Pets;Pet Trading! 8D (info)
15 years, 4 months & 23 days ago
4th Aug 2009 14:10 BlueStar221's pet information
Alright. Many of you people see me put my pets in trade. Many wonder if your really gonna get the pet you offered on. Well, here are some things you should look at before offering...
I will only trade Bad Named for Bad Named
If you even think you will offer a bad named for my well named, your offer will be rejected AUTOMATICALY.
I will not put up with begging
Only good named for good named..
Use your head with money;cossies;items;etc. Because I honesestly don't wanna figure out your offer's worth.
Sybolized is NEVER for trade
He is my favorite pet ;D
You may see him in trades, but I won't accept ANY offers x3.
I just wanna see the offers on him.Bummer eh?
Paladen is a MAYBE for trade.. He is well named and my first Punk Pet.