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  1. please read!!!!!!
    17th Jan 2008 17:50
    16 years, 11 months & 11 days ago
  2. Prepair to cry,2 sad,heart warming story's in 1!
    27th Dec 2007 15:18
    17 years & 2 days ago
  3. IF U LUV ANIMALS OF COPY THIS! 3 sad storys in one
    16th Nov 2007 16:55
    17 years, 1 month & 12 days ago
  4. Do u Beleave?Another Heart Warming Story!
    16th Nov 2007 15:28
    17 years, 1 month & 12 days ago
please read!!!!!!
16 years, 11 months & 11 days ago
17th Jan 2008 17:50

Hope it works!

Just read the little stories and
think of a wish as you scroll all
the way to the bottom. There is
a message there ??? then make your

No attachment on this one.


There???s a 13 year old girl, and she wished
that her dad would come home from
the army, because he???d been having
problems with his heart and right
leg. It was 2:53 p.m . When she made
her wish. At 3:07 p.m. (14 minutes
later), the doorbell rang, and
there her Dad was, luggage and all!!

I???m Katie and I???m 20 and I???ve been
having trouble in my job and on the
verge of quitting. I made a simple
wish that my boss would get a new
job. That was at 1:35 and at 2:55
there was an announcement that he
was promoted and was leaving for
another city. Believe me???this
really works!!!

My name is Ann and I am 45 years
of age. I had always been single
and had been hoping to get into a
nice, loving relationship for many
years. While kind of daydreaming
(and right after receiving this email)
I wished that a quality person would
finally come into my life. That was at
9:10 AM on a Tuesday. At 9:55 AM
a FedEx delivery man came into my
office.He was cute, polite and
could not stop smiling at me. He
started coming back almost everyday
(even without packages) and asked me
out a week later. We married 6
months later and now have been
happily married for 2 years.

What a great email it was!!

Just scroll down to the end, but
while you do, think of a wish.
Make your wish when you have completed
scrolling. Whatever age you are, is the
number of minutes it will take for your
wish to come true. are 25 years
old, it will take 25 minutes for your wish
to come true).

Go for it!!!



































































Congratulations!!! Your wish will
now come true in your age minutes.

Now follow this carefully???.it
can be very rewarding!!!!

If you repost this within the next 5 min.
something major that you???ve been wanting
will happen.

This is scary!

The phone will ring right after you repost!!!!

Prepair to cry,2 sad,heart warming story's in 1!
17 years & 2 days ago
27th Dec 2007 15:18

Hi here are two sad,heart warming story's,but there is one more that isn't in this one I have it with a diffrent one with the title:do u beleave????So if you like these heart warming story's then that is one and then another one but about animals so please read all of the storys hope you injoy these!

Jenny was so happy about the house they had found.
For once in her life 'twas on the right side of town.
She unpacked her things with such great ease.
As she watched her new curtains blow in the breeze.
How wonderful it was to have her own room.
School would be starting; she'd have friends over soon.
There'd be sleep-overs, and parties; she was so happy
It's just the way she wanted her life to be.

On the first day of school, everything went great.
She made new friends and even got a date!
She thought, "I want to be popular and I'm going to be,
Because I just got a date with the star of the team!"
To be known in this school you had to have clout,
And dating this guy would sure help her out.
There was only one problem stopping her fate.
Her parents had said she was too young to date.
"Well I just won't tell them the entire truth.
They won't know the difference; what's there to lose?"
Jenny asked to stay with her friends that night.
Her parents frowned but said, "All right."
Excited, she got ready for the big event
But as she rushed around like she had no sense,
She began to feel guilty about all the lies,
But what's a pizza, a party,
and a moonlight ride?

Well the pizza was good, and the party was great,
But the moonlight ride would have to wait.
For Dan was half drunk by this time.
But he kissed her and said that he was just fine.
Then the room filled with smoked and Dan took a puff.
Jenny couldn't believe he was smoking that stuff.
Now Dan was ready to ride to the point
But only after he'd smoked another joint.
They jumped in the car for the moonlight ride,
Not thinking that he was too drunk to drive.

They finally made it to the point at last,
And Dan started trying to make a pass.
A pass is not what Jenny wanted at all (and by a pass, I don't mean
playing football.) "Perhaps my parents were
right....maybe I am too young.
Boy, how could I ever, ever be so dumb."
With all of her might, she pushed Dan away:
"Please take me home, I don't want to stay."
Dan cranked up the engine and floored the gas.
In a matter of seconds they were going too fast.

As Dan drove on in a fit of wild anger,
Jenny knew that her life was in danger.
She begged and pleaded for him to slow down,
But he just got faster as they neared the town.
"Just let me get home! I'll confess that I lied.
I really went out for a moonlight ride."
Then all of a sudden, she saw a big flash.
"Oh God, Please help us! We're going to crash!"
She doesn't remember the force of impact.
Just that everything all of a sudden went black.
She felt someone remove her from the twisted rubble,
And heard, "call an ambulance! These kids are in trouble!
Voices she heard...a few words at best.
But she knew there were two cars involved in the wreck.
Then wondered to herself if Dan was all right,
And if the people in the other car was alive.

She awoke in the hospital to faces so sad.
"You've been in a wreck and it looks pretty bad."
These voices echoed inside her head,
As they gently told her that Dan was dead.
They said "Jenny, we've done all we can do.
But it looks as if we'll lose you too."
"But the people in the other car!?" Jenny cried.
"We're sorry, Jenny, they also died."
Jenny prayed, "God, forgive me for what I've done
I only wanted to have just one night of fun."
"Tell those people's family, I've made their lives dim,
And wish I could return their families to them."
"Tell Mom and Dad I'm sorry I lied,
And that it's my fault so many have died.
Oh, nurse, won't you please tell them that for me?"
The nurse just stood there-she never agreed.
But took Jenny's hand with tears in her eyes.
And a few moments later Jenny died.

A man asked the nurse,
"Why didn't you do your best To bid that
girl her one last request?"
She looked at the man with eyes so sad.
"Because the people in the other car were her mom and dad."

This story is sad and unpleasant but true,
So young people take heed,
it could have been please grab a tissue and read story two.

I got this from someone else:

I was walking around in a Target store, when I saw a Cashier hand this little boy some money back.

The boy couldn't have been more than 5 or 6 years old.

The Cashier said, "I'm sorry, but you don't have enough money to buy this doll."

Then the little boy turned to the old woman next to him: ''Granny,

are you sure I don't have enough money?''

The old lady replied: ''You know that you don't have enough money to buy this doll, my dear.''

Then she asked him to stay there for just 5 minutes while she went to look a round. She left quickly.

The little boy was still holding the doll in his hand.

Finally, I walked toward him and I asked him who he wished to give this doll to.

"It's the doll that my sister loved most and wanted so much for Christmas.

She was sure that Santa Claus would bring it to her."

I replied to him that maybe Santa Claus would bring it to her after all, and not to worry.

But he replied to me sadly. "No, Santa Claus can't bring it to her where she is now. I have to give the doll to my mommy so that she can give it to my sister when she goes there."

His eyes were so sad while saying this. "My Sister has gone to be with God. Daddy says that Mommy is going to see God very soon too, so I thought that she could take the doll with her to give it to my sister.''

My heart nearly stopped.

The little boy looked up at me and said: "I told daddy to tell mommy not to go yet. I need her to wait until I come back from the mall."

Then he showed me a very nice photo of him where he was laughing. He then told me "I want mommy to take my picture with her so she won't forget me."

"I love my mommy and I wish she doesn't have to leave me, but daddy says that she has to go to be with my little sister."

Then he looked again at the doll with sad eyes, very quietly.

I quickly reached for my wallet and said to the boy. "Suppose we check

again, just in case you do have enough money for the doll?''

"OK" he said, "I hope I do have enough." I added some of my money to his with out him seeing and we started to count it. There was enough for the doll and even some spare money.

The little boy said: "Thank you God for giving me enough money!"

Then he looked at me and added, "I asked last night before I went to sleep for God to make sure I had enough money to buy this doll, so that mommy could give It to my sister. He heard me!''

"I also wanted to have enough money to buy a white rose for my mommy, but I didn't dare to ask God for too much. But He gave me enough to buy the doll and a white rose.''

"My mommy loves white roses."

A few minutes later, the old lady returned and I left with my basket.

I finished my shopping in a totally different state from when I started.

I couldn't get the little boy out of my mind.

Then I remembered a local news paper article two days ago, which mentioned a drunk man in a truck, who hit a car occupied by a young

woman and a little girl.

The little girl died right away, and the mother was left in a critical

state. The family had to decide whether to pull the plug on the

life-sustaining machine, because the young woman would not be able to recover from the coma.

Was this the family of the little boy?

Two days after this encounter with the little boy, I read in the news paper that the young woman had passed away.

I couldn't stop myself as I bought a bunch of white roses and I went to the funeral home where the body of the young woman was exposed for people to see and make last wishes before her burial.

She was there, in her coffin, holding a beautiful white rose in her hand with the photo of the little boy and the doll placed over her chest.

I left the place, teary-eyed, feeling that my life had been changed for ever.. The love that the little boy had for his mother and his sister is

still, to this day, hard to imagine.

And in a fraction of a second, a drunk driver had taken all this away from him.

Now you have 2 choices:

1) Repost this message, or

2) Ignore it as if it never touched your heart.

Well thats all for this one but i still have another that i didn't put on here and it is called do u beleave another heart warming story please enjoy that one too and the one about stoping animal abuse,so thanks for reading this I hope you liked it!

IF U LUV ANIMALS OF COPY THIS! 3 sad storys in one
17 years, 1 month & 12 days ago
16th Nov 2007 16:55

Thease are some storys please read all!STOP ANIMAL ABUSE!!!!!!!!it is not werth ur time and if u luv animals y would u hurt,torture and kill them just for ur pleasure or for products pluss wat have animals ever done to u nothing and do u want to now somthing thats true 55% of animals are vishos because of people y because of how we treat them and wat some ppl do is they have animals fight eachother for pleashure and money so when that happens animals turn from nice sweet iniccent creatures to mean visuse savegas and then we train them to be mean and savage but inside there hurting and filled with pain and suffering so y would u want to hurt a cute kitten or an iniccent dog or puppy for ur freakin pleshure huh y if it weren't for animals a lot of ppl could be dead and still sick but did u know that animals are a type of medication no no no i don't mean turn them into mediction i mean that like in hospitals for instence alot of dogs and some cats walk in and help the ppl get better feel happy and help qure there sick nes and it is are faults that animals are dieing for no reson if u want this to stop then u have to do something about it this u mite say u want to STOP ANIMAL ABUSE but if u realy wanted to u would actually do something about and not sit on ur lazy buts and watch it happen and help do it if u hurt an animal eny animal at all u will forever have an enimy for life and that enimy is not just me it is alsoe all animals yung and old that uve hurt or killed and all ppl that love animals like i do and one more person that actully counts God if u love God then u should love all cuz he made animals and trees and all creatures big and small even u and me so next time ur going to hurt any and i mean eny animal think about what would Jesus do!!!!!!!!And one more thing y does eny creature big or small even animals have eny lesser value then u to live none so if U TRULY LOVE ANIMALS THEN HELP STOP AND HLEP PREVENT ANIMAL ABUSE NOW AND FOR EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ps.If u read the Bible then u should know theas two verses
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and onley begotten son for that who shall ever beleave in him shall not parish but have ever lasting life!
Treat others the way u want to be treated.
So if u have any love and a heart u'll help pervent animal abuse for good!!! so please post this on ur blog or copy this if u have a heart and know how to love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!2 story.Please copy and paste this to your blog if u hav a heart.

I listened to your feelings.
I heard what you had to say.
I thought you wanted me to stay.
You sold me to a stranger and didn't say good-bye.
He left me outside and didn't even play.
He didn't come out to feed me.
I had almost no water.
He came outside to beat me, I do not know why.
He drove me to the woods and left me there to die.
I really miss you, mom.
I didn't want to go.
I hope you remember me as the days go by.
I look down at you and smile happily as I see you and your new family playing with a different pet.
I hope everybody will try to stop animal abuse so they don't end up like me.
STOP ANIMAL ABUSE IT IS NOT worth ur time if u love animals Then don't hurt them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!story 3.A cute little puppy I am (or was)
Just a bundle of sweet soft fuzz
The world smelled so beautifully
As I was born as number three.
But taken into a cold harsh world,
My darkened future then uncurled.
I strangled in the smell of paint
My nose itchy, my thoughts faint.
The essence of hatred lingered close
As I was stuffed an overdose
Of poison paint that filled me up
As they fed me, cup by cup.
When I was full, no more would fit,
They forced me up, I tried to sit,
But as you know, an oven???s too small
For even me to fit at all.
So there I lay, tired and beat,
As they turned the dial and added more heat
I panted, cried, and clawed the walls
And did all I could so my death was stalled
But I was alone, filled with dread
For many minutes until I finally was dead.
My spirit filled the room and saw
The laughter of three boys so tall.
They opened it up and pulled me away
But in this deathtrap I couldn???t stay.
So up I went, my spirit soared
Into the night sky as rain poured.
I landed in heaven above every cloud
But still I heard their laughter loud.
It rang in my ears, bounced in my mind,
And forever it scarred me from all mankind.
Never again would I rest in peace.
The maniacal laughter would not cease.
And I never would live to see the day
When people like this would go away.

if this made you think copy and paste this for all to see and help me stop ANIMAL ABUSE

Thank u Ariannamalhicry.gif

Do u Beleave?Another Heart Warming Story!
17 years, 1 month & 12 days ago
16th Nov 2007 15:28

Will YOU stand up for God?

>>> > a girl went to a party and
> >>> >
> >>> >she ended up staying longer than
> >>> >
> >>> >planned,
> >>> >
> >>> >and
> >>> >
> >>> >had to walk home alone. She wasn't
> >>> >
> >>> >afraid
> >>> >
> >>> >because it was a small town and she lived
> >>> >
> >>> >only
> >>> >
> >>> >a
> >>> >
> >>> >few blocks away.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >As she walked along under the tall elm
> >>> >
> >>> >trees,
> >>> >
> >>> >Diane asked God to keep her safe from
> >>> >
> >>> >harm
> >>> >
> >>> >and
> >>> >
> >>> >danger.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >When she reached the alley, which was a
> >>> >
> >>> >short
> >>> >
> >>> >cut to her house, she
> >>>decided to take it.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >However, halfway down the alley she
> >>> >
> >>> >noticed
> >>> >
> >>> >a
> >>> >
> >>> >man standing at the end as though he
> >>> >
> >>> >were
> >>> >
> >>> >waiting
> >>> >
> >>> >for her.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >She became uneasy and began to pray,
> >>> >
> >>> >asking
> >>> >
> >>> >for
> >>> >
> >>> >God's protection.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >Instantly a comforting feeling of
> >>> >quietness
> >>> >
> >>> >and
> >>> >
> >>> >security wrapped round her, she felt as
> >>> >
> >>> >though
> >>> >
> >>> >someone was walking with her.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >When she reached the end of the alley,
> >>> >
> >>> >she
> >>> >
> >>> >walked right past the man and arrived
> >>> >
> >>> >home
> >>> >
> >>> >safely.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >The following day, she read in
> >>>the
> >>> >
> >>> >newspaper
> >>> >
> >>> >that
> >>> >
> >>> >a young girl had been in the same
> >>> >
> >>> >alley
> >>> >
> >>> >just
> >>> >
> >>> >twenty minutes after she had been there.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >Feeling overwhelmed by this tragedy and
> >>> >
> >>> >the
> >>> >
> >>> >fact
> >>> >
> >>> >that it could have been her, she began to
> >>> >
> >>> >weep.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >Thanking the Lord for her safety and to
> >>> >
> >>> >help
> >>> >
> >>> >this
> >>> >
> >>> >young woman, she decided to go to the
> >>> >
> >>> >police
> >>> >
> >>> >station.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >She felt she could recognize the man, so
> >>> >
> >>> >she
> >>> >
> >>> >told
> >>> >
> >>> >them her story.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >The police asked her if she would
> >>> >be
> >>> >
> >>> >willing to
> >>> >
> >>> >look
> >>> >
> >>> >at a lineup to see if
> >>>she could identify
> >>> >
> >>> >him.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >She agreed and immediately pointed out
> >>> >
> >>> >the
> >>> >
> >>> >man
> >>> >
> >>> >she had seen in the alley the night
> >>> >
> >>> >before.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >When the man was told he had been
> >>> >
> >>> >identified,
> >>> >
> >>> >he
> >>> >
> >>> >immediately broke down and confessed.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >The officer thanked Diane for her bravery
> >>> >
> >>> >and
> >>> >
> >>> >asked if there was anything they could do
> >>> >
> >>> >for
> >>> >
> >>> >her.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >She asked if they would ask the man one
> >>> >
> >>> >question.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >Diane was curious as to why he had not
> >>> >
> >>> >attacked
> >>> >
> >>> >her.
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >When the policeman asked him, he
> >>> >
> >>> >answered, "Because she wasn't
> >>>alone.
> >>> >
> >>> >She
> >>> >
> >>> >had
> >>> >
> >>> >two tall men walking on both sides of
> >>> >
> >>> >her."
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >Amazingly, whether you believe or not,
> >>> >
> >>> >you're
> >>> >
> >>> >never
> >>> >alone. Did you know that 98% of
> >>> >
> >>> >teenagers
> >>> >
> >>> >will not stand up for God?
> >>> >
> >>> >Repost this as (your city) if you truly
> >>> >
> >>> >believe
> >>> >
> >>> >in
> >>> >
> >>> >God..
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >PS: God is always there in your heart and loves you no matter
> >>>what
> >>> >
> >>> >"If you deny me in front of your friends, I shall deny you in
> >>>front of my
> >>> >Father"
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >98% wont post this
> >>> >
> >>> >
> >>> >are you part of the 2% that will????????
> >>> >
> >>> > Learn.Laugh.Share. Reallivemoms is right
> >>>place!
pss.Angelstar564 i hope it is ok that i post this too please and thank you Angelstar564 and thank you if you read this and please feel free to leave a comment and post this!Ariannamalhiwink.gifthumbsup.gif

  1. please read!!!!!!
    17th Jan 2008 17:50
    16 years, 11 months & 11 days ago
  2. Prepair to cry,2 sad,heart warming story's in 1!
    27th Dec 2007 15:18
    17 years & 2 days ago
  3. IF U LUV ANIMALS OF COPY THIS! 3 sad storys in one
    16th Nov 2007 16:55
    17 years, 1 month & 12 days ago
  4. Do u Beleave?Another Heart Warming Story!
    16th Nov 2007 15:28
    17 years, 1 month & 12 days ago