/QUIT: giving some
12 years, 11 months & 29 days ago
27th Dec 2011 15:00 Mainly for my friends: Too much on my plate right now. Starting the new year fresh :] Just wanted to be on for christmas to give presents to my friends (: Might come back, might not, so keeping some stuff and giving some away.
please don't ask for mp. I already spent it all on christmas presents. keeping the little mp/rp/bp i have.
]I think I'm done giving away pets for now. But if I forgot a good friend, please post. :] Or if you have a really good reason and I???m feeling generous...but no guarantees. I've already parted with my favorites. :s Given a lot of my gallery and shop already, but if I forgot a friend, please post D: Acquaintance? Still post: I have some nice things in my shop I could send over. I'll try to do some last explorer quests and see if he's nice to me. p:
and if you barely know me I'll give you some stuff from shop or attic (: Already gave all my crystals and diamonds though.
Disclaimer: I'm sorry if you don't get anything big or anything you like. :[
note to self: pets given (for me to remember in case I come back and wanna see. I'm not trying to brag, but I'll forget otherwise >_<
Austin Green rofling
Kayla Ice fairy Yuni
Lacey Earthfairy figaro
Julie Angel Chibs