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  1. The Tradition (rp)
    23rd Aug 2012 20:50
    12 years, 1 month & 11 days ago
  2. The Great Library (rp)
    8th Aug 2012 21:30
    12 years, 1 month & 26 days ago
  3. Blog #309975
    15th Jul 2010 16:37
    14 years, 2 months & 21 days ago
    2nd Aug 2009 09:59
    15 years, 2 months & 4 days ago
  5. A Middle Ages Night Trip...
    7th Jun 2009 22:06
    15 years, 3 months & 28 days ago
  6. Wilhelm of Wittenberg
    7th Jun 2009 22:00
    15 years, 3 months & 28 days ago
  7. "I love you"
    7th Jun 2009 21:56
    15 years, 3 months & 28 days ago
  8. The Nema Files- Prologue
    7th Jun 2009 21:52
    15 years, 3 months & 28 days ago
  9. Gallery Prices
    7th Jun 2009 16:14
    15 years, 3 months & 28 days ago
  10. "A Tale of ??nilthain"
    7th Jun 2009 13:40
    15 years, 3 months & 29 days ago
The Tradition (rp)
12 years, 1 month & 11 days ago
23rd Aug 2012 20:50

Once upon a time, in a land far away, there lived a widowed woman and her three children: two daughters and a son. While her husband had been quite rich during his lifetime, his death had left many debts, and once the collectors for their due, there was not a penny left to their name. Unable to take care of her children, she arranged marriages for both of her daughters in hopes that they would be provided for. The youngest, her only son, offered to assist his mother in finding suitable men, and after a few weeks of searching, was able to find two trustworthy gentlemen who promised to look after their future wives.

As The Tradition would have it, the husband of the younger daughter was secretly a prince, and upon reaching his kingdom, doted on her and provided everything she could ever desire. The Tradition, a magical force that steered the path of everyone to resemble a Fairy Tale, was easily sated, as the child was beautiful, gentle, and loved by all.

The eldest, while not as lovely as the younger daughter, was still a kind and gentle soul. However, The Tradition sought to punish her as the eldest child, and when she arrived at the household, she discovered her betrothed had passed away a week prior. Thinking she would return to her mother and brother, she made plans to leave.

The Tradition was not about to be swayed. Finding a tale that resembled the situation, The Tradition got to work. The eldest daughter was horrified to learn that she was considered married to him under common law, and that his will had stated that any wives he had were to be buried alive in his tomb with him.

In a panic, she sent a letter to her Fairy Godmother, begging for help, be it advice or a Champion. But only time will tell if something can be done.

First come, first serve on existing characters, but feel free to make up your own too. The only restriction is that your character must be from a Fairy Tale-like setting. So no Vampires, Werewolves, or Cyborgs...

There's a lot left open for development, so be creative with your characters. You can have as many characters as you can handle, including an occasional non-essential character or two to help advance the plot, but I recommend limiting yourself to two.

The hardest role by far will be that of a Fairy Godmother. This role requires a deep-seeded knowledge of a LOT of Fairy tales, not just the well-known ones. If you choose to be a Fairy Godmother, you are bound by The Tradition. You can use small magic, but you must work WITH The Tradition to change a situation. Any attempts to directly challenge or disrupt The Tradition will backfire, and usually not in a good way... The best solution is to shift its focus on one story to another. And be aware that The Tradition can work on you as well, trying to force YOU into another story, so be careful!

Complicated? Yes, it can be. But gosh darn it, I like a good role play that requires the use of a brain! If you don't want to think about it all, then I suggest another character.


Birth order:

I'll post mine after a few people have done theirs. I want to see what sort of characters you all pick before I settle on one. Smile

The Great Library (rp)
12 years, 1 month & 26 days ago
8th Aug 2012 21:30

It all happened so quickly. There was a loud screech of tires from both her car and the semi that had shifted into their lane. Someone screamed and there was a bright flash of light. The next thing Zenith knew, someone was was pushing her forward towards a door that apparently entered into a brightly lit room.

Confused, she stood in place as people pushed past her, hurrying towards the lit doorway. Someone zipped past her and nearly knocked her off her feet, leaving her both even more dizzy and disoriented than she had been just seconds prior. But the longer she looked at that door, the more she was certain that there was something comforting about the warm glow coming from the doorway. Zenith brushed her long, blond hair out of her green eyes and hesitated only a moment longer before following the crowd into the light.

Whatever she had expected, it wasn't the sight that met her eyes. The cathedral ceiling draped candle chandeliers that were bigger than a small car. Huge rock pillars supported that ceiling, with torches attached on all four sides. The floor was a polished oak that reflected the glittering light of the candles and a long red carpet ran down the seemingly endless hallway away from the door. On either side of the carpet were rows upon rows of bookshelves that were jam packed with books.

Zenith simply stared. Where was she? What was going on? Her confused look attracted the attention of a young brunette woman who had been passing by her. She was carrying several books and a silver pouch on a drawstring hung around her waist. A silver-plated name tag on her dark green blouse pronounced her name to be Heather.

"May I help you find something?" she asked sweetly, only to earn an even more confused and frustrated look from Zenith.

"How about helping me figure out what's going on!" Zenith barked crossly. "Where the heck am I?!"

An understanding look crossed her face. "Ah, so you are a recent arrival... this is your first visit to The Great Library, correct?"

"The Great Library?" she echoed. "Is that what this place is called? Why is that, aside from all the books? Why am I here?"

"The Great Library is where you go when you finish reading the lifebook you checked out. When you finish your selection, you return here to pick out another book. Or if you have checked out enough books, or have learned enough lessons from your lifebooks, you are able to pass on to #!$%&@*." Heather smiled as apprehension finally came to the young girl in front of her.

"So I am dead now, right?"

Heather nodded. "Physically, yes. Spiritually, it is near impossible to die... but there ARE ways..." she trailed off, a glazed look crossing briefly over her blue-green eyes before she blinked it away.

"So..." she continued, putting her arm gently around Zenith and leading her away from the library entrance where people were still flowing through at an alarming pace. "Shall I help you pick out another book then? Or would you like to visit the commons to talk with a few more people to get your bearing on this place?"


Rules (Because we need them):

First off, please try to be relatively literate.

Secondly, you are able to choose a character from any race or sentient species that is found in any book. However, there are some exceptions, and those are Vampires, Werewolves, Dogs/Cats/Horses, Dragons, Unicorns, and any creature too large to fit in the Library. Nothing against those, I just don't want to see this board get taken over by people from the other boards who seem to think everyone who role plays thinks their love of their topic extends to all.

With that in mind, please be respectful. Disrespect for a role player that seems to be above and beyond that of their character's will see you removed from the Library, okay?

Also, no god modding. It should be a given, but still think I need to say it.

No romance, extraordinary violence, or anything else frowned upon by the staff here.

You are only allowed 1 character at a time. However, if you would like to switch to a new character, you may swap out your old one by having them find a lifebook and having them check it out. However, you must then start from scratch and pick an entirely different character (just to keep it interesting).

And with that, I believe we are able to start. If you have any more questions, feel free to OOC them on here.

Oh, and I know I just set up Zenith, but I've got dibs on Heather, so if anyone would like Zenith, go for it.

14 years, 2 months & 21 days ago
15th Jul 2010 16:37


In a parallel dimension, quite similar to ours, there is a planet called Klix. A species who calls themselves "Loa" dwells on Klix, one that is very similar to humans. There are two major Clans found on the planet, both of them living together in a large village at the center of the forest that covers a majority of the land.

Despite their past abilities to co-exist, each Clan has an outlook on what is best for their world that is completely different from the other. These differences, as well as an ancient prophesy about a Hero who will save the Clans from destruction when they are at the hour of their greatest peril, are starting to create a cultural divide between the two Clans. Fighting amongst the clans is becoming disturbingly frequent. Often the only things keeping the two Clans from war is the Council of Wisdom that rules over the entire city and the promise of the Hero.

Recently a Barren, a place void of all life, began to grow a day's journey to the west of the village. Due to all of the bickering in the village, this strange occurrence led members of the Rhune and Illuma Clans to blame each other for the Barren. However, strange beings that look like walking sand trees have been spotted in the void, and have even taken a few Loa's captive.

The call has gone out amongst the clans from the Council! Who will come to the rescue of these poor captives? Where is the hero? Who are these sand demons and what do they want?



The Illuma Clan is known for their skills at farming and working with nature to co-exist with all life. The adult members of the clan are easily distinguished by their long, feline-like tails, which appear mysteriously on his or her 17th birthday. Those of the Illuma Clan favor a more nurturing approach, believing that all life is sacred and must be honored/respected, even if a life must be taken in order to survive. To those of this Clan, the spirit-which is housed in the heart- is the most important part of the self. Therefore, the matters of the heart and feelings are, while tempered with logic, are more important than lifeless, calculated laws.

Clan Motto-
"All the world is a shade of grey"

Weapons of choice- (primarily used for defense or scaring away enemies)
Slingshots, short swords, scythes, etc.


The Rhune Clan is known for their adept skills at hunting and changing their environment to suit their needs, and have adapted physically to this way of life with a pair of wings that sprout from their back. The wings are released from their backs during their coming of age ceremony at the age of 17. Those of the Rhune Clan believe that the mind is stronger than feelings and matters of the heart, and therefore laws that have been made must be upheld. Making an exception to a law allows others to believe they can break the law and get away with it.

Clan Motto-
"Self-mastery over one's desires and emotions leads to spiritual peace."

Weapons of Choice- (Related to hunting and attacking)
Bows and Arrows, Long Sword, etc.


- No excessive violence/killing off another player's character (unless you have their (and my) permission). The whole point of this RP is NOT to have a war, but rather to avoid it, as per the wishes of the Council. But that doesn't mean we have to get along easily... wink.gif
- No God Modding.
- No stealing. It's MY roleplay, so don't go taking it over like it's your or reproducing it with slight alterations. If you want to use it, ASK ME FIRST.
- NO ROMANCE! If I see it, you're in trouble!
- Limit 2 characters(*). To start with, you can be either be from the Rhune Clan or the Illuma Clan. And yes, you can have a character in each Clan.
- NO, you can NOT be the hero. The whole point is that no one knows who the hero is... they will be revealed in time... So please... don't ask.
- Please be respectful... and have fun!

(*) I may modify this rule if needed later... *hint hint* ^_^


Appearance: (keep in mind both clan AND age)
Personality: (optional)

(I'll post mine after a few people join)

15 years, 2 months & 4 days ago
2nd Aug 2009 09:59

Congratulations! You found the 'Troll' Hidden Avatar!

Thank you for finishing my mission on time. Here is your reward..

Orange Oglue Potion and 500,000MP!!

Please come back tomorrow for your next mission!

...Against my better judgement, this time I actually completed the troll missions rather than purposely failing the last one... so I am currently now at level 2 instruments rather than level 1. ...and I've got this nasty feeling that I just lost money, rather than gained money, by doing that.


A Middle Ages Night Trip...
15 years, 3 months & 28 days ago
7th Jun 2009 22:06

I think the most amusing thing about this one is the fact that all of the dialogue was an actual conversation over IM... So yeah, changed the IM names to my username on here and my boyfriend's to one of his nicknames to protect... me. And him.

A Middle Ages Night Trip...

A young and handsome knight returned slowly from his post towards his room. He noted, much to his dismay, that in a few hours he would be forced to rise and report again. Exhausted, he trudged through the castle as quietly as he could, not wanting to wake any of the number of men who slept at the edges of the hallways due to the lack of rooms available at the time.

He was just rounding the corner to approach the place where he normally rest when out of the corner of his eye he caught sight of a pink and white dress. He smiled, knowing that the young maiden whom he'd pledged himself to within the past month was also up at this ungodly hour. He opened the semi-open door enough to get through in his armor, and approached her as she stood on the balchony, looking at the moon and stars.

She heard him approach and turned slighly to see whom it was, and smiled to see that it was Sir Jorell whom approached her. She greeted him, and invited him to talk with her, and talk they did, for quite some time. Yet the maiden soon became aware of his duties the next morning, and begged forgiveness for keeping him up so late. Yet he told her to think nothing of it, and stood to head back inside once more.

"Good night, my dear, sweet knight." she told him as he passed. "Pleasant travels in the land of dreams."

"Thank you, milady." he replied. "Though my head is a place that would daunt even my courage sometimes..."

"Nay, speak not such falsehoods, yet believe in the kindness and courage that dwells in your heart, for I have seen it."

"Then pray that what lurks in my mind's dreamscape is naught but pleasantries, and not the sort of carnage, strife and mayhem that could find both mine heart and spirit wanting..." With a pause, he added with caution, "...Perhaps, milady wishes I encounter her there, and not some horrors, to which I'd grown accustomed..."

The maiden smiled softly with a light in her eyes that he had rarely seen in her- hope. "Pray, yes, but only if thou wilst allow it. I dare not ask thee for such company unless thou art willing. I, too, have dreaded the very land which you seek to travel for too long, and verily I have found myself fighting off such demons as thee describe..."

Sir Jorell scoffed slightly."Surely milady jests, for while blows and blades bring no respite, milady's prescence alone could keep the foulest of nightmares at bay.

"Thou flatters me, but nay, I too have suffered the nightly noises and the foul, dreaded beasts which seek to do both me and mine companions harm... Yet, together, mayhap, we could travel in safety... if thou art willing."

"'Twas I who wanted to pose that we band together, and ALSO use the term mayhap... we are far too much alike, in our desires, and securities...though your words, polished as they are by the chest hairs of Thor himself, far outstrip mine..."

The maiden blushed, and shook her head. "Nay, thine words rang true like that of the purist silver far longer than mine could ever imagine. Yet hark! the hour grows late, and we both must rise before the dawn, and I before you. So pray, let us not tarry here, but move quickly before it is too late."

"To bed then... lay your head, milady, to sleep, to reconvene... in dreams." he agreed softly.

"May the spirits of both moon and stars guard you as you dream, good knight," she chanted softly as she herself rose to follow.

"When the knight nears its end, may the sun rise in my place to comfort you..." Sir Jorell wispered for her to hear.

At this, the maiden became troubled. "Thou hast no need to end, nor reason. 'Tis not the sun that I love most in this world. 'Tis the young knight whom I rest my head with this very hour."

"Aye, but the sun is far more reliable. Rest thine head, milady. Would that my love worthy to rival yours... Again, I'm humbled..."

"But the sun will never be with me after it sets, after the path have turned grim and will have left me far behind."

"Nay, but it need not rise nor fade to toil on the morrow...."

"I pray of thee, do not leave me behind when the time comes for us to part, sir knight, or when the world demand thou learn those around you as they grow. For surely, I would fall to pieces without thine company and comfort."

"I merely meant to tend to mine shop... on the morrow... But I cannot allow such a sad fate to befall those I love, so your pleas shan't go unheeded..."

"Yet the world will demand thou leave, mayhap not on the morrow, but some time soon. I feel it in my innerds, and I am frightened for thine safety." she continued, her eye now full of fear as she looked at him.

"Enough. Rest now, milady....if such a thing wilt come to pass, most nobly shall I sheild thee from it..."

The maiden took the arm of the knight, who gently led her back to her room. She turned to him as they approached the door to her chamber.

"I pray thee, take caution in dealing it, for 'tis not my safety I fear for, but thine.... Let fate do unto me as it will, yet let it save thee from its cruel grasp." She sighed softly, her shoulders slumping slightly in defeat. "Yet, thee art correct. Verily, we must harken with haste to sleep. Pray that I see thee shortly and safely." They reached her door and she added in a soft voice, "And as the little folk say, "Namarie Mellonin"."

"Aye, I wilt conduct mine affairs carefully, for thine own sake..." he promised her softly. "The wee folk's tongues have never been my forte, but sure as I am the meaning behind them, I will bid thee the same. "

"Good-night, sir knight."

"And thee, damsel faire... milady..."

"I love thee..."

"And I, thee..."

Here, the maiden bowed to her knight, and retreated into chambers to rest. Sir Jorell took his leave against the far wall of the hallway, across from the maiden's doorway and unrolled his small blanket which doubled as a matress on hard surfaces such as these, and took out the other to cover himself with. In need of a drink, the knight pulled out his ration of spirits for the week and tipped the flask to his lips as soon as he'd gotten the stopper out.

Empty. The poor knight bemoaned the shortage of ale in the castle, wishing he had something to help keep him warm as he slept. Yet even as he set the flask down, soft laughter could be heard from inside the maiden's chambers. Sir Jorell smiled lightly, removed last of the armor, and turned over to rest, hoping to make do with the equipment he had.

A few minutes later, the maiden tiptoed out of her room dressed in her shift, holding a warm woolen blanket. She made her way softly to Sir Jorell and gently draped the woolen blanket over the tired knight's body. "Stay warm, sir knight." she whispered to him, and she faintly caught a few sleepily mumbles of some thanks. She bent over gently to kiss his brow and then drifted back inside her chamber, the faint wind that ran through the hall moving her shift as like wind blowing the leaves on a tree.

Sir Jorell followed her with both eyes and thoughts into the dreamtime...

The maiden did the same... and took out a small metal club, oddly smooth-shaped which she rests by her bedside........ just incase.......

(And...... back on IM at 3:56 AM.....)

Jorell: surely, you don't think to need protection?
fotnfatrod: Not from you..... well......... *snickers evily at joke in her head* Maybe... if you were here and not at home...
fotnfatrod: sorry... you asked for it....
Jorell: love and much confusion, milady...
fotnfatrod: aye. Tis much too late for talk, the mind gets addled easily.
fotnfatrod: Look at that again, on the morrow... t'will make more sense then.
Jorell: As thou wishes...

Jorell signed off at 3:57:20 AM.

  1. The Tradition (rp)
    23rd Aug 2012 20:50
    12 years, 1 month & 11 days ago
  2. The Great Library (rp)
    8th Aug 2012 21:30
    12 years, 1 month & 26 days ago
  3. Blog #309975
    15th Jul 2010 16:37
    14 years, 2 months & 21 days ago
    2nd Aug 2009 09:59
    15 years, 2 months & 4 days ago
  5. A Middle Ages Night Trip...
    7th Jun 2009 22:06
    15 years, 3 months & 28 days ago
  6. Wilhelm of Wittenberg
    7th Jun 2009 22:00
    15 years, 3 months & 28 days ago
  7. "I love you"
    7th Jun 2009 21:56
    15 years, 3 months & 28 days ago
  8. The Nema Files- Prologue
    7th Jun 2009 21:52
    15 years, 3 months & 28 days ago
  9. Gallery Prices
    7th Jun 2009 16:14
    15 years, 3 months & 28 days ago
  10. "A Tale of ??nilthain"
    7th Jun 2009 13:40
    15 years, 3 months & 29 days ago