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  1. Entry #1
    28th Feb 2012 15:29
    12 years, 7 months & 7 days ago
  2. Sweagle Giveaway
    27th Dec 2011 12:07
    12 years, 9 months & 10 days ago
  3. Dear Santi Claus,
    2nd Dec 2011 15:16
    12 years, 10 months & 3 days ago
  4. My Roleplays (ORIGINALS!)
    22nd Oct 2011 12:36
    12 years, 11 months & 14 days ago
  5. I jumped on a moster because the voices told me to
    15th Oct 2011 09:20
    12 years, 11 months & 21 days ago
  6. Roleplaying Topics that I Made(No Stealing!)
    24th Sep 2011 13:19
    13 years & 12 days ago
  7. My Roleplaying topics
    19th Sep 2011 12:49
    13 years & 17 days ago
  8. My Drawings
    27th Aug 2011 15:14
    13 years, 1 month & 8 days ago
Entry #1
12 years, 7 months & 7 days ago
28th Feb 2012 15:29

I will be starting my own little blog journal thing so before you start to dislike this and report it randomly please know that I am not forcing you to read it, I am simply expressing my feelings in a place where I can feel like somebody is listening even if they aren't. It's nice to know that what you say can not come back to haunt you if nobody you know can see it or if they do see it will know that it's you. So keep that in mind before you begin reading this.

Why do people ask me the same question day after day? Just when I think the topic fades, it rises to the surface again, creating ripples in my life. Instead of teh topic disappearing to the murky bottom I feel as though I'm being sucked under all the mud. It's so hard to get out from the murky shadows and it becomes hard to breathe under the water. I try to hide from it but it always finds me. Even after I hit the bottom I keep getting pushed farther and farther as I try to act like I am on top. If everyone else can't let go of it, then how can I? I know that I have hurt people and I've said the wrong things, but do really think that this will make it any better. You think you're helping us up, but you're only pushing me down, maybe him as well. We're on complete opposite sides of the pond so get over it. We are as far away from each other as we could be, but the water from above makes it seem as though we are closer. We may seem the same but we aren't. You think we're perfect? Think again. I'm happy the way I am and my life doesn't affect you at all, so you have to let it go before I run out of breathe. I don't need anybody else to survive, I just need me.

Sweagle Giveaway
12 years, 9 months & 10 days ago
27th Dec 2011 12:07

If you read my topic then you know what to doSmile

Dear Santi Claus,
12 years, 10 months & 3 days ago
2nd Dec 2011 15:16

I've been a VERY good girl this christmas so could you do me a favor and get this one thing for me?

I want something to turn my fasoro into a tribal pet!

Lol, I don't actually expect to get this fyi, I've been looking for it though and maybe Santi Claus will read this and I will get it from magic.

My Roleplays (ORIGINALS!)
12 years, 11 months & 14 days ago
22nd Oct 2011 12:36

Just Fyi, this is not all of them, just my favorites. If you want to see other ones I made, look in the topics I started, but I'm warning you some of them are awful and I know it xD. If you came here because of one of my threads or requests I wouold like to say

Special Circumstance Teens:
What do you think happens to those kids, the kids that get in trouble for the right reasons? Do they go to Juvi, no. They help the FBI. Welcome to the SCT. If you have commited a crime, but you did it to help a person in need or to save the world or some other non-selfish reason, you are sent here. Here you are trained to do the things the FBI cannot. Things that people do not know are even happening. But there are spies here. Spies trying to topple the government. They will act like one of you, but they are not. The base is underground in the basement of an abandoned Shoe factory.

Alpha: The ultimate fighters, they are sent on the most difficult missions. They sometimes do things to prevent wars. They can steal, assasinate, kill, sneak around, blend in, and create weapons out of ordinary items. They have there own rooms with whatever they want in them.

Bravo: The high class fighters, they are sent on missions of great importance. They steal, kill, sneak around, assasinate, and blend in. They have there own rooms with A bathroom, a bed, a closet full of clothes already chosen, and a buzzer to call other rooms.

Charlie: Average fighters. Sent on normal missions. They, Sneak around, blend in, kill, and steal. Share a room with one ather person, same stuff as Bravo

Delta: Sent on possible threats. Can sneak around, blend in, and steal. Share a room. Get hand-me-down clothes and only get a buzzer if requested from bravo or alpha. Get the basic needs.

The Last Heros:

It's 2104, and the crime rate is higher than ever. The cops? Gone. The government? Bribed by villans. The world has gone in a downward spiral that seems only impossible to rise again. It all started in 2059, when the world began to crumble. But back then there were heros, teenagers with certain abilities higher than others so to speak. They didn't shoot things out of there hands or read peoples minds but they were smarter than others. They learned things quicker and almost never forgot them. Which meant they could learn how to fight just by wayching or reading about it. They thought up strategies most of the time and planned things out. But they started disappearing until only a few were left. Those few became villains, except for one who keeps hidden. But there is good news, a few more have been born, they are young, no older than 17, and certainly have a long way to go before they can reach their full potential. In order to do that they must be tutored by the elders like them. But how will they find the one good one if he is hidden? All the other villains like them want to capture them and turn them into villains, they were trained by the other elders so they have the advantage. Will they be able to find the last good elder and defeat the villains who now rule te world technically? Or will they be captured and possibly turned into a villain themselves?

The Resistance:
The government fell 2 years ago in 2022 when some people got sick of the president???s rules and the government so they formed a large group of billions and destroyed it. They burned down the white house and all the other buildings. They took over prisons officials were forced to work to keep electricity running, beaten and bloody. Any country who tried to help stopped after the fist three months because every attempt was without any success. They went into people???s homes and took the kids and left them in California, Nevada, Oregon, Washington, and Montana, separated by a huge barrier made of concrete. Parents were pried away from there children and if they would resist they were sent away to Maine where they kept a facility for people who wanted rules. Anybody who tried to create order was taken there except for kids. Kids were on there own. They might be even worse than adults. The little kids were put into Washington alone because of us kids above 8 or 9. All the movies and video games made them violent. The resistance is trying to create a goverment and bystanders are just the people who do whatever. Then there are the hunters and they keep the country rule free. The teen resistance is being hunted by teen hunters and are put in there own prison in LA watched by gaurds (which are also hunters)you can break out but it would hard. Hunters are the only people allowed to enter the prison.

It's 2050 and a group of scientists have come up with some crazy idea that kids are the ones destroying the world. They decide that it is best to act as soon as possible to "Save the world". A town is evacuated and they turn it into a child haven. They enrolled adult workers to act as the parents of each child and be the teachers in this town. But the place is no sanctuary, it is more of a prison. Strict curfews are kept and other teens are gaurds that make sure everything is in order. If you somehow make it past them to escape you would have to find a way over a electric fence surrounding the town that is twenty feet tall. The scientists were crazy, no doubt, to have built something like this, or even think of having teens as gaurds truthfully. The teens were given baseball bats, tasers, stuff like that. Nothing that would kill somebody but more injure them. They were also given handcuffs, and rope for the capturing process of any disobedient kid. But you know how some kids are, stubborn, determined, even when the odds are completely against them. Some kids are rising against the scientists and are trying to find a way out. Will they beat the odds, or be stuck there forever?

Hidden in the Night:
Lately there have been reports in the newspaper about increased murders in the small town named Polmont. When they are found their bodies were completely drained of their blood. Everyone thinks it is just some gang but then when they examine the bodies closer they see two small holes in the skin that are hardly noticeable. Once again people think it is just a gang but some people say otherwise. Nobody believes them even when they show them the piercings in their skin. The mind has a way of making explanations for things beyond your comprhension and that's why nobody can realize the truth, that their are vampires in the town. The only reason the others are kept alive is because they are being toyed with or the vampires turned them into one, probably unwillingly, but they are still transforming. What can you do, if your mind refuses to let you believe it until it's to late?

You can be a vampire or a human, if you are a vampire this is the version that we will be using.

Unlike other vampires these ones look exactly like humans, but they let off this aura that sends shivers down your spine. Their beauty is undeniable because their vampire blood makes their hair shine, leaves no oil on their skin to make blemishes, and gives them eyes that if you stare into long enough, you will be unable to look away. They cannot eat human food at all, not even as an act. The only thing that can go through them is blood. No special powers like mind reading but they do have inhuman speed and strength. Their are no 100% good vampires, when they transformed they were turned into predators and they have a vicious side, the nicest a vampire can be is when they are acting but is still a killer that doesn't care about humans. The worst kind of vampire is one that turns people against their will, unless they turn them because they don't want another vampire to kill them. Alot of vampires toy with their food, by letting it live then angerng it or scaring it then finally killing it at some point.

Do you remember a time when it was good to stand out, to be unique? Well I sure don't. If you do you must have time traveled or something, which isn't even possible, because it is actually scoffed, laughed, and frowned upon greatly here in the United States. You grow up being taught how to act, how to eat, and how to dress. You have been told how much you should weigh, how good of eyesight you have, and how smart you should be.

Ever since you've been old enough to even begin to comprehend these things you have been tested once every month. You are weighed, examined, and questioned. Your so called "House", which only your bedroom and a bathroom, is searched for any abnormal things. When they are done they tell you how you did, and if you don't pass every single little detail of the test, you fail, and are still "Different". You don't get your number tattoo taken off, you aren't fully accepted, and you most certainly don't get the clothes of the normals.

Why are your houses called houses you may be asking? Because a house is the area you live in. You don't have anything more and every room is connected to each others. The kids have a section with each other, the teens have a section, and the adults have a section. All elders go somewhere else, but nobody knows where. There are door connected to the houses next to yours, they are locked but have peepholes.

Everybody wants to be normal, everybody struggles to be normal, because that's what they've learned to do. It's a good thing right? Right. Don't say otherwise in front of the counslers. The counslers are hired to help you be normal. Everyone who oes to them passes their next test easy. Everyone who is normal is, different. But only to those who try and notice. They always have this, blank stare in their eyes, and they don't laugh. But that's fine right? What we don't notice won't hurt us.

At least that was what I thought. That was, until the new guy came in next door. I don't know his name, but I think he knows mine. He's different to say the least. He doesn't seem to care about being normal, and when I look through the peephole to try and figure out what he's doing, he has it covered. He wears the clothes he likes to wear outside of his room and does whatever he pleases. Why would he do that? Doesn't he want to be normal like everyone else?

Somethings you need to know:
California- It is the only place that is supposedly still free from the normal thing. The people who are everywhere else in the U.S.A don't believe it is and the few who do don't care because they love it being normal.

"Normalness"- It may seem like it is good to be normal to everyone, but really, if you pass the test, they do a sort of brain surgery that makes everyone think the same, and love the life they have. They are sort of like robots after the surgery but nobody notices because that's what they think is good.

Counslers- They are pretty much your death toll. If they don't starve you to death they will slap you, yell at you, and any other thing you can think of in order to break you and make you like everyone else. Nobody knows about this because the people who go to them dare not say anything. If you for some reason like being abnormal then you are automatically assigned to a counsler. But that only happens after at least a year of being happy.

Specific Spots:
The Narrorator Girl- Is pretty much like everyone else. She wants to be normal, she tries her best, but it seems like she just can't. The boy is her next door neighbor.

The boy- He is new to the town the girl is in. He knows something is up with the normals and doesn't like it. He has strange feelings about the girl that are love, but he won't admit that to himself. He has grown fond of her even though they have never met and would never leave without her already, although he already hates it there.

The Best friend- She is the girls #1 best friend but sort of likes the guy. He isn't interested in her and never will be because he likes the girl. But she doesn't know that and if it did it would make her hate the girl. She is so close to being part of the normals she can almost feel it.

I jumped on a moster because the voices told me to
12 years, 11 months & 21 days ago
15th Oct 2011 09:20

> This is funny, don't spoil the fun - keep it
> going............Type out
> the sentence you end up with, in the subject line and
> forward to your
> friends....also, send it back to the person that sent it to
> you.
> Pick the month you were born:
> January-------I kicked
> February------I loved
> March--------I karate chopped
> April----------I licked
> May----------I jumped on
> June----------I smelled
> July-----------I did the Macarena With
> August--------I had lunch with
> September----I danced with
> October-------I sang to
> November-----I yelled at
> December-----I ran over
> Pick the day (number) you were born on:
> 1-------a birdbath
> 2-------a monster
> 3-------a phone
> 4-------a fork
> 5----- --a snowman
> 6-------a gangster
> 7-------my mobile ph one
> 8-------my dog
> 9-------my best friends' boyfriend
> 10-------my neighbor
> 11-------my science teacher
> 12-------a banana
> 13-------a fireman
> 14-------a stuffed animal
> 15-------a goat
> 16-------a pickle
> 17-------your mom
> 18-------a spoon
> 19------ - a smurf
> 20-------a baseball bat
> 21-------a ninja
> 22-------Chuck Norris
> 23-------a noodle
> 24-------a squirrel
> 25-------a football player
> 26-------my sister
> 27-------my brother
> 28-------an iPod
> 29-------a surfer
> 30-------a llama
> 31-------A homeless guy
> Pick the color of shirt you are wearing:
> White---------because I'm cool like that
> Black---------because that's how I roll.
> Pink----------- because I'm crazy.
> Red-----------because the voices told me to.
> Blue-----------because I'm sexy and I do what I want
> Green---------because I think I need some serious help.
> Purple---------because I'm AWESOME!
> Gray----------because Big Bird said to and h he?????s my
> leader.
> Yellow--------because someone offered me 1,000,000 dollars
> Orange --------because my family thinks I'm stupid
> anyway.
> Brown---------because I can.
> Other----------because I'm a Ninja!
> None----------because I can't control myself!
> Now type out the sentence you made, in the subject line and
> post it on
> your friend's wall Don't forget to send it back to
> the person that sent
> it
> to you! I can't wait to see what you get stuck
> with................
> This is funny, don't spoil the fun, and keep it going

  1. Entry #1
    28th Feb 2012 15:29
    12 years, 7 months & 7 days ago
  2. Sweagle Giveaway
    27th Dec 2011 12:07
    12 years, 9 months & 10 days ago
  3. Dear Santi Claus,
    2nd Dec 2011 15:16
    12 years, 10 months & 3 days ago
  4. My Roleplays (ORIGINALS!)
    22nd Oct 2011 12:36
    12 years, 11 months & 14 days ago
  5. I jumped on a moster because the voices told me to
    15th Oct 2011 09:20
    12 years, 11 months & 21 days ago
  6. Roleplaying Topics that I Made(No Stealing!)
    24th Sep 2011 13:19
    13 years & 12 days ago
  7. My Roleplaying topics
    19th Sep 2011 12:49
    13 years & 17 days ago
  8. My Drawings
    27th Aug 2011 15:14
    13 years, 1 month & 8 days ago