My Good Marapallies
17 years, 5 months & 9 days ago
7th Aug 2007 13:25 These are my Bestest Marapals
Add me as you Marapal And you Might be on ere
read this to see if your a real horse lover
17 years, 6 months & 3 days ago
14th Jul 2007 14:33 Your yours/parents car is like a tack trunk[x]
your wall is coverd in rosettes horse stuff/horse posters[x]
most of your time is spent at the stables[x]
your hug your pony/horse atleast every hour[x]
you "canter" instead of running[x]
you speak horse langeuge to your none horsey friends[x]
you play "horses" with your self or your dog[x]
you judge everything's movement and jumping potential[x]
Youd rather tack shop than fashion shop[x]
youve atleast tryed one horsey supplyment once[x]
most of the saved pictures on your computer are mostly horses [x]