Im so stupid, and i wont forgive my self this time
13 years, 6 months & 27 days ago
2nd Jun 2011 19:25 Well i did something stupid, something bad, and i wont forgive myself. But its not all my faul, i am shy when it comes to my feelings but i really did try to send signals to him. I walked him everyday to do, i smiled and said hi ebverytime i saw him, i complemented on his looks, i praised him for winning a baseball game, i gave him a "just cz" gift, even if it was jelly in a box, we had fun tossing it at people, talked to him as much as i could, but he didnt see. NOPE, ge asks out a slut, awhore, someone who really has no fealing for him, some who will never love him the way id do.
Now ok, i am a year older thenyou, and i know, the guys i go out with are not a guy like you, but i dont care, i love you, but you dont see it.
Whenyou hugged her, i hurt, so much. I wanted to cry my eyes out. I wanted to fall, colaps right there. I wante to let go of life, get rid of all the pain. but i couldn't.
I have hope, i will never stop loving you. And i will never give up. I dont care if ou have a gf, i wont stop flirting, i wont stop smileing, i wont stop being the nicest and best i can, i wont give up. Cuz i know you dont love that slut, but i dont know if you love me..