13 years, 3 months & 10 days ago
18th Sep 2011 04:39 Semi Quit gave my good pets to my husband tim86 i will be having a break for a bit if after a while i still dont want to come back i will be give watever my husband wants to him and will be giving/donating.
Taylissa and Vast for trade
14 years ago
27th Dec 2010 16:30 looking for statted non le by statted i mean
85 stats if it doesn't have elites
or 70 with 15 elites or any mix of stats and elites that add up to 12 mil
date i joined
17 years, 1 month & 13 days ago
13th Nov 2007 03:35 joined thursday 7th june 2007
pets i have owned or created
17 years, 2 months & 9 days ago
17th Oct 2007 14:59 the following are pets i have owned or do own and some that iv created.
* goomeri
* lillyanne87
* soup.r.star
* cricets
* ponypuss
* XsamanthaX
* doingtime
* biggin
* skybluebye
* pipituin
* skin.n.bones
* synnthia
* hicia
* seakerlee
* gothim
* goshly
* trianna
* prissybella
* deadlyfellow
* layissa
* tiida
* Caynonn
* affair
* Disbelief
* LoVe_LaTi
* captiva
* tinkaz
* speciality
* Fire_Cutie1001 which i renamed inflamed
* Siraih
* Stansie
* carrox
* shayarna
* trianna
* tanasity
* taylisha
* doier
* chibbe
* marvyne
* vitzen
* Jemsy
* Miachi
* Jolianna
* tayliza