~WeekLy MaRaNewS~
17 years, 7 months & 9 days ago
21st May 2007 15:11 Hey
theres new updates on the site!! Rainbow viotto and tantua are out plus the new devil avatar.
Burnt yakubi and plushie grint are also out. Clubs are fixed and updated, too! be sure to join mine.. [GiRls clUB]
also visit my shop im saving and raisin a fund for a chibs
~GiRL's ClUB~
17 years, 7 months & 10 days ago
20th May 2007 14:31 ~ hey everyone ~
plz join the club im in [GIRLS CLUB!!] .... i'm not master or staff but since they dont play anymore i giv out prizes to my newest members [girls only]....
we need more members to chat with
we already hav about 30 girls.
Also plz visit my shop im raising a fund to get a chibs..
COMMENT OR MM me to ~join~!!