Team quiz.
15 years, 8 months & 2 days ago

1st Jul 2009 22:56
Hello, this quiz was made by me, Tatianna. Obviously. Because this blog is on my profile and my profile is part of my account. I have a bad intro,

But an intro to a quiz doesn't have to be that long.

haha. Okay, let's start.
It was your Best Friend's birthday, but you forgot to give her a Birthday Present. What's your excuse?
A. "I left it at home! Really! I'll give it to you next week,"
B. "Well, you're actually lucky I came to your Birthday! Me here coming to your Birthday is enough,"
C. "Ummmmmm, when I got to the store, it was closed,"
After your best friend's Party, you were exhausted. You went back home. What are you going to do now?
A. Take a relaxing Bubble Bath/Shower
B. Sleep...........Zzzzzzzzzz
C. Go outside to the Garden/Backyard and just chillax
Later on, you went on Marapets. You went on the Pet Forums. Three different people, giving three different Limited Edition Pets away. Which topic do you click on?
A. Chibs! I love Chibs! They're the best!
B. Quell, how dumber can you be?
C. Rusty. The Rusty's adorable!
You typed up your App. But the owner of the LE Pet declined your Application. How do react.
A. That's not fair! *Sigh*
B. What?! I can't believe it, I always win! *Murmur* I didn't even like it. So there!
C. Oh well, it will take some time, better luck next time *Searches through more boards*
After playing Marapets, you felt like listening to some music. You switched on your Ipod and away you go!
A. I'm listening to the latest Artists, Taylor Swift, Lady GaGa and more.
B. I'm listening to the COOLEST songs, not like some loser singers and bands that can't even sing and play music. I'm listening to the ones that actually have talent. Evanescence, Paramore and all the other COOL bands and singers.
C. I'm listening to some of my all time favourites, Rihanna, Avril Lavigne and others.
After listening to music, you were starting to feel hungry, what do you eat now?
A. An Apple, a biscuit with Cheddar Cheese and a box of juice.
B. Pizza, Macaroni and Cheese, anything delicious and heavy for my stomach!
C. A cup of Icecream, a small packet of chips and a box of flavoured milk.
You were filling a little full, your parents said that It's time for you to go to bed. You go to your room. What do you do?
A. Sleep, It's best to follow my parents.
B. I work with my life intrapersonally, independently and by myself. So, I don't care what my parents say, I'm going to play my DS.
C. Quickly do some stuff before bed, like checking your homework before you pass it on tomorrow and quickly go to bed.
Sliced bread is slicedle-Do-Da-Doo! Rise and Shine sleepyhead! Time for school! For breakfast It's...............
A. Cornflakes! Quick, healthy and delicious!
B. Hot Chocolate and Tim Tams! Yummy!
C. Eggs on Toast and a glass of Milk!
After breakfast, It's time for school. Your Teacher asks for your homework.
A. "Here you go. With my Parents Signature on it!"
B. "Oh, man! I forgot. Detention again?"
C. "Here's my homework. Checked and done, even the extension work"
It's Free Subject Time! Which class do you participate in?
A. Art! I love Art! I'm not very logical in mind so yeah!
B. PE! It's fun and actually has Action in it!
C. Normal Classroom Subjects, English or Maths will do for me!
It's InterSchool Sport. You're trying out for a team, but which team is it?
A. I'm definitely trying out for Netball!
B. I'm trying out for Football, You can actually tackle!
C. Newcombe, It's simple.
You got into the squad! Congratulations! Your new team is -
Mostly As - Aqua Team
Siggy -
Mostly Bs - Flame Team
Siggy -
Mostly Cs - Earth Team
Siggy -