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  1. Thunderclans Return
    23rd Aug 2008 21:59
    16 years, 1 month & 11 days ago
  2. Questions
    12th Jul 2008 10:16
    16 years, 2 months & 24 days ago
Thunderclans Return
16 years, 1 month & 11 days ago
23rd Aug 2008 21:59

I'm writing a fanfic and thought I would post it here. So go ahead and read it and tell me what you thought of it.

The plot for this story belongs to Flamekit from Marapets. Thanks for letting me use the plot Flame!


Night was upon the forest. No moon was visible, but the stars of Silverpelt shed their frost glitter over the lake. The starlight was reflected off a small pool that was at the bottom of a rocky hollow. The air was heavy with the aromas of early greenleaf.

The surface of the pool rippled in the soft wind. The fonds of bracken at the top of the hollow parted, revealing a glimmering ginger tom with a flamed-colored pelt. The tom padded down to the water???s edge and looked down at his reflection.

He looked up and more cats appeared, all with the same starry pelt. As if one, they came to the water???s edge, crowding around the first cat. They all leaned forward to see deep into the water. What they saw caused some of the cats to leap to their paws.

???It can not be!??? caterwauled a dark brown tabby tom. ???It has to be a mistake! Nothing like this could possibly be happening!???

The first tom continued as if no cat had spoken. ???The ones of Thunders blood shall arise to rebuild the broken!??? He yowled, his voice echoing in the star filled hollow. ???ThunderClan will arise again! Soon four clans will roam the lake again, not just three!???

A spotted golden tabby she-cat stepped forward. ???This is what I have seen too. It is true. We must find the one???s of Thunders blood and tell them!???

???Now just wait a minute!??? A large white tom with unusual jet-black paws jumped up. ???ThunderClan was destroyed long ago! How can there be still be cats with ThunderClan blood? No, ThunderClan will never rise again!???

The cats sitting in the hollow began to mummer amongst themselves. ???I don???t believe it!??? A cat shouted. ???ThunderClan will be back! After all this time it is finally happening!??? Another meowed enthusiastically.

The flame colored cat stepped forward and silenced the talking cats. ???Blackstar, I know this is hard to believe, after all, you knew the cat who destroyed ThunderClan very well. You know that it is true though. You see it as well, you just won???t admit it.???

???Stop this fighting! We should be reaching the decedents of ThunderClan!??? A black and white tom with a very long tail meowed. ???Let us work together to find them!???

The hollow was filled with mews of agreement causing Blackstar to sit back down and glare at Firestar. ???Fine. Let us work together.???

???Good.??? Firestar meowed. He stared in the water for a few moments before speaking again. ???Featherstripe of WindClan is really of ThunderClan!??? He declared.

???Oakbranch of ShadowClan is one too!??? Leopardstar, the spotted golden tabby cat yowled. ???And Sunpelt!???

???Don???t forget Honeypelt, her sister.??? Tallstar, the long tailed cat, added.

Blackstar shook his head. ???Sunpelt just nursed with Honeypelt. They aren???t actually sisters, though they do look identical.??? Some of the cats nodded their heads.

???Blackstar is right.??? Firestar stated to Tallstar. Addressing the whole clearing he started to speak again. ???We have a few and know that there are many more. Let us talk to these three first and see how it goes. After that, we will contact the rest!??? With that said, Firestar padded out of the clearing.

The clearing was star filled for a few more moments until the other deceased leaders followed Firestar out. Then, the hollow slowly emptied until the only starlight was from the reflection off the pool???s surface.

Chapter 1

Leaves rustled as the young golden tabby she-cat slid through a gap between two bushes, her jaw wide open to drink in the scent of prey. Though it was early greenleaf, the forest was alive with the scuffles of tiny creatures. Movements twitched endlessly at the edge of her vision, but when she turned her head, nothing was there except for thick clumps of fern and bramble, dappled with the light of Silverpelt.

The she-cat took a step forward and was instantly in a wide clearing. She looked around confused; she had never been to this part of the forest. Smooth-cropped grass, silver in the cold wash of starlight, stretched in front of her. She followed it with her eyes and stepped back in surprise as she looked up into the eyes of another cat. This cat was a glimmering tom with a flamed-colored pelt.

???W-who are you???? She stammered to get out. ???And where am I? I don???t remember this being part of the forest.???

???I am Firestar, once leader of ThunderClan. And this is a dream. That is why you don???t recognize the surroundings.??? Firestar meowed.

???ThunderClan? What are you talking about? There is no such clan! There are only three clans in this forest. WindClan, ShadowClan, and RiverClan!???

???The ones of Thunder???s blood will rebuild the broken. Find your clan mates, Sunpelt, and help rebuild ThunderClan to its formal glory!??? The flamed-colored cat???s glittering form started to fade. ???Find them!???

???Wait! What are you talking about? I???m a ShadowClan cat! Please explain!??? Sunpelt yowled. ???Please!???

A paw prodded her in the side. Appleblossom, the clan deputy was standing, was standing over her with a raised paw, ready to poke her again. She had been thrashing around in her moss bed and looked around confused.

???What was with all that yowling? You???ll scare off the prey from here to fourtrees! Is something wrong???? Appleblossom meowed.

???Sorry! I was just dreaming!??? Sunpelt scrambled up from her bed of moss and began picking it off.

???Dreaming!??? A new voice grunted.

Sunpelt turned her head to see a dark gray tom. ???Do you have a problem with my dreaming Rainstorm? If so, I???m sorry but you will have to live with it. I can???t control when I dream and when I don???t.???

Rainstorm snorted. ??? I don???t have a problem with you dreaming as long as I can still get a decent night???s sleep and you aren???t late for hunting patrol and it looks like your late for one now.??? He started to turn around and leave the den but turned his head and meowed ???Hurry up or we will leave without you.??? Then he padded out.

???Who died and made him deputy???? Sunpelt muttered. ???The bossy furball. Bye Appleblossom.??? Then she turned and followed Rainstorm out.

???We are taking Whitestream???s apprentice, Gingerpaw, with us.??? Rainstorm meowed as soon as he saw Sunpelt emerge from the den. ???She???s waiting by the entrance, let???s go.???

The forest was alive with the sound and scent of prey. Sunpelt opened her jaw slightly to let the warm scents of the forest reach her scent glands. She caught the scent of a rabbit and initiatively crouched down. She stalked the rabbit and pounced. The rabbit tried to get away but was to late. Sunpelt had already taken its life away.

???Good kill!??? Gingerpaw meowed.

???Thanks. Why don???t you try now???? Sunpelt replied. Gingerpaw nodded enthusiastically and started to stalk a mouse. The young apprentice pounced and made the kill.

???Great job!??? Sunpelt smiled. ???You will make a great hunter when you are a warrior!??? Gingerpaw looked away embarrassed.

???Yes that was a good catch.??? Rainstorm meowed coming to stand by the apprentice. ???We???ve got plenty of prey. Let???s collect all of it and head back.??? The two she-cats nodded and Gingerpaw colleted the prey they had just caught. Rainstorm soon led the way to the other buried prey.

As they headed back to camp with a load of prey in each of their mouths, Rainstorm stopped.??? Listen. Something is following us.??? He meowed. Sunpelt and Gingerpaw both stopped.

???Oh no,??? Sunpelt meowed after putting her prey down and tasting the air. ???It???s a badger! Quick! Climb up a tree!???

???Too late!??? Gingerpaw meowed, staring at a large black creature with a white strip in the middle of its back.

Chapter 2

It was nearly sunhigh when the dawn patrol padded into the camp. Having nothing to report, the cats raced over to the fresh-kill pile. Soon they were settling down with their chosen piece of prey. All except one.

Featherstripe watched her clan mates with weary eyes. Having no sense of appetite, she stumbled into the warriors??? den where she curled up in her nest. She was just drifting into sleep when a small cough her open her eyes. She groaned when she saw who it was.

???What? What could you possibly want now? Are you sending me on another patrol? Perhaps hunting patrol now? I haven???t done one of those today.??? Featherstripe meowed irritably.

Stormywind ??? the clan deputy and the cat standing in front of Featherstripe- smirked. ???A little late to be sleeping isn???t it? It is nearly sunhigh after all.??? He meowed.

???I wouldn???t need to sleep if you didn???t make me go on dawn patrol after I guarded the camp last night! I haven???t slept since yesterday morning!??? She complained.

Stormywind put on an innocent expression. ???You didn???t have to go on patrol you know. You could have told me you were too tired.???

???I tried but you wouldn???t listen!??? The she-cat was whining now. ???Now let me get some sleep!???

???Fine.??? The deputy chuckled. ???But I expect you to join a hunting patrol this evening.??? He turned and left.

Featherstripe closed her eyes again and soon drifted into a peaceful sleep.

Featherstripe was racing over the moor, chasing a plump rabbit. She was getting ready to leap then stopped short. There were trees around her! She looked behind and the moorland had disappeared completely. Slowly, she continued forward.

It seemed the trees would continue forever but slowly, they became fewer and fewer. Soon there were no trees. Her steps were starting to falter now. She had never had a dream like this. She summoned up her courage and took another step forward and then another.

There were thorns and brambles around her now. It took her a moment to realize that she was in a tunnel. The thorns tugged at her fur and she struggled to get out. What she saw on the other side made her gasp. She was in a giant clearing with stone all around her! Everywhere she looked, the stone was there. And in the middle of the clearing, sat a cat.

???Come forward Featherstripe.??? The mysterious cat meowed. She could tell by his voice that it was a tom. As Featherstripe padded forward, the cat before her became clearer. He was a shaggy gray tom and had a darker gray stripe on his spine. His wise yellow eyes made Featherstripe feel as though he could see straight into her.

???I am Graystripe,??? The tom meowed when Featherstripe opened her mouth. ???And I have a message from StarClan for you.???

???And what would that be???? Featherstripe meowed warily.

Graystripe laughed. ???No need to be so wary!??? He continued to chuckle for a few more heartbeats before growing serious. ???The ones of Thunder???s blood will rebuild the broken.??? He meowed finally.

???Thunder???s blood???? The she-cat meowed uncertainly. ???What does that mean????

???It means that you are have ThunderClan blood in you. You aren???t a WindClan cat.??? Graystripe meowed before a cloud covered the sky. When the cloud moved, Graystripe was gone, leaving Featherstripe to sit in the clearing and ponder his words.

The sun was bright in the Warriors den when Featherstripe awoke. She longed to lie in the den and think about what she had been told but she could tell that it was almost sunhigh. She got up just to leave just as the deputy came in.

???Good. You???re up! I was about to tell you that I don???t need you for that hunting patrol after all.??? Stormywind meowed. ???But you will be on one tomorrow.??? He warned before leaving.

Featherstripe watched him leave then curled up in a tight ball, willing herself to fall asleep and learn more about her prophecy.

16 years, 2 months & 24 days ago
12th Jul 2008 10:16

If you ask someone if they're a compulsive liar and they answer yes, should you believe them?

If a person with multiple personalities threatens suicide, is that a hostage situation?

If psychics know the winning lottery numbers why are they still working?

Practice makes perfect but no one is perfect so why practice?

If toast always lands butter-side down, and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat and drop it?

Isn't it scary to know what doctors do for a living is called "practice"?

How do you throw away a trash can?

If a word in the dictionary were misspelled, how would we know?

What is a free gift? Aren't all gifts free?

Since history never stops, when does the future begin?

The statement below is True. The statement above is False. Which statement is correct?

Have you ever noticed anyone going slower than you is an idiot and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?

If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people happy?

But I ask, if I think not, am I not? I think not. Don't you think?

  1. Thunderclans Return
    23rd Aug 2008 21:59
    16 years, 1 month & 11 days ago
  2. Questions
    12th Jul 2008 10:16
    16 years, 2 months & 24 days ago