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For those times when doll is not appearing
Make all changes even if cant see them, do lush fountain, save - put studs in all empty jewelry slots - until doll appears AFTER updated, try with diff earring / diff slot

Lush Fountain - To change default bkg color, must also change color of something else
  1. My Photo Collection A-C
    18th Feb 2022 17:19
    2 years, 7 months & 11 days ago
  2. My Photo Collection D-L
    18th Feb 2022 17:33
    2 years, 7 months & 11 days ago
  3. My Photo Collection M-Q
    18th Feb 2022 17:48
    2 years, 7 months & 11 days ago
  4. My Photo Collection R-W
    18th Feb 2022 18:14
    2 years, 7 months & 11 days ago
  5. My Photo Collection X-Z
    18th Feb 2022 20:23
    2 years, 7 months & 11 days ago
  6. Info : Holiday Stuff, incl what costumes qualify
    20th Sep 2021 23:09
    3 years & 9 days ago
  7. Info : For New Players
    15th May 2020 19:09
    4 years, 4 months & 14 days ago
  8. Goals : Random Events
    23rd Aug 2022 09:15
    2 years, 1 month & 8 days ago
  9. Suggestions Etc.
    25th Sep 2022 14:56
    2 years & 5 days ago
  10. Marada Goals : The Tattoo Goal
    6th Dec 2021 09:41
    2 years, 9 months & 25 days ago
Info : Weather (News Excerpts)
4 years, 7 months & 4 days ago
26th Feb 2020 13:44


It's officially a week since the Heatwave hit Marada and there is no end in sight. Elfember is in less than 18 days and with the elves not making any new Toys, there is talk of having to cancel all Christmas events this year! In the meantime, the Toy Shop still has to make an income, so it is now restocking 63 different Twigs that they had in storage, waiting to be made into toys.
We're now in day 5 of Heat Wave and the Biala Mountain economy is starting to struggle. To adapt to the new weather, the Frozen Food Shop is now restocking 8 new Melted Frozen Food gourmet food items.
Turns out the Kamilah Desert isn't totally coping with the extreme heat. All of the Candle Shop stock has melted. There are 63 new Melted Candles now restocking instead.
Something strange is happening in Marada. It's supposed to be winter. In the 15 years we've been visiting Marada, we've never had this sort of temperature in November!
It's suddenly really hot - hotter than all of summer. We haven't had heat like this since our Pool Party! We aren't sure what is going on but experts are looking into this strange phenomenon. We will keep you all updated when they have more information.
The Snowman is melting - Biala really can't cope in this heat! Obviously this means he won't be able to quest.
To help farmers out during this heat, the Account Upgrades Shop has a 2 for 1 promotion on all Fertiliser.
The Smoothies, Soft Drinks and Ice Cream Shops all have a 2 for 1 special on all items.
It's so hot in Biala that elves have stopped making Toys. Seems their stock sold out fast!
The Frozen Food Shop stock all melted. If this weather continues, he may need to rethink his business.
The Kamilah Desert is having some of the hottest temperatures on record! They're used to the heat and are coping so far.
The Sultan has had to DOUBLE the cost of his tax though, to help pay for the air conditioning bills!

Heatwave #2 New Stuff (14 july 2020)

All Summer, Island and Shaved coloured pets will receive FREE training at the Gym and Elite Gym and FREE lessons at the School and University.
Whenever there is a heatwave in Marada, the retired Summer Treasure Chest is back on sale at the Account Upgrades Shop. It will automatically retire again when the weather changes.
There is very little wind and conditions are calm even in Vortex Park! The Windmill is barely spinning but if you do wait for it to stop you will be guaranteed to gain a stat for your pet
The Earth Fairy is a climate expert and has once again warned the citizens about climate change in Marada. To spread her message, she is rewarding DOUBLE item and DOUBLE MP reward prizes during the heatwave. She was once again quoted saying: 'Unless we act fast, this warm weather will be permanent'


Completing a level on any Mission during this rain and you'll win one of these new Umbrellas for your Wardrobe.
The Books, CDs, DVDs and Video Game Shops all have a 2 for 1 special on all items to help you keep your pets entertained inside while it rains.
The rain has made the Lake in Lush Lake flood. For your own safety, you cannot currently visit.
With Lush Lake flooded from the rain, the Coffee, Contact Lenses, Hair Dye, Lipsticks and Olympic Shops are all closed.
With the miserable rainy weather outside, pets are concentrating better at School, the Gym, Elite Gym and University and earning Double Stats.
Pets are all working harder at their jobs as it rains outside. This means there is TRIPLE the chance of receiving a Job Promotion random event and DOUBLE the chance of the promotion actually being given by your pet's boss!
This rain has the residents of Marada doing a lot more indoor activities, like Shopping. But it also is a chance for Shopkeepers like you to increase your shop sales and the amount of items you have on sale! Upgrading your Shop Size is currently Half Price!
And finally, Queen Eleka will be giving out extra FREE Loyalty Raffle Tickets for players who fill up and price their own Shops. While she won't reveal her secret formula, the more new items you add and price in your Shop, the more extra tickets she will give out!

Rain #2 new stuff
The rain has brought with it stronger winds, causing the Windmill to spin faster and generate more electricity. You will be guaranteed to gain a stat for your pet from it and all electricity bills will be FREE at the Power Station.
While you wait for the bad weather to pass, why not play our Puzzle Games? All games with a Daily Raffle will have double winners for each prize! For example, the Solitaire raffle now has two winners of £5 Account Upgrade Credits and four winners of £2 Account Upgrade Credits


After a week or so of rain, it's slowly stopping and the sun has come through, creating a beautiful Rainbow. The Rainbow Fairy informs us that a rainbow in Marada lasts around 6 to 24 hours usually but she thinks this time it'll be around for about 48 hours or 72 hours at the most! What happens when there is a Rainbow? Well...
All Rainbow Pets will receive FREE training at the Gym and Elite Gym and FREE lessons at the School and University.
Whenever there is a rainbow in Marada, the Operations Portal, Whirlpool, Vortex Park Reservoir and Foxfire Pond are guaranteed to change your pet's colour, species or both!
The Account Upgrades Shop has a 2 for 1 promotion on all DNA items.
With all the beautiful colours in the sky, Drew doesn't need any more colour! He will only ask for the colour white, which is default for every player. This means you can complete his quests without the Glowing Egg collection requirement.
The Leprechaun is busy chasing the rainbow. You'll have to wait until this rainbow leaves to complete his quests.
The Costumes, Contact Lenses, Eye Make Up, Face Make Up, Fake Costumes and Hair Dye Shops all have a 2 for 1 special on all items.
Complete a Farming quest and if you win a Ball of Yarn you will receive 2.
And finally, if your minipet can change colour, it will change colour when it rides the Fasoro Falls.

Note: Since the costumes shop changed to costumes boutique, there is no 2-for-1 at that shop now. (5 nov 2020)


An unexpected, dangerous Storm has hit Marada. It's different to the Rain that Marada has recently experienced and it's like no weather the residents of Marada have ever experienced! As soon as we know more about it, we will let you know... but so far it's brought the following changes to Marada...
The School is currently closed as a result of the severe weather across Marada.
Unfortunately the Magic Carpet cannot fly through the storm and has been grounded. You will not be able to use the Magic Carpet to pass any mission level until the storm passes.
While the Magic Carpet is grounded, you can visit the Telescope and are guarenteed to spot it if you haven't already done so!
The Account Upgrades Shop has a 2 for 1 promotion on all Blood items.
The storm isn't all doom and gloom! Play Cloud Nine and all three storm cloud multipliers will show, automatically awarding you with the highest multiplier.
To help prepare for the worst of the storm, the Batteries, Canned Food and Candle Shops all have a 2 for 1 special on all items.
The storm has the Sugar Stack falling over so easily the stack cannot get as high as usual.
Every time you play Pie Throw, the storm will blow a pie at a random player online.
The storm is much worse in Vortex Park, forcing the Diner, Fake Dukka Coins, Fake Pirate Ship and Fake Costumes Shops to close.
Shusan has also had to stop her quests, as her socks were blowing away.
The storm has the Nutty Tree dropping it's nut items each time you visit.
Every time Pembe throws her Pixie Dice, they blow away! Until the storm passes, she will give out either 1 or 2 random stats each time - guarenteed!
For safety reasons, Slater Park has had to temporarily close Fasoro Falls and the Ferris Wheel to all riders.


Vortex Park is no more! What will happen to its residents? Only time will tell. We do have unconfirmed reports that several of its residents survived the storm.
With so many injured pets, the Hospital is currently FREE to visit.
All Stock Market shares in any Vortex Park shop are now bankrupt.
The Time Machine survived the storm but has been damaged. Until it is repaired, it's bringing people back in time twice. It will reward 2 Prizes instead of 1 from its prize list.
Carpenter wants to help with the repairs from the Tornado. Instead of being random, you are guaranteed to receive a FREE toy fix from him after your next 10 Carpenter quests. After you earn a FREE fix of a broken toy (and use it) you will earn another after your next 13 Carpenter quests. This will keep increasing by 3 quests each time.
All Tornado, Thunder, Nimbus and Lightning Pets will receive FREE training at the Gym and Elite Gym and FREE lessons at the School and University.
The Health Tonics, Medicine and Tool Shops all have a 2 for 1 special on their items to help Marada to recover.
The high winds and destruction have brought more cases of Random Events like pet's getting sick, items blowing away, attics breaking and random wigs and hats blowing off visitors to Marada.
To help those affected by the Tornado, the Charity Shop is stocking many more items and all stock is currently FREE.
In other news, the City of Marada has honoured their FREE LESSONS at the School for Simerian pets until February 10th.

BLACKOUT .. 4 Sep 2020

Traps left at the City of Marada Power Station caught workers by surprise and unfortunately injured them all. This has caused a huge Blackout pushing all of Marada into darkness! Workers predict it will take 7-8 days to fix the issue.
What happens when there is a Blackout? Well...

All Candle, Devil, Fire, Fire Fairy, Lightning, Light Fairy, Neon, Sparkle and Strobe pets will receive FREE training at the Gym and Elite Gym and FREE lessons at the School and University.

Visit the Telescope during a blackout and you'll win one of these amazingly detailed Photos of each world in Marada.
...................(shows completely black pictures)
Without any power, the Operations Portal has reset to factory settings and will change the colour of any pet that uses it to black or white. No species changes will happen at the Operations Portal during a blackout.

Whenever there is a blackout event, the retired Galactic Treasure Chest is back on sale at the Account Upgrades Shop.
It will automatically retire again when power is restored to Marada.
The blackout has Baspinar's Castle and Eleka's Castle in darkness 24 hours a day. Therefore the Knutt Knight will stay sleeping and his quests cannot be completed but the Troll mission will stay open 24 hours a day. The Bank has decided to remain open throughout the blackout.

Ublish no longer needs your help finding stars for his mission - it's so dark he can see them himself and has taken a well earned vacation!

The Batteries, Candle, Glowing Egg, Health Tonic and Star Shops all have a 2 for 1 special on all items.

The grave keeper is also always asleep when you vist Grave Robbing.

And finally, these are how every Photo taken of your pet at the Photo Parlour or Webcam will look during a blackout...
...................(shows completely black pictures)


All Breeze, Plant, Sad, Safari, Sewers and Scout coloured pets will receive FREE training at the Gym and Elite Gym and FREE lessons at the School and University.

Whenever there is Drizzle in Marada, the retired Harmony Treasure Chest is back on sale at the Account Upgrades Shop.
It will automatically retire again when the weather changes.

This weather has turned the Candyland Sugar Stack prizes into Gummy Sugar Cubes. During this weather event you have double the chance of winning a bonus prize and they are Gummy Sugar Cubes instead of the usual prize list.

You are guaranteed to win a Bonus Prize when you send your third score of the day in our Arcade Games. This work for any game that currently has Bonus Prizes that you can usually win at random.

Completing a level on any Mission during this drizzle and you'll win a Bad Luck Spell

The Drizzle has made the ground a lot softer and easier to dig. Visit Archeology and you are guaranteed to win either a Key or Dukka Coin.

Demand for Magazines and Newspapers has gone through the roof! Both of these shops have doubled their prices until the weather changes.

Drizzle and these new Bobble Heads were enough to distract the Slater Stalker from her usual stalking. She has cleared her Shop of its usual items and these are now on sale for Stalker Points

The Drizzle is perfect for growing a Beanstalk! If you have a Magic Bean planted, your Beanstalk will grow twice as quick. Complete any mission level for the Beanstalk and you will Climb 2 Levels instead of one.

Potatoes are growing so fast that the Guess the Weight competition resets every hour instead of every 3 hours.

It is also great for Farming quests and the chances of winning a Ball of Yarn have doubled and Gardening is twice as fast as normal.

Once per unique day on Marapets, if you purchase a Three Hundred Dukka Coin from the Account Upgrades Shop you will get 2 for 1
This benefit resets at midnight each day for the duration of the Drizzle Weather Event

The Trash Heap in the City Sewers doesn't smell as bad so you can spend more time here! Each visit will win a guaranteed item from the Prize List

A new 'Work from Home' Experience has been released. Can you find it?
The Costumes Boutique has the Breeze Costume on sale

There are currently 20 pets can wear the Breeze Costume

The Breeze Costume automatically stocks here whenever there is a Drizzle weather event and stays on sale until the weather changes. If another Account Upgrades Costume was due to stock here on a specific day during this weather event, it will stock instead for that day only and return to the Breeze Costume the following day.

Marada Goals : The Promotion Hunt - A Log
2 years, 9 months & 25 days ago
6th Dec 2021 08:34

Current jobs (as of Nov 19, 2021)
. . . . 16 (Flupper) model
. . . . 15 (Zymbal) athlete
. . . . 9 (ScampersMadly) veterinarian
. . . . 4 (CarnivalDancer) entrepreneur

2021 Nov 19 started 25 more pets in new jobs (level 1)

2021 Nov 22 Everlasting Spirit to 2 teacher
2021 Nov 22 Zymbal to 16 (offer from early Jan 2021 I hadn't accepted)
2021 Nov 27 LowRider to 2 police
2021 Dec 05 Aquilegia to 2 architect
2021 Dec 08 SpaceRacer to 2 journalist
2021 Dec 27 Quickerest to 2 banker
2021 Dec 29 Everlasting Spirit to 3
2022 Jan 11 Zimtsterne to 2 chef
2022 Feb 08 Varunna to 2 mechanic
2022 Feb 10 Slightly_Feisty to 2 banker
2022 Feb 21 Chisu to 2 policeman
2022 Feb 24 Aldebaran to 2 policeman
2022 Feb 25 -- had all but 9 resign their jobs --
2022 Feb 27 Zimtsterne to 3 chef
2022 Feb 27 Slightly_Feisty to 3 banker
2022 Feb 28 ScampersMadly to 10 vet .,. level 67
2022 Mar 27 Zymbal to 17 athlete .... level 68
2022 Apr 04 Slightly_Feisty to 4 banker
2022 Apr 06 Varunna to 3 mechanic
2022 Apr 13 Zymbal to 18 athlete .... level 69
2022 Apr 18 Zimtsterne to 4 chef
2022 Apr 26 Varunna to 4 mechanic
2022 Apr 28 Zimtsterne to 5 chef
2022 May 02 Aquilegia to 3 architect
2022 May 09 Aquilegia to 4 architect
2022 May 19 CarnivalDancer to 5 entrepreneur
2022 May 22 Slightly_Feisty to 5 banker
2022 Jun 24 All but top 3 quit their jobs
2022 Aug 29 ScampersMadly to 11 vet ... level 75
2022 Oct 17 Flupper to 17 model
2022 Oct 19 Flupper to 18 model
2022 Oct 23 ScampersMadly to 12 vet

I used to have 19 pets with jobs, then had most resign around April 2021, thinking that my best educated pets would have a better chance at promotions if I had fewer pets with jobs. It didn't work - just cost them job levels lol.

Until January/February 2021, I never ever EVER had to wait one month for a pet to be promoted from level 1 to level 2 - now, near the end of Dec 2021, only 4/25 have made it. They were all getting promotions in 2020.

At the current rate, I will attain Mara progress level 75 in 10 years MAYBE, regardless of all the happy-talk that nothing has changed. Something DID change in mid/late Jan 2021. I was training my pets and getting promotions in 2020 and early Jan 2021, and then the promotions just totally stopped.

mid-Feb 2022 - None of my 3 top-job-level pets have had any promotion offers in over a year, despite all of them having had many lessons (both school and university) in that time. I have been patient for a long time now.

late Feb 2022 - Chisu was almost selected for Police Officer promotion but the boss decided against it. SpaceRacer got a similar notice yesterday.
In each case, the pet was overqualified in both courses and learnies. Along those lines, my level 16 model is qualified for level 20 and hasn't had a promotion offer since early Jan 2021.

Why are over 15 pets still at job level 1 after 3 months?
Why should I bother training them?
What is wrong?
Needed: Accept a level 7 or higher Job Promotion . . . . HAHAHAHA
Every time I see a banner telling me where I stand in Marada goals, it irks me.

Feb 25, 2022 - Progress, hopefully. I learned that another player with 22 pets (5 with jobs) gets both promotions and "boss decided against it" at about the same rate I do. So they are evidently given out per player .... and having a lot of pets with jobs means those promotions are going to be spread out between them. So I had all but 9 resign - kept the ones with highest job levels, and then the ones with highest qualifications.

This still does not explain the complete lack of promotions from Mid-Jan to Mid-Nov 2021. But whatever, something got fixed. And I think having fewer pets will work!

This has been very frustrating - there should be a wiki here, and it should include saying that having too many pets with jobs will lengthen the time it takes to get one to an advanced job level. In my experience, game wikis help with player retention.

June ‎24, ‎2022 - Top 3 pets still not getting job offers. It's been over 1.5 years for Flupper now. Therefore I had all others quit their jobs.

Aug 24, 2022 - No job offers or even boss deciding against a promotion, since May.

How totally boring.

2022 Aug 29 Finally, a useful promotion ^_^. Went from Marada level 69 to level 75 in a few minutes, all else was done already.

More Boo-boos
2 years, 10 months & 28 days ago
3rd Nov 2021 03:03

Backgammon : Serpent is allowed to do moves Player isn't

Say Serpent has two pieces on the bar, P1 and P2.
He rolls the dice and the dice rolls are D1 and D2.

He uses D1 to move piece P1 off the bar.
He cannot use to move piece P2 off because I have a block on that point.

BUT if D2 can be used to move piece P1 a second time, to a point occupied by a single piece of mine, he does so, sending my piece to the bar - despite the fact that piece P2 is still on the bar.

OR if D2 can be used to move piece P1 to a point occupied by a single piece of his, to form a block, he does that - again, while P2 is still on the bar.

This all occurs in one turn, obviously.

But if our positions are reversed ... Just like Serpent, I cannot move piece P2. However, I am only allowed to use D1 to move piece P1 off the bar - I cannot subsequently use D2 to send Serpent's lone piece to the bar, nor form a block with another piece of mine.

Rules are supposed to be the same for both players, no?

(I've played a lot of backgammon irl, and Serpent isn't that good - that's why I never send a score unless I skunk him. Guess he has to cheat to win)

Retired items were unretired during picture & name changes

Life is interesting.

Retirement dates. During some events the items dropped are already marked as being retired yet they still drop. During other events, they are not so marked. Therefore the retired-message on items is purely informative, not tied into whether or not an item may be currently dropping.

That beautiful Water Bed, made of water, unique - was retired a while back. With the demolition of the Toy Shop uniqueness, it was changed to Paffuto Figurine and unretired, along with several other Toy Shop items. But wait! Why are there then only 7 of them on Shop Search? Could it be that they are really still retired, and that the label [0 in stock at Toys for 4,524MP] is misleading? I really don't know about that one.

Like I say, interesting.

(Later edit) ... They were indeed unretired

4 in stock at Toys for 4,542MP

It seems that toy items that were from account upgrades stayed retired, while (at least some of the) toy items that were from the toy shop got unretired. This seems wrong; some people staked out the toy shop to get those items instead of spending their time shopping in other shops - they got the rotten end of the deal.


The Sheer Right Stocking is worn on the left leg.

Broken Prize Drops --------------

Test your Strength - no longer awards prizes.

edit (mid-Nov 2023) - I got no drops for over 1.5 years .... then the very next day after posting this - Power Hitting Book is now in your Items. Maybe my posting here pushed the Mara gods into dropping the book ... I should post here more Smile

edit (end of nov 2023) now a potato, evidently changes were made ^_^

Pay your power bill - droprate waaaaay down.

Spooks Busters - no longer drops poisons, way over a year since I got anything

Mummy Multiplier DOES drop runes, this is not broken ^_^

Murfin Madness droprate way down, just look at shirt prices.

Hospital Boosters
Dr Getwell sometimes gives you a "min booster" after healing a pet. Those boosters used to ALWAYS raise that stat by one. Now it seems they NEVER raise the stat, they only make your pet "feel refreshed", like a happy Murfin Madness ride. So forget the hospital if medicine shop items are cheaper since the boosters are useless.

Bingo Tickets

A gust of wind just blew a Bingo Ticket your way!
None of those sporadic random tickets has ever been a winner, so does this mean bingo is broken?

3 years, 1 month & 26 days ago
5th Aug 2021 10:11

I have always cared about Mara and its future, so in the past I've posted a lot of stuff in forum that some might consider critical, but my intentions have always been player retention - imo, Mara loses too many new players unnecessarily. My heart has been here. The only problem I've had until now was the reply to a support ticket that basically inferred that I was stupid, then told me a lie. People that don't like dealing with people shouldn't do customer service jobs. I was one of a few game admin/devs on a very large game - and we always treated the players graciously, which is usually the case here as well. But now there's a new incident ....

Yesterday, I did something I normally do almost every day, and it didn't seem to work right. So I tried it a couple more times to see if I could get it to work like I wanted it to. It wasn't cooperating. Since it could be abused I thought it should be fixed asap, and contacted a mod and reported it. After playing for a while I went afk, and when I returned I found I'd been banned. Say what??? OK, I emailed mara and the ban was gone next time I checked.

I was playing games and shopping, so I didn't look at inventory right away. When I did, I saw all the items I'd had in trades. Ugh. So I put some of them back and put the rest in attic.

But then I decided to add something to my shop. I've always kept my shop set to "show only those items with zero price". And when I went to price my one item, I saw my entire shop there, all priced at zero. I guess they were so afraid a banned person might sell one item, they didn't even bother to wait 24 hours to see if the ban got reversed.

I have but no longer use autopricer. I gave up on that a long time ago when I realized maintaining shop was taking over 5 hours per day. So I kept most prices at the high edge of normal. And I do not feel like individually considering and pricing each item on however many pages of shop I have - maybe 29 pages idk. And I don't want to autoprice stuff, don't really want to do that multiple hours per day tedious shop updating again. So I priced a few pages each item at 400k. That is simply a lot of work I shouldn't have to do. Surely the previous condition of my shop could have been restored. It now sits unused, it's large and will be a lot of work. I may let it rot forever.

When I err, I apologize, as do most people. When businesses err, they apologize and sent out freebies - after all, they want to patch things up to retain a customer. Yet in this generally pleasant atmosphere here, it is shameful that I've received no apology for what was done to me, or any offer to help restore my trades & shop. This is not Ian's hand, this is someone else. And this is not the spirit of what Mara should be.

And a bit ago, I got a request from a player asking if I'd take anything she has in trades for one of my items in trades. I didn't (and still don't) remember if it's one I put back in or not, so I went and looked at my trades and did not see that item, but I guess she could.

She also tried to add me as a friend because she has MT set to friends only, but I could still not speak to her in the MT window, and I am shown as having 0 friends. So my friends list is gone,which is sad, and it looks like I cannot be added as a friend now.

All this has me a bit depressed, hope your Mara day is going better than mine.

Edit: And now I find that my sales history was also erased. No reason for this, since a banned player isn't going to be accessing it, only people like me whose bans were reversed.

I did no wrong, had my trades, shop, shop history and friendslist messed up, and never even got apology. And my shop still sucks - every time I look at it I get upset. Mara may be short-staffed, but an apology isn't that complicated.

Current Month Missing News/Mags
5 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
11th Feb 2019 07:17

Feb 2019 Missing

- none missing -

--------------------------------------- complete list, for copying ---------------------------------------
Addow . Arinya . Astro. Azul . Basil . Baspinar Castle . Biala . Bolimo . Candyland . Chibs . City Sewers . Crikey . Crindol
Daisy . Dakota . Decadal . Doyle . Dukka Caves . Dukka Town . Echlin . Eleka Castle . Enpiah . Equilor . Ercuw . Eyru
Fasoro . Feliz . Figaro . Flab . Foxfire Forest . Gigantic Paradise . Gizmo . Gobble . Gonk . Grint . Hump . Huthiq . Ideus . Ike
Jenoa . Jessup . Justin . Kaala . Kamilah Desert . Kidlet . Knutt . Kronk . Kujo . Lati . Leido . Limax . Lorius . Lowlyhood . Lush Lake
Marada . Minipet Island . Mordo . Murfin . Newth . Nimbus . Nino . Oglue . Osafo . Paffuto . Phanty . Poera . Puchalla Village . Pucu . Quell
Raulf . Reese . Renat . Rofling . Rusty . Simeria . Sindi . Slater Park . Snookle . Speiro . Straya . Sybri . Tantua . Tasi . Troit
Undying Woods . Ushunda . Viotto . Vixen . Vlad . Vortex Park . Walee . Willa . Xoi . Yakubi . Yuni . Zetlian . Ziranek . Zoink . Zola . Zoosh

  1. My Photo Collection A-C
    18th Feb 2022 17:19
    2 years, 7 months & 11 days ago
  2. My Photo Collection D-L
    18th Feb 2022 17:33
    2 years, 7 months & 11 days ago
  3. My Photo Collection M-Q
    18th Feb 2022 17:48
    2 years, 7 months & 11 days ago
  4. My Photo Collection R-W
    18th Feb 2022 18:14
    2 years, 7 months & 11 days ago
  5. My Photo Collection X-Z
    18th Feb 2022 20:23
    2 years, 7 months & 11 days ago
  6. Info : Holiday Stuff, incl what costumes qualify
    20th Sep 2021 23:09
    3 years & 9 days ago
  7. Info : For New Players
    15th May 2020 19:09
    4 years, 4 months & 14 days ago
  8. Goals : Random Events
    23rd Aug 2022 09:15
    2 years, 1 month & 8 days ago
  9. Suggestions Etc.
    25th Sep 2022 14:56
    2 years & 5 days ago
  10. Marada Goals : The Tattoo Goal
    6th Dec 2021 09:41
    2 years, 9 months & 25 days ago