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  1. daddys poem
    8th Jan 2008 12:38
    16 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
  2. i can raed tihs
    8th Jan 2008 12:36
    16 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
  3. really tragic
    8th Jan 2008 12:29
    16 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
  4. nice tips
    8th Jan 2008 12:26
    16 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
  5. ......
    8th Jan 2008 12:20
    16 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
  6. sad and tragic but nice
    8th Jan 2008 12:18
    16 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
    9th Dec 2007 16:43
    16 years, 9 months & 24 days ago
    22nd Sep 2007 18:41
    17 years & 10 days ago
daddys poem
16 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
8th Jan 2008 12:38

Daddy's Poem

Her hair was up in a pony tail,

her favorite dress tied with a bow.

Today was Daddy's Day at school,

and she couldn't wait to go.

But her mommy tried to tell her,

that she probably should stay home.

Why the kids might not understand,

if she went to school alone.

But she was not afraid; she knew just what to say. What to tell her classmates of why he wasn't there today.

But still her mother worried,

for her to face this day alone.

And that was why once again,

she tried to keep her daughter home.

But the little girl went to school

eager to tell them all.

About a dad she never sees;

a dad who never calls.

There were daddies along the wall in back, for everyone to meet.

Children squirming impatiently,

anxious in their seats

One by one the teacher called a student from the class. To introduce their daddy, as seconds slowly passed.

At last the teacher called her name,

every child turned to stare.

Each of them was searching,

for a man who wasn't there.

"Where's her daddy at?"

she heard a boy call out.

"She probably doesn't have one,"

another student dared to shout.

And from somewhere near the back,

she heard a daddy say,

"Looks like another deadbeat dad,

too busy to waste his day."

The words did not offend her,

as she smiled up at her Mom.

And looked back at her teacher,

who told her to go on.

And with hands behind her back,

slowly she began to speak.

And out from the mouth of a child,

came words incredibly unique.

"My Daddy couldn't be here,

because he lives so far away.

But I know he wishes he could be,

since this is such a special day.

And though you cannot meet him,

I wanted you to know.

All about my daddy,

and how much he loves me so.

He loved to tell me stories

he taught me to ride my bike.

He surprised me with pink roses,

and taught me to fly a kite.

We used to share fudge sundaes,

and ice cream in a cone.

And though you cannot see him.

I'm not standing here alone.

"Cause my daddy's always with me,

even though we are apart

I know because he told me,

he'll forever be in my heart"

With that, her little hand reached up,

and lay across her chest.

Feeling her own heartbeat,

beneath her favorite dress.

And from somewhere here in the crowd of dads, her mother stood in tears.

Proudly watching her daughter,

who was wise beyond her years.

For she stood up for the love

of a man not in her life.

Doing what was best for her,

doing what was right.

And when she dropped her hand back down, staring straight into the crowd.

She finished with a voice so soft,

but its message clear and loud.

"I love my daddy very much,

he's my shining star.

And if he could, he'd be here,

but heaven's just too far

You see he was a firefighter

and died just this past year

When airplanes hit the towers

and taught Americans to fear.

But sometimes when I close my eyes,

it's like he never went away."

And then she closed her eyes,

and she saw him there that day.

And to her mothers amazement,

she witnessed with surprise

A room full of daddies and children,

all starting to close their eyes.

Who knows what they saw before them,

who knows what they felt inside.

Perhaps for merely a second,

they saw him at her side.

"I know you're with me Daddy,"

to the silence she called out.

And what happened next made believers,

of those once filled with doubt.

Not one in that room could explain it,

for each of their eyes had been closed.

But there on the desk beside her,

was a fragrant long-stemmed pink rose.

And a child was blessed, if only for a moment,

by the love of her shining star.

And given the gift of believing,

that heaven is never too far.

They say it takes a minute to find a special

person, an hour to appreciate them,

a day to love them, but then an entire

life to forget them.

i can raed tihs
16 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
8th Jan 2008 12:36

Olny srmat poelpe can raed tihs.

cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The
phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy,

it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm.

Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if
you can raed tihs psas it on !!

really tragic
16 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
8th Jan 2008 12:29

Johnny brought a gun to school,

He told his friends that it was cool,

And when he pulled the trigger back,

It shot with a great crack.

Mommy, I was a good girl, I did What I was told,

I went to school, I got straight A's, I even got the gold!

But Mommy, when I went school that day,

I never said good-bye,

I'm sorry Mommy, I had to go, But Mommy, please don't cry.

When Johnny shot the gun, He hit me and another,

And all because Johnny, Got the gun from his older brother.

Mommy, please tell Daddy; That I love him very much,

And please tell Chris; my boyfriend; That it wasn't just a crush.

And tell my little sister; That she is the only one now,

And tell my dear sweet grandmother; I'll be waiting for her now,

And tell my wonderful friends; That they always were the best;

Mommy, I'm not the first, I'm no better than the rest.

Mommy, tell my teachers; I won't show up for class,

And never to forget this, And please don't let this pass.

Mommy, why'd it have to be me? No one deserves this,

Mommy, warn the others, Mommy I left without a kiss.

And Mommy tell the doctors; I know they really did try,

I think I even saw a doctor, Trying not to cry.

Mommy, I'm slowly dying, With a bullet in my chest,

But Mommy please remember, I'm in heaven with the rest.

Mommy I ran as fast as I could,

When I heard that crack, Mommy, listen to me if you would,

I wanted to go to college, I wanted to try things that were new,

I guess I'm not ! ! going with Daddy, On that trip to the new zoo.

I wanted to get married, I wanted to have a kid,

I wanted to be an actress, Mommy, I wanted to live.

But Mommy I must go now, The time is getting late,

Mommy, tell my Chris, I'm sorry but I had to cancel the date.

I love you Mommy, I always have, I know; you know it's true,

And Mommy all I wanted to say is, "Mommy, I love you."

****In Memory of The Columbine Students Who Were Lost****

nice tips
16 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
8th Jan 2008 12:26

-----------are like apples------
-------on trees. The best ones-----
-----are at the top of the tree.-----
---The boys dont want to reach---
--for the good ones because they're--
-afraid of falling and getting hurt.-
-Instead, they get the rotten apples-
from the ground that are not as good,
but easy. So the apples up top think
something is wrong with them, when in
-reality theyre amazing. They just--
---have to wait for the right boy to
---- come along, the one who is-
----------- brave enough to-----
-------------climb all---------
-------------the way--------
------------to the top--------
-----------of the tree.---------

Cute Facts <3

I got these really cute facts in an email a while ago, and I had to share them! <3


Did you know...

Kissing is healthy

Bananas are good for cramps

It's good to cry

Chicken soup actually makes you feel better

94% of boys would love it if you sent them flowers

Lying is actually unhealthy

Only apply mascara to your top lashes

It's actually true, boys DO insult you when they like you!

Its impossible to apply mascara with your mouth closed!
(If you are not thinking about it)

89% of guys want YOU to make the 1st move.

Chocolate will make you feel better! (heck yes it will)

Most boys think its cute when you say the wrong thing.


Boys aren't worth your tears

16 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
8th Jan 2008 12:20

bj1996:hey your one of my mara pals and i am bored so i decied to talk to you k

Junior57:me too no one i know is on and hey just bought costumes and look at my shop!!!!!

bj1996:i have been dieing to tell someone this i am going to get a new violin tomorrow.

Junior57h ok cool i didnt know you play violin

bj1996:yeah, i will be right back i have cancer and i have to go get a blood sample k

Junior57:you have cancer????? wow that must be terrible hope they find a cure

bj1996:i dout it i am on a hospital computer be right back

Junior57:i feel sorry for you how long were you there??????

bj1996:at the hospital i here right now but i have been here for just over 6 weeks

Junior57:where you sad when you found out???

bj1996:i didnt find out until i was rushed to the hospital by a life lite helacopter i didnt know what was going on until i got there and the doctors told my parents and my parrents told me

Junior57:how old were you??????

bj1996:same age i am now 12

Junior57:did you ever think that you had cancer????

bj1996:no not at all i am trying to get 1 millon mp before i might die so would you like to say good bye?????

Junior57:dont say that youll live

if you care post this in your profile

  1. daddys poem
    8th Jan 2008 12:38
    16 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
  2. i can raed tihs
    8th Jan 2008 12:36
    16 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
  3. really tragic
    8th Jan 2008 12:29
    16 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
  4. nice tips
    8th Jan 2008 12:26
    16 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
  5. ......
    8th Jan 2008 12:20
    16 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
  6. sad and tragic but nice
    8th Jan 2008 12:18
    16 years, 8 months & 24 days ago
    9th Dec 2007 16:43
    16 years, 9 months & 24 days ago
    22nd Sep 2007 18:41
    17 years & 10 days ago