Tip for shops
17 years, 2 months & 20 days ago
27th Oct 2007 14:42 Heres a little tip in marapets. When you go to shop search and dont find the item you want, or found it but its to expensive, you could go to the shop it belongs .They might be sold out but thats when my tip might get handy,you see, they say the shops restock every 5 minutes. Refresh the page every time 1 minute goes by. Eventually the shop will restock .Then look at the time it does this.Now that you know, if it didnt have your item, you could come back to that shop later since you now know when the next 5 minutes will come. (exp:shop restocks 17:21, come back at 17:26)
This tip usually works for most people so it could work for you