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  1. My characters...
    3rd Oct 2009 18:56
    14 years, 11 months & 10 days ago
  2. Pic.
    30th Sep 2009 15:29
    14 years, 11 months & 13 days ago
  3. Tiny and Kings pups
    25th Jul 2009 17:22
    15 years, 1 month & 19 days ago
  4. My pet 'ForWolfieXD'
    18th Oct 2008 15:13
    15 years, 10 months & 25 days ago
  5. Don't let this happen!!
    26th Aug 2008 18:14
    16 years & 16 days ago
  6. Sad bilnd story
    20th Jul 2008 20:48
    16 years, 1 month & 23 days ago
  7. Dad's poem
    3rd May 2008 22:14
    16 years, 4 months & 9 days ago
  8. Mommy please don't cry
    8th Feb 2008 18:53
    16 years, 7 months & 4 days ago
My characters...
14 years, 11 months & 10 days ago
3rd Oct 2009 18:56

Amp became what he is today when the seal population dropped and the Inuit faced a deep, harsh and famine filled winter. One Hunter thought this plight was his fault. When he was out hunting he watched the wolf pack kill the spirit bear, the sacred animal. He hadn???t tried to save the bear from his brutal end. So he hunted down the wolf pack and stole their Heir. Taking him back to the village, he killed him to avenge the bear.
Before the young wolf???s spirit could escape to the Spirit World though, it was trapped in the eternal ice of the mountain where the hunter had left the body. For generations the spirit fought to escape, eternally restless and always howling. Slowly though he began to penetrate the ice and become a part of it. Ice became his bones, his blood??? his heart. He was cold and ruthless, but without the warm of life he was harmless.
The same village where the Hunter from generations ago had lived now faced something worse then a famine now. The wolves had gone mad and attacked the hunters and the children, attacked the dogs and the prey. A young woman, the descendant of the Hunter to be exact, feared this was punishment for what her great grandfather had done to their prince. So she climbed the mountain and followed the howling of the tormented spirit. She could make out to form of a wolf in the mountain side and going to where it looked like its head should be, blew life into the wolf???s mouth. She sought to right her ancestors wrong.
The wolf had never forgotten his pain though, and never forgiven the Hunter. He grabbed a hold of the woman, breathing in all of her life until she fell to the ice, as cold as he used to be. Suddenly he felt warm, and his heart of ice glowed red with the woman???s life, now trapped in the ice as his spirit was. He went to the village and covered it in ice, trapping all of the Hunter???s people in thick, impenetrable ice. Trapping their spirits for all eternity, as they had done to him. The other villages named him the Vengeful Prince and feared him greatly.
Even with his revenge, he could not rest. Now he had life pumping threw his cold body, no spirit world would take him. The ice was so thick around his spirit that he could not be released. From years of being filled with hatred and thinking of nothing but revenge and death, his spirit became tainted and evil. He grew into a demon, forbidden from the Spirit World. Stuck on earth, trapping the lives of the innocent in his body of ice.

Ampliate's looks:

Name: Dracon
Gender: Male
Age: Teen

Dark brown hair with soft green eyes, black button up shirt with van undershirt, dark grey skinny jeans with grey converses.

Personality: Dareing, Calm, Rude. He's a big ladies man. He steals from other people alot and has a big thing for music. He pesters the crap out of his sister all the time (since he's the oldest.)

History: Dracon and his sister Cia are half dragon half wolf due to the fact that their father was a dragon and their mother was a wolf. They live together since their mother died from Infectious canine hepatitis.

Powers: He is half Dragon, he can grab stuff with his tail, his barbs and horns are poisonous, and he can breath fire like a real dragon. He can read minds.

Name: Cia
Gender: Female
Age: Teen

Short spikey black hair and sharp red eyes with a purple tee that has black demon wings on the back, white jeans with purple converses.

Presonality: Sharp, Smart, Rebelious. She loves her brother with all her heart. She likes to explore new places and loves to go steal things with her older brother.Her big brother looks after her, for she is quite inquisitive. Her tail is slightly shorter than her brother's and she has a few more spines. As Dracon's spines contain a powerful killing poison, Cia's spines contain a powerful healing elixer and the antidote to her brother's poison. She also has the power to breath toxics and to fly by making wings out of poison.

Name: Vourcue
Age: Teen
Personality: He's quiet, subdued even, doesn't like speaking about the past, and a huge elistist when it comes to working with non-wolves, especially prey or humans (which are also prey, lol). He's very interested in modern technology and has devised lots of really horrible and cruel ways to use gunpowder. he's a crack shot with any firearm, even though he can only see from one eye.Only one person is allowed to call him Erir (guess who), and anyone else who calls him anything other than Vourcue or "omgplxdon'tkillme!" is likely to die. He enjoys tea and occasionally making humans pee themselves.
Power: He controls everything elemental including wind, weather, seasons, lighting, grass, trees, space, stars, planets, time, ect.

Name: Starr
Gender: Female
Age: Teen
Powers: She's the keeper of the heavens and the stars. She has the power to create stars and kill them. She does this with her song. Her mask she wears turns her werewolf looking as she's human.
Personality: Mysterious, Mute, Hollow, Wise, Starr hardly talks but when she does it takes your breath away. Others hate her for her power and her voice.

Name: Grimlin
Age: Teen
Gender: Female
Power: She's Din's apprentice because she has the power to change into the next generaton of grim reaper. As wolf she changes into this: And it is said her spine-chilling howl is the call of the Grim Reaper, and is the herald of death. Anyone burnt by her dark fire will never heal and will be forever in pain.

14 years, 11 months & 13 days ago
30th Sep 2009 15:29

Tiny and Kings pups
15 years, 1 month & 19 days ago
25th Jul 2009 17:22

Midnight, Remyr, Massacre, Arrow, Leppilin, And Luna

1,6,and 7 are pups

there are the picsmad.gifmad.gif

My pet 'ForWolfieXD'
15 years, 10 months & 25 days ago
18th Oct 2008 15:13

It's deacated to my bff who quit marapets. I miss you. ;_;

Don't let this happen!!
16 years & 16 days ago
26th Aug 2008 18:14

female comebacks - I read this and found some of them funny.

Man: Where have you been all my life?
Woman: Hiding from you.
Man: Haven't I seen you someplace before?
Woman: Yes, that's why I don't go there anymore.
Man: Is this seat empty?
Woman: Yes, and this one will be if you sit down.
Man: Your place or mine?
Woman: Both. You go to yours, and I'll go to mine.
Man: So, what do you do for a living?
Woman: I'm a female impersonator.
Man: Hey baby, what's your sign?
Woman: Do not enter.
Man: How do you like your eggs in the morning?
Woman: Unfertilized.
Man: Your body is like a temple.
Woman: Sorry, there are no services today
Man: I would go to the end of the world for you.
Woman: But would you stay there?
Man: If I could see you naked, I'd die happy.
Woman: If I saw you naked, I'd probably die laughing.
Man: If I could rearrange the alphabet I'd put u and i together
Woman: Really, I'd put f and u together
If you repost this you will get a phone call 37 minutes after you repost
If you don't resend this then your love life will be [[doomed]] for eternity.
CHICKS REPOST THIS AS "female comebacks"
DUDES REPOST THIS AS "don't let this happen

  1. My characters...
    3rd Oct 2009 18:56
    14 years, 11 months & 10 days ago
  2. Pic.
    30th Sep 2009 15:29
    14 years, 11 months & 13 days ago
  3. Tiny and Kings pups
    25th Jul 2009 17:22
    15 years, 1 month & 19 days ago
  4. My pet 'ForWolfieXD'
    18th Oct 2008 15:13
    15 years, 10 months & 25 days ago
  5. Don't let this happen!!
    26th Aug 2008 18:14
    16 years & 16 days ago
  6. Sad bilnd story
    20th Jul 2008 20:48
    16 years, 1 month & 23 days ago
  7. Dad's poem
    3rd May 2008 22:14
    16 years, 4 months & 9 days ago
  8. Mommy please don't cry
    8th Feb 2008 18:53
    16 years, 7 months & 4 days ago