Pet Prices
15 years, 9 months & 17 days ago
28th Mar 2009 20:10 From Gin513
Arinya 4-6mil
Chibs 9-10 mil
Daisy 500k
Dakota 4.5 mil
Ercuw(firefairy only) 4.5 mil+
huthiq 1 mil
Kronk 1.5--2 mil
Lati Love 5-5.5 mil Valentine and Cowboy 3mil+
Mordo 2-2.5 mil
Nino 3-4 mil+
Oglue 1.2 mil
Phanty 1 mil
Poera 950k uncossied 1.5 mil cossied
Quell 8.5 mil+
Rofling 25 mil
Rusty 2.5 mil
Sindi 4.5+ mil
Snookle 3+ mil
Troit 2mil
Viotto plain viotto potion 7-8mil metallic and ice viotto potion 9-10mil cossied viotto potion 12-13mil
Yuni 7-8 mil
Zoink 1.2 mil+
Zoosh 2 mil
Angel Costume - 25M
Armoured Costume - 5M
Baby Costume - 30M
Balloon Costume - 600k
Black Costume - 600k
Blue Costume - 600k
Bronze Costume - 600k
Brown Costume - 600k
Burnt Costume - In ss
Camouflage Costume - 15M
Checkered Costume - 11M
Cheese Costume - 5M
Chinese Costume - 1.2M
Chocolate Costume - 1.5M
Christmas Costume - 1M
Clown Costume - in SS
Cottoncandy Costume - 500k
Cowboy Costume - 800k
Dark Costume - 13M
Devil Costume - 1M
Digital Costume - in ss
Earthfairy Costume - 1.5M
Eleka Costume - 2M
Elf Costume - 4M
Emo Costume - 1.5M
Enpiah Costume - 1M
Explorer Costume - 1M
Fairy Costume - 7M
Fat Costume - 2M
Fire Costume - 10M
Firefairy Costume - 700k
Funky Costume - 1.5M
Furry Costume - in SS
Geek Costume - 700k
Ghost Costume - 1.5-2M
Gingerbread Costume - 800k
Glass Costume - In SS
Goblin Costume - 1M
Gold Costume - In SS
Gothic Costume - 10M
Green Costume - in SS
Grey Costume - in SS
Halloween Costume - 4M
Hobo Costume - 10M
Ice Costume - 500k
Icefairy Costume - 2M
Insideout Costume - 2M
Light Costume - 500k
Lightfairy Costume - 800k
Lightning Costume - 600k
Love Costume - 15M
Mermaid Costume - 20M
Millionaire Costume - 1m
Mummy Costume - 15M/Mummy Doll
Musical Costume - in SS
Mutant Costume - Pet DNA
Nefarious Costume - 1M
Ninja Costume - In SS
Old Costume - 15M
Orange Costume - in SS
Pink Costume - 750k
Pirate Costume -2m
Pixie Costume - 1m
Plant Costume - 800k
Plushie Costume - In SS
Princess Costume - in SS
Prison Costume - Used Jail
Pink Costume - in SS
Punk Costume - 500k-1M
Purple Costume - 600k
Radioactive Costume - in SS
Rainbow Costume - 15M
Recycled Costume - 500k
Red Costume - in SS
Robot Costume - 1M
Rotten Costume - in SS
Royal Costume - 8M
School Costume - in SS
Seasonal Costume - 50M
Shaved Costume - in SS
Silver Costume - in SS
Simerian Costume - 800k
Skater Costume - 750k
Skeleton Costume - in SS
Sketch Costume - in SS
Skinny Costume - in SS
Slime Costume - 600k
Snow Costume - in SS
Snowman Costume - in SS
Space Costume - in SS
Spacefairy Costume - 700k
Sponge Costume - in SS
Starry Costume - 15M
Stoneage Costume - 3M
Superhero Costume - 600k
Toddler Costume - in SS
Trailer Costume - Unknown
Underwater Costume - 2M
Undyingfairy Costume - 1M
Valentine Costume - 1.5M
Voodoo Costume - 1.2M
Vortex Costume - 1M
Water Costume - 15M
White Costume - in SS
Witch Costume - 7M
Wizard Costume - 100M
Yellow Costume - In SS
Zombie Costume - Use poisons
pet naming
Naming a pet is the difficult part. The name should be between 3-7 letters. Not a name like Fairy5, or MrKing1. A name like Adel, Adin, Adir,Arden, Meso, Lorita etc. But even a name like Loiretta may be acceptable. Just depends on more of my opinion of your opinions. These names /will/ affect the value of your pet. They will also have a huge effect on the outcome of trading your pet. Please note that a pet name should not include numbers, too many letters, lowercase beginnings, or any other fancy symbols,etc.
For a Non-LE to be worth a LE.
10-19+ Phanty - Poera - Oglue - Daisy
20-29+ Zoink - Kronk - Huthiq
30-39+ Sindi - Troit - Zoosh - Rusty - Nino - Mordo
40-49+ Ercuw - Lati - Dakota - Snookle
50-69+ Yuni - Quell
70-79+ Viotto
80-99+ Chibs
150+ Rofling
Below is the demand level of each pet.
Phanty - Low
Poera - Low
Oglue - Low
Daisy - Low
Zoink - Low
Kronk - Low
Huthiq - Low
Sindi - Average
Troit - Low
Zoosh - Low
Rusty - Low
Nino - Low
Mordo - Average
Ercuw - Average
Lati - Average
Dakota - Low
Snookle - Low
Yuni - Very High
Quell - Average
Viotto - Very High
Chibs - High
Rofling - Highest