Which Pet are you?
17 years, 2 months & 26 days ago
8th Oct 2007 12:04 Which Marapet are you?
(1) Youre Best Frend Is moving. You:
a) Try to bribe their parents to make them stay.
b) Say Life goes on.. Whoever said it was Fair?
c) You Comfort each other and cry for hours.
d) You Say to yourself "Dont Worry, I bet she'll be fine, and there will be other people to make friends with."
(2) How Many Friends Do you Have?
a) Ive lost count! Im Super Social!
b) Just enough to keep me happy.
c) No one wants to be my friend
d) I dont need friends. I have marapets.
(3) Youre Prefered LE pet is:
a) Snookle
b) Zoink
c) Lati
d) Chibs
(4) Youre Favorite Holiday is:
a) Christmas
b) Halloween
c) My Birthday
d) Other...
(5)How long have you been On Mara?
a) Under a Month
b) 2-11 Months
c) 12-24 Months
d) A LONG time !!!!
Which pet are you?
When Youve found out Which Pet you are, Copy and paste the link and put it on youre profile, Siggie and anywhere else!
Mostly A's - Recycled Snookle
Mostly B's - Zoink
Mostly C's - Lati
Mostly D's - Chibs
Thanks for taking My Quiz!