Siggies prices and sales and styles.
15 years, 4 months & 16 days ago
29th Aug 2009 18:55 Starting the 3rd of Sept. All you have to do is place an order. I WILL be having sales.
Sept 3-sept 7 for me that's right before school starts.
1st week of March for St.Patties
Valentines day week. for Valentines Theme.
2nd week of December. for Christmas theme
Portrait. 500mp on sale 400mp
Friends Picture. 2 friends=875mps sale=777mps 3 friends=983 On sale=875 it goes up 100mps per friend after 3 people.
Friends portrait.2 friends=775mps sale=677mps 3 friends=883 On sale=775 it goes up 75mps per friend after 3 people.
Names will be on top or under. I will only redo it once if you don;t like it.
Person and a marapet-1 peep=600 sale=491 2-700 sale=691 it goes up 100 per person and pet.
If you choose an EXACT color it is 100 mps.
Valentines day with background as red and pink or you choose colors. You will have mara pets around you and it says What ever you want. It is 800 mps on sale 700.
Christmas is the same. But you have Red and green instead.
Christmas buds-It is the friends thing but also with a Christmas theme! It is 1k and on sale 962.
St.Patties day is the same
St Patties Buds-It is the friends thing but also with a St.Patties theme! It is 1k and on sale 962.
Fill this out if you want to buy one.
Background color-
Text color-
What style, (Portrait, holidays, Bffs, Etc)
Style(Like what style background)-
Sparkles?-Yes or no
What style of text?-
If you don't know what texts there are then...Arial, Cursive a gothic thing a girly thing? Curly? Something like that. Or even just plain.
If you are putting people in the portrait you will have to ask them if it's okay.
If there's anything else you need just ask. If it's hard them it will be like 50 or 100 more mps.