
Chapter 2: Secrets
What he said and what he thought were two completely different things. What he thought was, ???Wow, she???s not a freak, just a bit... misunderstood, kind of like me....???
I sighed and flipped the page of a book I had already read. What did he mean? Did Eric have a power too? If so, he must have been hiding it for a while, he doesn???t even think about it...
The bell rang and I was the first one out the door. In the hallway, I half-ran down the hallway looking for any signs of Eric. I threw my stuff in my locker knowing that we would have a free day in gym today.
I heard a faint whistle behind me and it was Eric coming from band, "Uh, Hi... Eric." I said turning around and shutting my locker.
I watched him carefully as he dug around his locker for a pair of gym shorts, "We don't need gym clothes today..." I muttered.
"Better safe than sorry." He said with a cheesy smile. He grabbed a pair of black shorts and a t-shirt.

"Whatever." I muttered back with a shrug, "So... How was band?" I asked.
"What?" He asked back.
"Nevermind..." I trailed off. Maybe it would be best if I just didn???t talk. We walked into the gymnasium and sat on the bleachers. The gym teacher looked at us all.
"Okay, Today will be a free day... I just need to take roll." She smiled and checked off everyone.
Eric looked at me, puzzled, "What, so now you can see the future?"
I looked at him, eyes wide with curiosity; this might be my one and only chance to get him to spill to me. "Are you serious? How did you know I???m really into all the super power stuff?"
His thoughts flashed by me, 'Does she really mean super-power stuff, like my fire power?' He sounded curious, but it was just his thoughts.
I jumped up and down and out of my seat and yelled, "Yes!" I felt stares piercing through me. Everyone was wondering what I was so excited about.
???Ms. Parson? Is something wrong???? Our gym coach asked, narrowing her eyes at me. I never liked her either.
"Oh," I said quietly sitting down, "Just a little TOO excited to be back in school."
???Mhmm. Very well then.??? She continued calling role.
Eric laughed and looked at me, then whispered, "What was that all about?"
I looked back at him, my eyes closed, and I whispered, "You have a power, the power of fire."
His thoughts were mixed with worries and stress. "Please, calm down Eric. You???re not the only one. How do you think I found out about your power?"
He raised an eyebrow and I smirked at him. ???No way? Are you kidding me???? He tried hard to keep his voice level at a whisper. ???I wonder what she can do. There are so many possibilities!???
I giggled slightly. ???I can read minds.???
He continued his blank stare at me, while thoughts rushed to his head. ???Wait, did she just say she could read minds? Can she read mine, right now????
I nodded slightly. ???I can hear you.??? I held my chin up proudly.
???Oh, wow.??? His voice echoed throughout the gym. ???Wait, are there others, like us, I mean? Are there any other people here with powers????
I thought about it for a minute and nodded again. ???Yes, two others. Another girl and another boy.???
???Really, who???? He asked.
???Well the girl, her name is Katie, Katie Valentine. And she???s like super-fast and can run really fast. And-??? I paused and looked around to make sure no one was listening to us. All I heard was the latest gossip.
???And who???? Eric grabbed my attention again.
???Oh, uh Paul Rony. He???s super strong.??? And I may or may not like him a bit. I bit my lip a tiny amount and looked back at Eric. ???I???ll show them to you at lunch.???
???Sounds like fun.???
I smiled and looked into Eric???s eyes. He smiled back as the bell rang. I gathered my bag and stood up. I looked down at Eric and said, ???Are you coming????
He blinked a few times and nodded. ???Oh, yeah.??? And he got off the bleacher and followed me back into the hall.
???So, about this mind reading thing-??? Eric started.
???Shh, I???ve kept it a secret for long enough. I???d rather not let the whole school know that I much more of a freak than they already think.??? I whispered.
We got to our lockers and I saw Katie pass us and head towards the cafeteria. I grabbed Eric???s hand and yanked him away from his locker. He barely managed to close it before we secretively followed Katie.
Chapter 3: Secrets Don???t Make Friends, or Maybe They Do
Once in the cafeteria, where the whole student body was bustling their way around, getting food, talking to people, and the occasional make out session, Eric and I got some trays with the first school lunch of the year; Spaghetti with turkey meat. We sat at my lonely table I claimed all to myself last year, and I looked around to see where Katie and Paul were sitting. I pointed out the blonde cheerleader and buff jock to Eric who just nodded while slurping his spaghetti.
Paul was sitting at the football players table. He slicked back his hair and chugged his PowerAde bottle. He started laughing obnoxiously, probably at something stupid and caught a football thrown by one of his friends. I rolled my eyes and looked over to the table Katie was sitting at.
Katie, with her flawless body, was sitting with all of her cheerleading friends. She wasn???t really paying any attention to their mindless gabbing, but instead thinking thoroughly about her grades. She turned her head to my direction when she raised an eyebrow.
I was staring right at her. Katie became very worried, with her appearance and all of her features, but at the same time she was confused. She didn???t know who I was. Our staring contest hadn???t been broken and I nodded after her latest thought poured into my head ???Does she want me to come over there????
Eric watched intently as Katie broke the bond and stood up from the table. I saw her saying something to one of her friends, before walking our way. I managed to look away at the last minute as she came up beside me.
She coughed into her hand, as I glanced her way. ???Excuse me????
???Yes???? I answered, trying to be humble.
???You were just??????She paused as I heard her thoughts jumble up trying to put a sentence together.
I just nodded and put a hand on her shoulder, uncomfortably. ???Uhh, yeah,??? I made a half frowning face. This was awkward. ???I don???t really know why, kind of just lost in thought, you know???? I got scared.
???Okay???? She questioned and started to walk away.
???Wait.??? I called, getting out of my seat.
She turned to face me with a raised eyebrow. ???What???? I could tell she was annoyed.
???I know your secret.??? I managed.
She became very cautious of herself at that moment, and she rushed back over to me. ???What are you talking about???? She asked in the smallest voice.
I offered her a seat and said, ???I know that you are?????? I made hand motions to make it look like I was running. Her eyebrow popped up again. ???That you can run really fast.??? I whispered.
Our heads lowered together and she answered, ???How do you know that????
I breathed in heavily and sighed. ???I can read minds.??? I looked up to see Eric watching our every move.
Katie glanced at him, gave him a smile and a small wave, before getting back to our conversation. ???So what you???re saying is that you can read minds, so you found out that I can run really fast. And how long have you known about this????
???Since you first got it.??? I offered a welcoming smile.
Katie put her hands on her hips and looked at Eric again. ???Does he have a power too???? She asked.
I nodded, but before I could speak, I heard Eric voice ring. ???Yes, I do. I???m Eric by the way.??? He offered a hand. Katie held her hand out for the two to shake, but the instant their hands met, she pulled away.
???Fuck!??? She looked down at her burned hand. ???Is your hand always that hot????
Josh blushed and shook his head. ???I???m sorry. I???m just nervous, and when I???m nervous, I can???t control my power very well, and it just??? I???m sorry.??? He scrambled, obviously flustered by Katie. He face turned bright red. ???I can control fire.???
I rolled my eyes and said ???Well, now that everyone is introduced, maybe we should get a few things straight.???
???Whoa, who does she think she is, bossing me around like that???? I heard the stuck up voice I has grown accustomed to in my head. I glared at Katie, and arched an eyebrow.
???Excuse me???? I asked. I heard Eric sniffle a bit in the background.
???Cat fight, meow!??? Eric voice chimed into my head as well.
???Oh, right.??? Katie bit her lip in embarrassment. ???I forgot. Jeez. Sorry. I???m just not used to it yet.??? She crossed her arms and finally sat down at our table.
I smiled apologetically and nodded, ???Sorry, I shouldn???t be worked up over it. I???ve been hearing things far too long to get upset over some miniscule thought.??? I looked up at her and continued.
???It???s okay?????? She paused as she looked around slowly. Then she lowered her head. Before she could say anything I felt like face palming myself.
???Oh, I???m Ashlee by the way. And it???s so nice to have finally formally met you.??? I shook hands with her and she smiled, happy to not have said anything to make the situation awkward.

If you want regular updates and the latest chapters I'm writing, go to

Gifted Roleplay
14 years, 7 months & 20 days ago
14th Feb 2010 13:37

plot- none, really... I just wanted to start a quick Roleplay for about and hour because I'm bored. And I might be on later again. but for now let's just try something casual: Teenagers have been reported missing, but they aren't really missing, they are hiding, from them
Them:The Government trying to kidnap Gifted teens to use them for Military and other purposes that is suitable.
The teens are currently in a small town in Texas, in the middle of Summer, and live in a rundown house. I will be the oldest.
I think that we can all flow with that.(:

ONE Power per Person. PLEASE
no one over the age of 19
no romance
You CAN be a human who knows the gifted, maybe even friends with some of them.
They all have to be above 7th grade level.
No 'Blocking' Power

Gifted or Non-Gifted:

My Form:
Name: Brendan
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Looks: Light Brown hair, with blond-ish streaks. Really Tall, and Skinny. Tan and Light Brown Eyes.
Gifted or Non-Gifted: Gifted
Personality: 'Leader' and oldest of the Teenagers. Very Smart. Loves to be sarcastic.
Background: Use to live with his mom and little brother, but found out about his power and so did THEM. His house was constantly monitored and could hear all of THEM. so He decided to run away where he met all of YOU.
Other: He needs a best friends and someone who usually always sides with him... If you want to be that person, just tell me.. Thanks.

(P.S. I'm have to leave in about an hour, so you can just keep playing w/o me, and I might come back later... just so everyone knows)

15 years, 2 months & 20 days ago
15th Jul 2009 13:38

No pefect people! EVERYONE MUST HAVE (A) FLAW(s)
2 charries per person MAX!
1 Power per charrie MAX!
You can be a human!
You can be one of the hunters!
Don't hurt/kill people unless it is okay with them!
May add some later!
I can/will kick you out if you break any of thes rules or you are being plain out stupid/annpying/or irritating!

In the small town of StoneBriar, teenagers enjoy all their time at school, the small shooping center, or at the local movie teatre. Smaller children are cared for at the local daycare. Adults are often found at work, making a living. But in StoneBriar forest, or SPOOKS some peolpe call it, there is a huge white mansion that lays in the dead center of the forest. Not many people know about it, except for the oldtimers who have seen the owners of the house with their own eyes.

In the mansion lives a family, the Polloks. The only problem is: they live forever. In the backyard is a large maze and only a natural-born Pollok or anyone taken into marriage to a Pollok will be able to get through the maze. In the middle of the maze is a fairly large fountain that does the most extrodinary things. It is the fountain of youth.

Only do the Polloks and those married to the Polloks know of this fountain and therefore when a Pollok turns 20 He/She must go on the journay to the middle of the fountain and establish his/her Immortality.

People in the town of StoneBriar are getting curious as to who lives in this house because the older people promised to keep their secret... and soon a hunt is on for the fountain of youth

Thunder&Lightning RP
15 years, 3 months & 6 days ago
28th Jun 2009 19:42

2 things you might not have known about lightning:
1)If you're in a moving vehicle, and lightning strikes the vehicle, You will not get hurt because of the rubbed tires.
2) If you're in a moving vehicle, and lightning striked the vehicle, strange things can occur.


It was just an ordianry day for a few teenagers who decided to go shopping, and they have a blast, but on their trip back to their small town, a flash of lightning crashes the car. Fortunately, the Teenagers are all unharmed, except for the fact that they have each gained ONE 'Gift.'

We will start where they are at the mall and are about to go home... okay?


-Little Violence
-Don't Spek Lyk Tis! PLZ!
-Be Semi-Literate
-Follow ALL Mararules
-This is my personal plot, please don't steal
-Everyone must have a UNIQUE power that relates to the thing they are doing at the exact moment the lightning strikes.
-Keep ages between 17-21
-Have fun!



Clothes Currently:
Power they will get:


Name: Andrew Lee
Age: 18
Gender: male
Looks: Blonde 'surfer' hair, Small bright blue eyes, Pale skin, and very tall and skinny
Clothes Currently: White button-up shirt with a black tie. The shirt is tucked into dark skinny jeans and is wearing black converse.
Personality: Shy, doesn't talk much, Pretty popular because he is from England.
Power they will get: Mind-reading
Other: An Exchange Student from England, Isn't used to the United States yet. Has a british accent. (Obviouosly)
(Andrew goes blind from the lightning, but not yet)
(Also, Andrew needs to be a 'brother' to someone, because he is an exchange student, He needs a house to have been staying in... If you want it, just tell me!

Maximum Ride Roleplay
15 years, 5 months & 19 days ago
16th Apr 2009 16:39

You know the drill,
NO chatspeak
No Romance
Don't ignore anybody
I have the power to kick you out of the roleplay
Post 'lolly is queen.' if you read this far
Be Active
Inform us if you are leaving!
No PP or GM
Follow ALL Mararules

I might think or more stuff if needed!

Plot: The Flock is a group of 6 genetically altered kids that are 98% human and 2% bird. That means they all have WINGS. But the whole world is basically out to capture them, to study them and alter them again. It's up to Max to keep everybody out of harm's way.

We can just start in the forest on an average day for the Flock, and we'll see where it goes from there.

You can be part of the Flock, or an evil guy who wants to capture them.

And NO you don't really have to have read the Series (I've only read two books) But just understand the plot I posted!

Here are the Characters in The Flock:

Max- She's 14 but all DANGER. She hears a voice in her head that basically guides the flock in what they should do. For now, her voice can be wuiet because it's just them in no harm. Max doesn't have any other special abilites besides her wings and her voice.
She is 5'8 and has a wingspan of 13 feet across. Her wings are an off white and brown with tan specks. She has chocolate colored eyes and chestnut hair with sun streaks. Max acts as a motherly figure to the Flock, nurturing them and looking out for them.

Fang- He's 14 too, and Max's good friend. He can become invisible if he stands still for a period of time. He is the right hand man if something goes wrong and a firce fighter. Also has wings, obviously.
He has olive skin, dark eyes, and black hair.

Iggy- He's the yougest 14 year old, and also blind. Besides his wings, he has the ability to feel colors and also is a super-genius and has super sensitive hearing. He definitly does not let his not being able to see slow him down, and he usually has the slightest touch to follow someone.
He is around six foot four and has (sightless) blue eyes and strawberry blond hair.His wings have a golden-yellow color to them, and he has a wingspan of over 14 feet

Nudge- The talkitive one who spends most of her time talking. Other than being able to fly, Nudge can make metal move. She is 11 years old and has a knack for hacking into computers.
Her wings are brown with russet streaks and streaked with white on the underside.Nudge has curly brown hair and brown eyes.

Gazzy-He's 8 years old and can fly and also throw his voice into anyone's he's wants to. He is very good friends with Iggy, and also the biological brother of Angel.
The Gasman is a blond-haired kid with blue eyes, and is tall for his age like the rest of the flock. His wing color is a brown with white spots, and wing size is 10 feet.

Angel- Being only 6 years old, Angel has the most powers. From reading people's minds to actually putting thoughts back into their minds. She can also breath under change appearences and talk to fish.
She has curly blonde hair and 8-foot-wide, pure white wings that together give her an "angelic" appearance.


Character Form:
Power: (only if one of the flock)

  1. Unique P.E.A.K.s (A SuperHero Story)
    1st Feb 2011 10:55
    13 years, 8 months & 2 days ago
  2. Gifted Roleplay
    14th Feb 2010 13:37
    14 years, 7 months & 20 days ago
  3. ?
    15th Jul 2009 13:38
    15 years, 2 months & 20 days ago
  4. Thunder&Lightning RP
    28th Jun 2009 19:42
    15 years, 3 months & 6 days ago
  5. Maximum Ride Roleplay
    16th Apr 2009 16:39
    15 years, 5 months & 19 days ago