17 years, 6 months & 6 days ago
22nd Jun 2007 16:45 Q: Is one of your pets up for trades?
A: None of my pets is up for trades and will ever be.
Q: Can you give me something from your shop cheaper?
A: No, I won't give you something cheaper. The price in shop is exactly what I want for that.
Q: Can you send me [insert itemname here]? I give you [insert itemname here] for that.
A: No, I won't send you anything. If you're interested in an item in my trades or auctions you can place a bid on it.
Q: I'm poor. Can you give me [insert itemname here]?
A: No, I won't give you something for free. Stop begging!
Q: Where/how did you get [insert itemname here]?
A: Probably from shops, trades or auctions.
Q: How did you get mp?
A: Playing games, selling, trading...
Q: Do you want to be my friend?
A: No, I most likely don't want to be your friend as I don't know you at all. I'm only accepting friendsrequest from people I know quite well and a certain time. Or do you ask everyone you met randomly on the street if they want to be your friend?
Q: Do you want to join my club?
A: No, I'm not interested to join any club.