trading and friend requests
4 years, 8 months & 7 days ago
7th May 2020 16:29 Please don't think that just because I accepted your friend request that I'm going to "accept" your ridiculously low offer on a trade that is worth much more than what you're offering, I don't give stuff away simply because you friend requested. ie. I have an item worth 10 million you send a friend request, I accept that and then you offer less than 10k on that 10 million item; it's not going to happen; I'm sorry you thought a friendship was going to change that but it's not.
Pet Lending and fees.
7 years, 2 months & 2 days ago
13th Nov 2017 04:19 The Following pets all have minipets attached, please do not remove them if you are borrowing.
Eggret the Easter Poera
109,020MP Fee
Lil_Green_Giant the Skater Gonk
78,320MP Fee
Orthoclase the Halloween Knutt
48,620MP Fee
PeanuttiestNut the Enpiah Renat
45,320MP Fee
Pirateyarr the Leprechaun Reese
45,540MP Fee
Prixie_Hallow the Plushie Huthiq
96,100MP Fee
PuffyRad the Fat Jessup
48,660MP Fee
RougeeMauve the Spacefairy Feliz
52,900MP Fee
SunshineBubbleWrap the Killer Ideus
73,560MP Fee
TrixsterMan the Red Yakubi (transformations pet)
74,300MP Fee
ellie1212 the Bootleg Jessup
72,260MP Fee
greedy_lizard the Chocolate Viotto (gourmet food)
451,980MP Fee